Interstellar Rare Species

Chapter 57: solve


Roald's cold face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, stroking the ink that had been rubbing against him.

"Is there a way to clear it?"

Kona: "Yes," he glanced at Mo Mo, "but I suggest giving him a palliative first, he's about to lose control."

Mo Mo rested his head on Roald's arm. Hearing this, he immediately flapped his wings, shook his head from side to side, turned his back to Kona, and squeezed against Roald.

Gu Yu slowed down his breathing and typed: "Momo doesn't want to use a demulcent."

Roald stroked the feathers on Mo Mo's back comfortingly: "I will take you home without any palliative."

Mo Mo fell silent for a moment.

After Gu Yu helped Mo Mo express his intentions, he continued typing, raised his head and looked at Sano with worried eyes: "Osen is injured, at the door of the dormitory."

Sano lowered his head and kissed his nose: "Don't worry, someone will take care of it."

Gu Yu tilted his head and rubbed against his face, then curled up in his arms.

He ran with Momo for a long time, and it was the first time he ran like this after he became a little white tiger. His heartbeat has not calmed down until now, and his limbs are very tired.

Sai Nuo hugged him distressedly, with warm palms on his side: "Hey, it's all right, take a rest."

Gu Yu let out a soft hum in his throat, and turned his head to look at Mo Mo.

Kona is injecting Momo with medicine: "It will turn into a human form in a while. His state is a bit wrong. The glandular hormone is too strong, which does not meet the state of early estrus."

"When his estrus is over, I'll give him a full body check."

Roald nodded: "Thank you."

Kona put away the syringe and took out two nutritional supplements: "You will need it, remember to replenish water for him."

Roald took it, put it away, and Mo Mo turned into a human form.

Mo Mo's face was blushing, his eyes were stained with mist, and his hands immediately wrapped around Roald's neck.

Gu Yu turned his head in embarrassment.

The shuttle stopped directly at Roald's apartment. The moment it stopped, Roald quickly got off the shuttle with Momo in his arms and entered the apartment.

The driver's face was flushed and he was sweating profusely. Sai Nuo glanced at him, got off the shuttle, and hurried home with the little white tiger in his arms.

Kona followed behind him, and checked for Gu Yu as soon as he entered the living room.

He frowned: "Intensive exercise caused fatigue. Fortunately, he is in good physical condition and the baby is not stimulated. He is exhausted now. Let him drink a bottle of nutritional supplements and take a good rest."

Sai Nuo hummed, and Dayuan quickly delivered a nutritional supplement specially prepared for Gu Yu, packed in a baby bottle.

Senuo fed Gu Yu gently, Gu Yu raised his eyelids, and finished drinking obediently.

With some strength in his body, he looked up at Sano, then at Kona, and typed: "The stimulant was given by a nurse. He may still be at school, it's very dangerous."

Sai Nuo opened the information panel and glanced at it: "The surveillance in front of the dormitory building failed when the incident happened, and the scene at that time was not recorded."

A cold look flashed across his eyes: "The males present were distracted by the double stimulation of stimulants and estrous gland hormones. At that time, the nurses were wearing masks, and they could not provide accurate appearance characteristics."

Kona's face was very ugly: "This is my negligence. The school has recruited many new nurses in the past two months, and they were sneaked into the school."

Gu Yu typed: "I can recognize him, his hair is flaxen, I can recognize him whenever I see him."

Kona's eyes lit up: "That's great," he looked at Gu Yu, "Are you not affected by the stimulant?"

Gu Yu did smell that bad smell, but he didn't feel anything, he shook his head.

Kona pondered: "It may have something to do with your original animal form."

Sano expanded the light curtain, and there were many guards in the light curtain, all of whom were present before, and were being questioned by the military department.

"which one?"

Gu Yu frowned after sweeping his gaze: "Are they all here?"

Sano: "Orson and the other one are not here. They were injected with mysteries and sent to the hospital."

Gu Yu quickly pressed his paws on the virtual keyboard: "When Mo Mo and I were running, only Orson was unconscious, and the other one is very suspicious."

Of course, it is also possible that the villain injured another caretaker before escaping.

Kona said: "Orson and the injured nurse are in the emergency department. The stimulant and the enigma are mixed together, which is very harmful to the body. If he is the murderer, he shouldn't have such a heavy hand."

At this time, Sano received a message, his face darkened.

He showed the message to the two of them: "The murderer's body was found on the west wall of the school and he blew himself up."

Gu Yu's eyes were wide open, looking at the bloody photo on the light curtain, he tilted his head and covered his mouth with his paw.

Senuo immediately closed the photo, stroking his back.

His face was very serious: "There are definitely accomplices."

Kona frowned: "It's dangerous to take extreme measures if things fail." He looked at Gu Yu, "What is he trying to do to you? Or is he trying to arrest you?"

Sai Nuo's eyes were cold: "The injection is above the man's hand."

Kona opened his eyes slightly: "I want Xiao Gu's blood," he said in a disgusted tone, "he is definitely an extreme researcher."

He couldn't help worrying: "I know this kind of person very well. This time, I guess they took advantage of the chaos to get blood. If they have the ability, they will take Xiao Gu away."

He stood up abruptly: "I immediately asked someone to re-examine all the nursing information. There are so many natural females in the school, it is dangerous."

Gu Yu couldn't help becoming nervous. At school, nurses are the most likely to hurt natural females.

He yelled at Kona and typed: "I want to see the real-time surveillance video of all the nurses."

He didn't know if it would be useful, but the negative favorability value of the nurse before gave him inspiration, maybe he could catch people through this method.

Connor hesitated for a moment, thinking that he suspected that the murderer hadn't been caught.

After thinking about it, he thought it was possible, maybe it was a diversion of attention, so he nodded: "Okay, I will share it with you later."

After Kona left, Gu Yu typed and looked up at Sano: "I want to see Orson, he was injured to save me."

He blamed himself and was worried.

Senuo rubbed his head: "You have to rest now."

Gu Yu shook his head, because Orson was injured and didn't know about Orson's condition, how could he sleep

Sai Nuo hugged him and got up and walked to the bedroom: "He is receiving treatment now, and you won't see him even if you go to the hospital. Can you monitor him?"

Gu Yu knew that what Senuo said made sense, so he nodded.

Back in the bedroom, Sa Nuo hugged Gu Yu and sat on the sofa. The light curtain in front of them was the scene in the hospital ward.

The golden retriever is lying quietly on the bed, a nurse is injecting him with medicine, and the doctor is observing his body data.

Gu Yu stared at the doctor's expression, seeing his calm expression, felt a little relieved.

Sai Nuo gently followed his back: "The treatment was timely. Now the medical technology is very high, and all the medicines are formulated, so there will be no problem."

Gu Yu nodded and thought for a while: "Can I see another nurse?"

He still felt suspicious about the nurse, but at the same time he also thought of another possibility.

Maybe the caretaker was injured when he and Momo escaped to prevent the bad guys from chasing them.

He was in a hurry and flustered and failed to take into account all the details.

No matter what the possibility is, he wants to see the nurse.

Sai Nuo nodded, tapped his finger on the light curtain, and the screen quickly split into two, with the golden retriever on the left and the gray wolf on the right.

Seeing the gray wolf, Gu Yu subconsciously drew his paws inward, and slightly increased the force on Sanuo's feet.

The negative favorability value next to the gray wolf's brain is particularly obvious.

Gu Yu's heart beat wildly for a moment, and he soon realized what this meant.

The person who blew himself up was an innocent substitute, and the person who solved the substitute was most likely still in school.

His body tensed slightly. He had seen many real things since he was a child, all kinds of disgusting and troublesome things.

Those things may have involved breaking the law, but never involving human life.

Sano immediately found out that his reaction was wrong: "Is there something wrong with him? Or is he not feeling well?"

Gu Yu came back to his senses, typing with trembling paws: "He is the murderer."

Senuo was surprised, and then his eyes turned cold. He gently squeezed Gu Yu's paw: "Don't be afraid, he can't escape."

Sano quickly gave the order, and in a short while, soldiers from the military department firmly guarded the ward. After the doctor injected the medicine, all the belongings on Gray Wolf's body were taken away by the soldiers.

The doctor watched them take down the black wolf terminal in shock: "You can't do this, it's illegal."

After the soldier showed the relevant documents, the doctor immediately shut up and looked at Gray Wolf with guarded eyes.

The terminal is a citizen's ID card, worn with special technology, and cannot be forcibly removed, except for criminals who have committed serious crimes.

Depriving terminals in legal form is equivalent to depriving citizens of all rights.

This is a criminal!

Gu Yu's gaze shifted from the light curtain to Sano's body, and he rubbed his head against Sano, feeling very warm in his heart.

Sano didn't even ask too much, and believed him directly.

Ten minutes later, Kona shared with him the surveillance of the school guards.

The monitoring is divided into many squares, one for the infirmary in each dormitory, and there is also monitoring for the nurses in the teaching building.

Gu Yu expanded the light curtain to the size of the entire wall, and his eyes swept over the guards one by one.

After reading all of them, he saw a total of two nurses with negative favorability.

He pressed the operation panel, called up the monitoring where the two were, and shrunk the light curtain.

He raised his paw and nodded on the two, looked at Sano, and typed: "They may have a problem."

He didn't use a positive statement. Even if it was money, not everyone would like it. There might be other reasons for not liking him.

Surprise flashed in Senuo's eyes, and he passed the information of the two to the captain of the guard.

Gu Yu sent a message to Kona: "Is this all?"

Kona: "This is the first branch, the second branch and the association later."

It didn't take long for Gu Yu to see all the nurses of the Second Branch School and the association.

In the nursing video of the association, he saw another nurse with a negative favorability value.

After Sano made the arrangement, he looked down at him: "How did you recognize it?"

Gu Yu blinked, thought for a while, and typed: "I can feel that others don't like me."

He was a little embarrassed: "It's not that everyone has to like me. Caregivers are a special group of people, and they are very friendly to females."

Senuo: "You are so nice, people who don't like you are very problematic."

His tone was very natural, Gu Yu covered his face with his paws, and continued typing.

"I'm not that good. The three people just now may not be the murderer's accomplices, maybe it's for other reasons."

Sai Nuo carried him to the bathroom: "Okay, I'll make arrangements. Now I'll take a bath for you, so you can take a good rest."

Gu Yu buried his head in his chest, a little shy, but very obedient.

Sano bathed him more gently than ever before. He washed him fragrantly, dried his fur, and then put him on the soft bed, covered with a small blanket.

Gu Yu was already drowsy at this time, so Sai Nuo lowered his head and kissed him on the forehead: "Sleep, I'll call you if I need something."

Gu Yu closed his eyes in a relaxed manner, and fell asleep right away.

When he woke up, he was alone in the bedroom, the lights were dim, he looked out the window, it was very dark outside, it was already night.

He looked at the time, it was past eight o'clock, and he slept for more than three hours.

He rubbed his eyes, there was a slight vibration from the terminal, he opened it, it was a message from Xiaoqun.

Merlin and the others were talking about Mo Mo and him, and they were very worried.

Qiqi: "The marshal said that Yu is fine and is resting. The communication between Mo Mo and Roald has been shut down. I don't know how Mo Mo is."

Ciro: "Roald is with him, nothing will happen."

Merlin: "I'm still a little worried. Mo Mo's estrus is too sudden. My early estrus is quite gentle, except for the transformation."

He added another sentence: "Could it be because I'm not married?"

Ciro: "Probably not."

Gu Yu lay on the bed and typed: "I just woke up, I'm fine."

The three of them showed happy expressions at the same time, and comforted him again.

Merlin: "I'm so angry, if I were here, I would definitely bite off that man's leg!"

Qiqi: "Many students are very scared!"

Xi Luo: "It's okay, it will be fine soon, the school's equipment is still not perfect, and it will be safer after this accident."

Knowing that Gu Yu hadn't had dinner yet, several people hurriedly urged him to eat without continuing to chat.

Gu Yu turned off the terminal, and Sai Nuo entered the bedroom.

Senuo caressed Gu Yu's back: "Have you rested?"

Gu Yu nodded.

Sano picked him up, cleaned him up briefly, and carried him downstairs for dinner.

Gu Yu typed: "When I sleep from now on, you eat first."

Sino smiled: "I ate it before, now I will eat some with you."

Gu Yu's eyes were bent, and he opened his mouth to bite the piece of meat he had cut.

Sure enough, Sai Nuo only ate a little, so he concentrated on feeding Gu Yu, cutting the vegetables into small pieces with a knife, and feeding them one by one with a spoon.

He didn't use a fork, worrying about scratching the little white tiger.

After each bite, he waited until the little white tiger swallowed it before continuing to feed. After five mouthfuls, pick up the bottle with water and feed him water.

Gu Yu sat on the high stool next to Senuo, he didn't need to worry about anything, just opened his mouth.

Sai Nuo's expression was very gentle, and he was exceptionally patient, talking to Gu Yu while feeding him.

"Orson is fine, he has transformed into a human form, and he will be back after two days of recuperation."

"The gray wolf and the three guards you found are in the same group. Do you still remember the artificial female?"

Gu Yu nodded, and Sino continued: "Roald's task during this period is to find and clear the remaining experimental bases. They cleared them all yesterday, but the main researchers didn't catch them, so it was them."

Gu Yu opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Sai Nuo's eyes were slightly cold: "They make money through artificial females and do research on natural females. The bases were copied everywhere, and after hearing about you, they think you are a very suitable research body."

"They have no way to get to the villa, so they are scattered where you may appear."

Gu Yu was stunned, no wonder there is no one in the second branch school.

Merlin and the others are both in the first branch school, if he goes to school, he will only go to the first branch school.

If he sees a doctor or sees a beast female, he will go to the association.

Sai Nuo picked the fishbone away and fed him a spoonful: "They have strong professional skills, and they have ordinary identities as a cover, so they successfully took care of them."

"It's okay if you don't doubt it. After doubting, there will be a lot of lies."

He rubbed his thumb against the side of Gu Yu's face: "Don't worry, Kona has re-established the nursing process, and those whose whereabouts are uncertain and who don't have a definite life trajectory will not be hired."

After eating together, Sai Nuo took Gu Yu for a walk in the garden.

The night was extremely quiet, and the moonlight was also very gentle. The two of them didn't speak, but were very close to each other.

After going back to his room to wash, Sano asked about his situation at school.

Gu Yu typed slowly, and Sa Nuo was not in a hurry. Seeing him happily talking about the school and interesting classmates, he hugged him and kissed him.

"Tell me what you want to do in the future."

If it wasn't for the kid who offered to go to school this time, he wouldn't have thought of it.

He lowered his voice: "You don't have to think too much, you can do whatever you want."

The little friend is so obedient, he always doesn't want to cause him any trouble, the more he is like this, the more he loves him.

Gu Yu nodded, he is very satisfied with his life now.

Although there was a little accident, fortunately nothing happened, and all hidden dangers were ruled out.

He rested at home for the day before returning to school.

Momo also got in touch, but he hasn't passed his estrus yet, so he can't go to school yet.

Five days later, Gu Yu saw Mo Mo again. Mo Mo seemed to be in good spirits, apparently having rested.

Mo Mo looked at Gu Yu with a face full of self-blame: "I'm sorry."

If he had taken the palliative directly at that time, maybe nothing would have happened.

He didn't expect an accident, he just didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Gu Yu typed to comfort her: "It's okay, no one knows that there will be an accident. In fact, this is also a good thing, otherwise it will be even more dangerous when they plan it."

As he spoke, he saw Mo Mo's eyes were red, and his paws lightly pressed on Sano's arm.

Sai Nuo nodded in agreement: "Because you suddenly entered the estrus period, they made up their minds temporarily, otherwise they wouldn't be exposed/exposed, which is a good thing."

Thinking about it, he was still a little apprehensive. He almost succeeded on a whim. If it was planned well, the consequences would be even more serious.

This accident is indeed a good thing.

Hearing what Sai Nuo said, Mo Mo felt a little relieved, but he still blamed himself a little. When he and Gu Yu were alone at school, he explained his situation to Gu Yu in a low voice.

Gu Yu hugged his arm distressedly, thought for a while and typed: "Where's your father?"

Mo Mo's expression was complicated for a moment, and he smiled again: "He left."

Gu Yu didn't ask any more questions, his eyes were bent.

Regardless of the process, the result is always good.

The time to go to school passed quickly, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

It's the weekend and the school is on holiday.

The little white tiger was lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully and soundly.

Senuo glanced at the time and frowned slightly. The kid was already awake at this time.

He changed his clothes and contacted Orson to check on Gu Yu.

Orson recovered early without any sequelae.

Orson looked at the test results: "The pregnancy is almost one month old, and all his statistics have stabilized. Now he is accumulating energy, and he will be able to transform into a human form in two days."

Seeing that Sano was worried, he smiled: "Don't worry, more rest is good for his health. I will prepare nutrients for him."

Senuo's expression was slightly relaxed, and he nodded his thanks.

Orson leaves the bedroom.

Sa Nuo squatted beside the bed, lightly covering the little white tiger's fluffy head with his palms, and stared at the little friend for a while.

After thinking about it, he sent a message to the adjutant, not going to the military headquarters today.

Gu Yu felt like soaking in warm water, his whole body was lazy, but the temperature gradually rose, and his body became hot and dry.

He hummed uncomfortably, his head in a daze.

After an unknown amount of time, the heat from his body dissipated, but his body was sticky and uncomfortable.

He moved slightly, and when he turned his head, he smelled a familiar scent that reassured him, and then he felt a very gentle feeling on his body.

He opened his eyes, swept his gaze, was slightly startled for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

He's turned into a human! Nothing is on!

The soft feeling just now came from Sano covering him with a thin blanket.

He blushed uncontrollably and shrank into the blanket.

Sai Nuo looked down at him, put his palm on his forehead, and said in a hoarse voice, "Is there any discomfort?"

Gu Yu blinked, looked at Senuo, hesitated for a moment, and whispered, "I want to take a bath."

He pinched the edge of the blanket with his fingers and added, "I'll go by myself."

Sano brushed the end of his eyes with his fingers, kissed him on the lips, and hugged him horizontally: "Why are you still shy? Didn't I wash it for you these days?"

Even the roots of Gu Yu's ears were red, and his face was buried in his shoulder: "It's different, I was a little white tiger before."

Sai Nuo laughed: "In my opinion, it's all you. If you feel uncomfortable, can you change back?"

Gu Yu also felt that it made sense, thinking about the transformation in his head, his head throbbed and his body became hot.

He immediately let go of his thoughts, bit his lips and said, "No."

Annoyance flashed in Sanuo's eyes, and he kissed him on the forehead: "Don't worry, let Orson take a look at it later, it's fine like this."

He put Gu Yu into the warm water, Gu Yu stretched out his hand to push his shoulder, but found that there was no strength in his hand at all.

Sano grabbed his finger and kissed his fingertips: "Transformation consumes a lot of energy, don't move."

Gu Yu's flushed face was washed clean by Sano.

His face was still flushed red until he put on his pajamas and tucked them into the new blanket.

Senuo hugged him across the blanket, liking him more and more, pecking lightly on his face.

The little white tiger is very cute, but in terms of kissing in human form, the little white tiger's kiss is full of hair.

Gu Yu obediently let him kiss him, and he felt that Sano liked touching him more than before. He had felt it when he was a little white tiger before, and now he feels it even more deeply.

He thought about it for a while, and it was very understandable. He hadn't turned into a human form for almost a month.

Sano kissed him for a while, afraid to kiss again, rubbed against the side of his neck, got up and called Orson.

After the inspection, Orson said: "According to the information obtained by the palace, Xiao Gu's condition is normal. When he first obtained the partner ability, he put too much pressure on his body, and he will protect himself and turn into a cub."

"After the physical fitness is improved, it will transform into a human form. The physical fitness of the human form will continue to improve. When the body's endurance is sufficient, it can become an adult animal form."

He reminded: "Don't forcibly transform into a beast shape. The self-preservation mode is only available when transforming for the first time. Forced transformation into a human form later will cause damage to the body."

Gu Yu thought about the feeling of trying to transform just now, and nodded: "Well, I will remember."

This is not difficult for him. He is a human being, so he doesn't think about it specially, and he usually doesn't want to change into a beast.

Orson said: "Dinner is ready, you can rest after eating."

Only then did Gu Yu realize that it was already night, and he had slept for more than ten hours in one sleep.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭? ~See you tomorrow~~?

ah! When I corrected the typo, I changed it to directly published _(:3∠)_ my neat 12:00! ! ! Cry dizzy o(╥﹏╥)o

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who voted [Land Mine]: 3 Long Dim Sum; 1 Cool Turtle, Flying Girl Pig, and Wu Tong;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Yinxiyan 50 bottles; Afan o_o, 2 bottles of Sunset Sound; Feifei, my taste is very heavy, lemonlemon, drifting ing15, babo 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!