Interstellar Rare Species

Chapter 61: celebration


Mo Mo's face turned pale, he took the water from Gu Yu, rinsed his mouth, wiped his mouth with paper, raised his lips and smiled: "I'm fine."

When his eyes fell on the piece of meat, he couldn't help turning his head and retching again.

The moment he vomited, Roald on the second floor stood up and looked at Guy: "Is there a doctor?"

Guy got up and walked out: "Yes, I'll contact you now."

The rest also got up and went downstairs.

Momo also realized why his reaction was this time, and reached out to push the plate: "I'm sorry, I don't know why, I feel uncomfortable seeing the meat."

Merlin quickly put his dinner plate in the farthest position, and put his own in the farthest place, blaming himself, "It must be because I didn't bake it well."

Mo Mo regained his strength: "It has nothing to do with you."

"Mo Mo," Roald walked over quickly, Gu Yu and the others stepped aside, Roald looked down at Mo Mo, "What's uncomfortable?"

Mo Mo shook his head: "Why are you here?"

Qiqi took Qin Sheng's arm: "A Sheng, didn't you go back?"

Sai Nuo walked to Gu Yu's seat, picked up the chicken wings and gnawed on them, raised his eyebrows at Gu Yu, and gave him a thumbs up.

Guy: "This is the family doctor, let him show Momo."

Momo wanted to say no trouble, but Roald had already nodded.

The doctor smiled reassuringly at Mo Mo: "It's okay, if you are sick, you will be treated, and if you are not sick, don't worry."

Momo sat, and the doctor examined him.

The rest of the people looked at the doctor, observing his expression.

The doctor looked at the result, his brows twitched suddenly, his expression became excited, just when everyone thought he was going to tell the result, he paused and started to re-examine.

Everyone present couldn't help becoming nervous. If nothing happened, they wouldn't check again.

Mo Mo looked at the doctor: "What's wrong with me?"

The doctor carefully looked at the results of the two examinations, and said in a high tone, "You are pregnant! Oh, my God, I personally diagnosed a pregnant natural female!"

Mo Mo was stunned for a moment, Roald's cold face was blank for a moment, and the next moment he carefully embraced Mo Mo and kissed him lightly on his dark green hair.

"He just vomited, is he sick?" Roald's voice was rarely tense.

The doctor asked about the specific situation, and then smiled: "He is in good health. Morning sickness during pregnancy is a normal reaction. Pregnant women have different constitutions and different reactions."

Mo Mo looked at his abdomen and grabbed Roald's hand. Because he was so surprised, it was a bit like a dream. He looked at the doctor: "Really?"

Doctor: "Yes, I'm sure."

Qiqi shouted happily: "That's great, congratulations Momo!"

The rest of the people congratulated, Momo and Roald were very happy.

The doctor said the precautions and left. The males stayed in the garden. The females ate and chatted while eating what they baked. The males started to grill.

After eating barbecue, the group watched a movie together again, and then went home separately.

Not long after Momo and Roald returned home, Momo's exclusive nurse arrived.

Gu Yu returned to the villa, silently wrote down the music to be performed at the celebration, and then distributed it to the four of Mei Lin.

After receiving the tune, the four of them practiced the tune at home every day. Two days before the celebration, when the teacher asked about the performance program, Gu Yu filled in the names of the five people and performed the song "Friends".

That night, the five of them gathered at Villa Sino to practice coordination.

The five of them didn't care about the perfect combination of musical instruments. They knew few musical instruments, so they couldn't be perfect, so they had to try their best to arrange them.

In their view, the main thing is that they perform together.

This was the first time they heard Gu Yu sing "Friends". After hearing the lyrics, everyone's glasses brightened.

Kiki: "This song is great!"

The rest of the people also nodded and praised.

Gu Yu smiled: "It's a song from my hometown, very popular."

After practicing for two consecutive nights, on the third day, the female school's third quarter holiday celebration began.

The ceremony was held in the auditorium and officially started at nine o'clock in the morning.

Many school celebrations start in the evening, but female schools deliberately hold them in the morning for the safety of natural females.

In addition to female school students, there are also female family members who participated. Only relatives who have been authenticated before are allowed to participate.

The size of the auditorium is very large. When Gu Yu and Sa Nuo sat down in the front row, they couldn't help feeling nervous and clenched their fingers tightly.

Although it is not a very formal occasion, but the formation is very large, and the number of participants is comparable to a large-scale concert.

Merlin sat on his left and leaned his head closer: "What should I do, I'm actually shaking a little."

Merlin is usually courageous and rarely gets nervous.

After hearing this, Gu Yu felt less nervous, and smiled at him: "It's okay, the five of us are together, don't be afraid."

As expected, Merlin calmed down and looked towards the stage: "Siro said that there are thirty-six programs in total, and our program is on the twentieth. After the fifteenth program, we have to go backstage to prepare."

Gu Yu: "Yes."

After the celebration started, the auditorium was dimly lit, and the lights gathered on the stage. Xi Luo walked out calmly in a white suit.

He is the main host of the celebration, responsible for the opening and the first twelve performances, followed by two hosts to replace him.

Xi Luo has a calm demeanor, and his opening speech is very fluent, and there is a very standard smile on his usually expressionless face.

"Next, please enjoy the first program, the chorus, which is performed by the whole class of five."

Xi Luo retreated backstage, more than 30 natural females in uniform uniforms were neatly arranged on the stage, and the few in the front row were obviously a little nervous.

Of the first five programs, three are choruses and two are group recitations.

Gu Yu couldn't help but look to the side. The audience was very serious and applauded very vigorously, especially the family members, who looked extremely excited.

"We're in our class." During the fifteenth program, Merlin tugged on Gu Yu's sleeve excitedly.

Gu Yu looked towards the stage, where there was a row of vertical fire rings, a red-hot bird led the way, followed by various large beasts, black bears, lions, wolves, etc.

The firebird quickly flew over the continuous fire circle, and the animal-shaped females behind him jumped up and passed one by one.

The females move lightly, stretch their bodies during jumping, and their vigorous postures are full of strength and beauty.

The audience burst into applause, and Gu Yu applauded along with him, but couldn't help laughing.

This performance is really familiar to him in modern times.

Seeing his eyebrows and eyes crooked, Sano tilted his head and reminded in a low voice, "You can't play this now."

Gu Yu hummed: "I know, I can't transform into a beast yet."

"It can't be changed temporarily, it's dangerous."

Gu Yu laughed: "I know, I'm going backstage to prepare."

Sano squeezed his hand: "Come on, I'm looking forward to it."

Gu Yu smiled at him, and went backstage together with Mei Lin and Qi Qi Mo Mo who was beside Mei Lin.

They went directly to the preparation room where the performance costumes were placed, changed their clothes, and the makeup artist put on simple makeup.

The staff reminded them to get ready, they will be here soon.

Qiqi jumped up and down on the spot: "So nervous!"

Mo Mo smiled: "I asked Roald to help record the video, and I can keep it as a souvenir in the future."

Merlin: "I asked my brother to record it too!"

"Now, please enjoy the song performance "Friends", performing Xi Luo, Gu Yu, Mei Lin, Qi Qi, and Mo Mo."

After the host announced the curtain, the venue immediately burst into loud cheers.

These five people are very famous in the entire Star Alliance, and two of them are pregnant!

The stage lights dimmed, and the staff quickly put various musical instruments on the stage. When the lights were turned on again, five people had already appeared on the stage.

All five of them are very good-looking, wearing uniform white shirts and light-colored denim.

Everyone was wearing a tie that was the same color as their hair. The tie was loosely tied, and the collar of their shirts was not fully buttoned, revealing their white necks.

A little student-like, but also a little free and easy.

Ciro plucked the guitar and played the prelude.

The auditorium fell silent for a moment.

Gu Yu and Xi Luo looked at each other, smiled, opened their lips and sang, and the piano sounded at the same time, his voice was gentle and clean, mixed with the crisp sound of the piano, it was very beautiful.

At the climax/tide, all kinds of music are mixed, and the five people sing in unison.

It looked very lively and passionate.

"Friends walk together for a lifetime... In a word, a lifetime, a lifetime of love, a glass of wine."

In the middle part, the piano and the violin were playing together. Gu Yu walked up behind Kiki and hugged him. Kiki tilted his head and smiled at him, his eyes were slightly red.

Xi Luo put his arms around Merlin's shoulders and smiled at each other. Mo Mo, who was playing, tilted his head, and the five looked at each other and smiled.

At the end of the song, among the loud shouts, the five walked to the middle of the stage and smiled at the friends of the audience, then left the stage.

Gu Yu returned to the backstage, his heart was beating wildly, and a kind of excitement that he had never felt before haunted him, making him want to run on the street.

Merlin embraced him with one hand and Qiqi with the other, Qiqi hooked Momo's shoulder, Momo and Xiluo put their shoulders together, Xiluo and Gu Yu put their shoulders together, and the five embraced together.

"That's cool!" Merlin said.

Qiqi's eyes were red: "I don't know why, I feel like crying."

Ciro: "I understand why Herman likes the stage so much."

Mo Mo said softly: "We are friends for life."

Gu Yu laughed: "Well, forever."

A few people returned to the lounge, changed their clothes and went to the front desk.

Qiqi saw Qin Sheng and immediately hugged him: "Did you perform well?"

Qin Sheng put his arms around his waist: "It's great!"

As soon as Gu Yu sat down, his hand was held by Sanuo, and then Sanuo's low voice came from next to his ear: "Baby, your performance is very good."

Gu Yu's ears turned red, and his heart beat out of rhythm.

Sai Nuo seldom calls him that way, usually on the bed.

He suppressed his embarrassment, looked towards the stage, and whispered, "Thank you."

Senuo chuckled, squeezed his hand tightly, and stopped teasing him.

In the afternoon of the same day, the screen recording of the celebration was posted on the Internet. For safety reasons, the celebration prohibited live broadcasting, but the screen recording was not prohibited.

Netizens were very excited to see so many natural females for the first time.

The chorus of five people was even more heatedly discussed.

"Amazing! So moved by their friendship!"

"They are all excellent. It's amazing that they learned to play an instrument so quickly."

"Unfortunate, four of the five are married, I decided to pursue Merlin from today on."

"Go away, Merlin won't look at you, Merlin, I love you!"

Merlin posted a speechless expression in the group: "My brother has been fighting with people all afternoon, and my grandfather won't let me go out!"

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭? ~See you tomorrow~~

Merlin: I want to hit someone╭(╯^╰)╮Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: 1 tortoise enjoying the cool;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Afan o_o, Zhan Xuyang, babo, 1 bottle of green cloud;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!