Interstellar Rare Species

Chapter 58: animal pattern


It took almost all of Gu Yu's strength to transform into a human form. He is in good spirits, but his hands and feet are weak.

Sano changed his clothes and carried him downstairs for dinner.

The first half of his first meal back to human form was the same as that of the little white tiger, it was all fed by Sano, except that he didn't need a bottle to drink water.

He regained some strength in the second half of the meal, and ate with a spoon by himself, while Sano put the processed food into his bowl.

He ate slowly, chewing each bite many times, his cheeks bulging, and his expression relaxed.

It is more comfortable to eat by oneself, and the human form is much more convenient than the animal form.

He was chewing the fish balls that Sanuo put in his bowl, seeing that Sanuo was going to continue serving vegetables, he covered the mouth of the bowl with his left hand and shook his head.

"No more," he added after swallowing the food in his mouth, "very full."

Sai Nuo retracted his chopsticks, reached out and wiped his side face lightly: "You eat very little, you are too thin."

Gu Yu: "It's a lot, you can't become fat with one mouthful."

He pinched his side waist and pulled out a little flesh: "I'm fatter than before."

After coming to Yaohuixing, apart from not eating well in the first two days, he lived a very nourishing life after that, the diet was nutritious and delicious, and he was already ten catties heavier than when he first came. "

Sano poked at the meat he was pinching, and said with a smile: "It's not easy for you to find this meat."

Gu Yu bent down swishingly in the opposite direction, the itch on his waist made him couldn't help laughing out loud.

It's okay for him to touch his waist, but it's not okay for others to touch it, especially a light poke like Sano's, it's too itchy.

Sai Nuo looked at him, the boy's eyebrows were curved, and his black eyes shone against the light, clear and clean.

There was also a smile in his eyes, rubbed his waist, and poured him a glass of water: "I won't eat when I'm full. Do you want to go out for a walk? Or go back to the bedroom?"

Gu Yu: "Walking to digest food."

Now his strength has recovered a lot, and he can walk without problem.

After drinking two sips of water, he went for a walk in the garden with Sano.

The garden was very quiet, with Sai Nuo holding his waist, the two walked slowly, the atmosphere was very warm.

Because of her pregnancy, Gu Yu's breath was very soft, and Sano couldn't help sniffing at the side of his neck, with a very relaxed expression.

Gu Yu shrank his neck, his face flushed slightly.

Sai Nuo kissed his ear lightly, stopped making trouble with him, and discussed with him: "You don't want to go to school tomorrow, and rest at home for a few days?"

Gu Yu knew that he was worried about his body, so he subconsciously touched his lower abdomen: "Okay."

He thought for a while: "After my body fully recovers, I want to go to school in the morning and help transform the beast female in the afternoon."

Most of the school's main courses are in the morning, and most of the afternoons are elective courses.

His morning class is almost enough. In the afternoon, he usually exercises his body and stage sense in the apartment, which can be moved to the evening.

In the afternoon, he helped transform the beast females, and he happened to practice vocal music.

Sai Nuo: "Yes, after each batch ends, stop for two days."

Gu Yu smiled: "It doesn't matter, I also want to practice at home, in fact, I just changed places."

"It does matter," Sano said seriously, "You can pose freely at home, you don't need to think about the length of time, and you can rest whenever you're tired. It's different when you help them transform."

The corners of Gu Yu's mouth turned up slightly, he felt Senuo's concern, and his heart was very warm.

He nodded: "Okay, as you said."

Sa Nuo was very satisfied, he bowed his head and kissed him on the side of his cheek, the little friend is so obedient.

It was when Gu Yu was sleeping at night that he turned into a human form. Sano didn't want to trouble him, but couldn't help but kiss him.

Thinking of something suddenly, Sano paused, his voice hoarse: "Hey, lie down, I want to see your animal pattern."

Gu Yu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he lay on his stomach very obediently, letting Senuo pull down his clothes.

He himself was curious, did he really have animal patterns on his body? What will it be like

According to the legend, would it be a white tiger like Sano? He suddenly remembered the images of some bosses in modern movies, and was slightly embarrassed.

He supported the bed with both hands, lifted his upper body slightly, and turned his head to look back.

His back is fair-skinned with nothing on it.

Gu Yu was taken aback, was the legend false: "No?"

Sano put his hands between the butterfly bones: "Yes, I have seen it."

He recalled the information about the son of the beast god in the palace, lifted Gu Yu's chin, lowered his head and kissed it.

Gu Yu murmured, his face gradually turned red, and his body temperature gradually increased.

After a while, Sano let go of him, stroking his back with his fingers, his eyes darkened: "It appeared."

Gu Yu came back to his senses and turned his head. He could only see part of it, but couldn't see the whole thing clearly.

Sai Nuo opened the terminal and took a picture for him to see.

When Gu Yu saw the ferocious white tiger, he was startled, and couldn't help sighing: "It's very cool."

He remembered the first time he saw the Sanuo beast shape, he was trembling with fright, but now seeing the roaring white tiger, he was not afraid at all, on the contrary he could appreciate it.

Because of his praise, Sanuo's eyes darkened, he took a deep breath, rubbed against his neck, and jumped out of bed: "You go to bed first."

The little friend had just turned into a human form, so he had to rest for at least two days.

Gu Yu was stunned for a moment, but quickly understood, put on his clothes with a flushed face, and curled up in the thin blanket, hearing the sound of splashing water all over his ears.

Sano pressed his hands against the wall, and the water poured down on him, and he suddenly clenched his fists.

The little friend is pregnant!

Can I do it while pregnant

You have to ask Orson in private, and avoid the children, otherwise the children will be shy.

When Gu Yu woke up the next morning, he felt refreshed and his body was full of strength. He clearly felt that his physique had improved.

After washing up, he and Sano went downstairs to have breakfast together.

After breakfast, Sino was going to the military headquarters, and just as he was telling Gu Yu his instructions, Kona came.

Kona sat down on the sofa and looked at Gu Yu: "Great, you look very good."

Gu Yu smiled: "Well, I feel good."

Sai Nuo explained Gu Yu's future plans, and Kona nodded: "This arrangement is very reasonable. Xiao Gu is pregnant now, so it's time to relax."

After he finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment, looked at Sano, and asked, "Marshal, how did you find out those problematic nurses?"

Senuo raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Kona continued: "I'm curious. I went to see the head of the artificial female laboratory yesterday. He is a very powerful researcher."

"He only asked me one question, how did he find them. He told me that they handled the identity process very rigorously, without revealing any flaws."

"On the day of Momo's accident, even if he was exposed, he was the only one, and the rest of them have no suspicion."

Kona looked serious: "The number of natural females continues to increase, and the association has to continue to recruit caretakers."

"The current recruitment process is very rigorous, but it does not rule out that some people can get through, or those who meet the qualifications have incorrect ideas."

He said with his eyes shining slightly: "If the military department has a special way to find people with malicious intentions, I hope to know this way to ensure the safety of natural females."

Nursing is really important, they are the closest people to the natural females, if someone gets in, it will be a huge harm to the natural females.

Sai Nuo looked calm and said: "There is no special method, as long as you do something, it will leave traces, there is no flaw, it's just what he thinks."

Kona frowned and thought for a while: "I heard from him that he is indeed very rigorous."

Sai Nuo: "President, I can find out, but I know more information than you, such as Fritsch."

Kona thought about it for a while, and realized that Fritsch had cooperated with the artificial female manufacturer for many years, so there must have been contact.

He glanced at Gu Yu. At first he suspected that it was related to Gu Yu, but he thought it was impossible, so he asked Sano first.

Seno's answer makes sense.

He didn't ask again, a little regretful: "I'll contact a psychological expert later to see if it's okay to add a psychological test to the recruitment process."

Sai Nuo: "If any suspicious person is found, the military department will take action."

As he spoke, he leaned over and kissed Gu Yu's forehead: "Contact me if you have anything to do."

Gu Yu nodded with a reddish face.

Sai Nuo looked at Kona, and Kona said: "I'll check Xiao Gu's body, and I have something to ask him."

Sai Nuo nodded: "The result will be passed on to me later."

He wasted a lot of time, and he would be late no matter how late he was, he left the villa without saying anything more.

After Kona checked Gu Yu, he recorded the data, and then analyzed the latest data with Orson.

There was a smile on Kona's face, and his eyes shone slightly when he saw Gu Yu: "Your body is much better than before, the son of the beast god is really amazing."

Gu Yu pursed his lips and smiled, he also felt that his current body was quite miraculous.

Kona: "You can exercise properly. Your data has not been completely stabilized and is still rising, and your physique will become better."

Gu Yu nodded, his eyes brightened.

His body was too weak before, and he hoped to be as strong and strong as Sano.

Kona turned off the data interface, opened a folder, and expanded the light curtain: "There is one more thing that needs your help."

He said, and clicked on the 'trailer' file in the folder.

In an instant, a scene of several warships fighting in a melee appeared on the light curtain. Suddenly, one battleship exploded, the others scattered, and the lifeboats ejected.

The view moves with a battleship and lifeboats, and the scene shifts to a very beautiful planet.

Blue sky and white clouds, surrounded by green trees, jingling streams, colorful flowers can be seen everywhere, like a paradise.

The officer in the lifeboat woke up, and the moment he opened his eyes, the scene began to change rapidly.

The scenes of him meeting, getting along, leaving, and reuniting with a very beautiful natural female are flashed quickly.

Every frame of the picture is exceptionally beautiful, the scenery is beautiful, the protagonist's face value is beyond the mark, and the battle and intimate scenes all seem real.

The entire video is only about two minutes long, and at the end, the officer stays in the woods and sees the first sight of a natural female.

The natural female is taking a bath in the pool, tilting her head to touch the water, her side face is exquisite, her eyelashes are long, and the water is crystal clear at her fingertips.

Her black hair was wet and stuck to her back, her shoulders were exposed, and her white skin seemed to be glowing.

The picture is very beautiful, pure and charming. Finally, four words flashed in the middle of the screen: Sweet Love.

Gu Yu immediately understood: "Has the film been filmed?"

Kona nodded: "Post-processing is in progress, and it will be released within a month. The theme song has not yet been determined."

He looked serious: "I still think it's best for you to sing the theme song, your music is great."

Gu Yu clenched his fingers, feeling a little excited. When Kona mentioned it for the first time, he was not confident and dared not agree.

But now, he wanted to give it a try.

He has learned theoretical knowledge for a long time, and he is also practicing vocal music during this time. He thinks he can do it.

If he was asked to compose it himself, he might still hesitate, but now that he has thought of a suitable song, he doesn't have to be nervous about composing it, he just needs to sing it well.

This is a lot less stressful for him.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭? ~ There is another chapter at 18:00 in the afternoon, see you in the afternoon~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who voted [Mine]: I am the liver of an African Onmyoji, and one piece of Wutong;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

5 bottles of Rumeng; 2 bottles of slyviaaaaa; 1 bottle of Afan o_o, Sunset Sound, babo, victorique, drifting ing15, my taste is very heavy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!