Interstellar Rare Species

Chapter 69: conversion agent


After the school built the arena, campus life became more colorful, and time passed faster.

Fast forward to the end of December and due to the New Years in January, all schools move up their fourth quarter holidays by a week.

The weather in Yaohui City was a bit colder, but the lowest was fifteen degrees, so it wasn't cold.

Gu Yu was sitting in the living room wearing a loose knitted sweater. He was leaning against the pillow, looking at the search results, feeling a little regretful.

As expected, Yaohui City never snowed.

He looked at the pictures of snow scenes in other cities in the past, thinking that he would have the opportunity to visit various places in the future.

He switched pictures and his eyes fell on one of them.

In the picture, there is a vast expanse of white snow. On the snow, four animal-shaped cubs are running towards the distance. There are footprints all over the ground behind them, and the nearby ones have been slightly covered by the snow.

Inside there is a cub of the Caiyu tribe, whose appearance is a bit like a big rooster, but the feathers on his body are seven colors.

The Caiyu clan cub is jumping into the air, its seven-color feathers slightly floating, behind it is a series of bamboo leaves.

The rest of them fought into a ball and fell to the ground.

It looks very lively.

Seeing the cub, he subconsciously covered his abdomen, and when his eyes moved to the abdomen, he quickly moved away.

It has been more than four months of pregnancy, his belly has not changed three months ago, and since four months, it has swelled like a balloon.

It made him overwhelmed, nervous and scared.

He thought he was fully prepared, but when the changes became apparent, he discovered that he was not.

He held his forehead and frowned slightly: Another person was thinking about it.

Orson sat on the sofa opposite, hiding the worry in his eyes, and opened the message.

Marshal: "Is Xiao Yu better? Are you sure this is normal? I really can't comfort him?"

Orson looked at the series of questions, and fully understood Sano's impatience.

"Pregnancy syndrome is normal. He cares about you very much. If you comfort him, he will know that you are worried about him. This will add pressure to him. If he disguises his emotions for your peace of mind, it will make the situation worse."

Marshal: "Should I just pretend I don't know and do nothing?"

Orson: "You have done a good job. You made him feel loved and cared for, and reassured him that he will come out on his own."

Marshal: "I hope this day will come as soon as possible. If you need anything, please contact me in time."

Gu Yu supported his head and thought for a while, then turned off the terminal, got up and said to Ao Sen: "I want to see Mo Mo."

When he is with his friends and Sano, he will feel that his life has not changed in any way, and the tension in his heart will be relieved a lot.

In particular, Mo Mo was pregnant like him, which made him feel more relaxed.

Orson's eyes brightened slightly: "I'll contact the guard."

Momo lived very close, the guards didn't need to make much fanfare, and Gu Yu arrived in a short while.

Seeing him very happy, Mo Mo prepared a lot of food for him, looked at his stomach curiously, and touched his own.

"Will I be like you next month? The baby has grown up!" Mo Mo was very excited.

Gu Yu nodded, Mo Mo's pregnancy will be four months next month.

"Can I touch it?" Momo looked expectant.

Gu Yu froze for a moment: "Yes."

Mo Mo carefully put his hand on his stomach: "If the baby is big enough, it will move in the stomach."

Gu Yu instantly became nervous: "He hasn't moved."

Mo Mo smiled and said, "Maybe it's too young." He withdrew his hand and embraced Gu Yu's arm, "Yu don't need to be nervous, the nurse will check every day, nothing will happen."

He asked in a low voice, "Did Yu have morning sickness? Her complexion doesn't look very good."

His morning sickness is over and he has gained a lot of weight now.

Gu Yu shook his head and laughed: "No." The baby has always been well-behaved, and it wasn't hard for him to conceive.

He hesitated for a moment, looked at Momo, and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Mo Mo wondered: "What are you afraid of?"

Gu Yu frowned and gestured on his stomach: "For many years, your stomach was flat, but suddenly, it became different."

Momo suddenly said, "Is Yu not used to it?" He smiled, "I may not be used to it, but I won't be afraid. As long as I think of him as a baby, I will look forward to it."

Gu Yu froze for a moment, looked at his stomach, his expression gradually relaxed.

Mo Mo took his hand: "Yu, don't think too much. Have you forgotten what you said in physiology class? You must maintain a good attitude during pregnancy, otherwise you will have pregnancy syndrome. Anxiety and tension are not good for the baby."

Gu Yu hugged Mo Mo: "Thank you, I feel much better."

Eating and chatting with Mo Mo, an hour later, Gu Yu returned home and went to the holographic room to write songs.

He suddenly wanted to write a nursery rhyme.

There was a light knock on the door, he turned his head, and saw Sano standing by the door, his gaze fell on him.

Senuo saw him looking over and walked towards him.

Ever since Gu Yu's stomach became apparent, Sa Nuo was very careful, always knocking on the door when entering a room, worried that walking behind Gu Yu suddenly would frighten Gu Yu.

He put his arms around Gu Yu: "Are you hungry? A batch of deep-sea fish was shipped from Star Latte today. The meat is very delicious. You might like it."

Feeling warm in his heart, Gu Yu grabbed his hand and smiled at him. He was no longer nervous and his thoughts became much clearer.

Looking back on Sano's performance in recent days, he was very moved and a little bit distressed: "Sorry, I made you worry."

Senuo was very happy to see his smile, and kissed his lips: "Don't be sorry."

Soon it will be New Years.

At zero o'clock on January 1, 2386 in the star calendar, Kona made a public statement, announcing that the research and development of the conversion agent has made great progress, and it is expected to be available within half a year.

This news caused a huge commotion, everyone in the Star Alliance was very excited, and the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year was even more intense.

Gu Yu Sai Nuo went to the palace to have a New Year's Eve dinner with His Majesty Xi Luo, and in the next few days, he took turns to eat at relatives and friends' homes, and it was lively for half a month.

After taking a shower, Gu Yu stood in front of the mirror and turned around: "Did I gain a lot of weight?"

He said and touched his face.

Sano poked his finger on the side of his face, with a smile on his eyes: "It's a little meaty, keep going."

Since Gu Yu's mentality changed, his appetite has also skyrocketed, and Sai Nuo is very happy.

Gu Yu compared the top of his head: "I am 1.8 meters tall now, if I gain weight, it will be ugly."

After being able to transform freely, his physical fitness has improved and he has also grown a little taller, and his height has stabilized at 1.8 meters.

Sano rested his chin on his shoulder: "No, you look good no matter what."

He gently placed his hand on Gu Yu's stomach: "Stop transforming and going to school next month, right?"

Just as Gu Yu was about to answer, his stomach suddenly moved. He was taken aback, and Sano realized that he was wrong: "What's wrong?"

"The baby is moving!" Gu Yu was a little excited.

Sino was also stunned, and quickly withdrew his hand: "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Gu Yu shook his head, seeing that he was nervous, he smiled and said, "This is normal, logically speaking, he should have moved last month."

He was a little nervous at first, but Orson said the baby was healthy, maybe just quiet.

Since the fetal movement, the two have added another activity at night.

In February, Gu Yu and the association officially announced that he would suspend the transformation of beast females after six months of pregnancy.

Netizens were very rational and expressed their understanding one after another, and were very grateful to Gu Yu.

Kona said in the New Year's broad words that it is difficult to research the transformation agent without the transformation of natural females as a reference.

All this is because of Gu Yu.

After Gu Yu gave birth and became pregnant, he stopped helping the transformation for at least half a year, so the alien representatives will accompany the last batch of alien females to leave this time.

Only researchers will remain.

Merlin looked at the message from Harvey, and switched to the surveillance video at the gate. Harvey was standing at the gate, and the guards watched him vigilantly.

He hesitated for a moment, and asked the chief guard to let him in.

Harvey walked into the living room, Merlin looked at him leaning on the sofa, raised his right eyebrow: "What's the matter?"

Harvey bent down, put his left hand on the side armrest of the sofa, and his right hand on the back of the sofa, completely confining Merlin within his range, staring at him.

"Will you be my partner?" he asked again.

Merlin rubbed his earlobe and smiled: "No, there's nothing else besides this sentence?"

Harvey put his hand on the side of his neck: "Why? We are very suitable."

Merlin narrowed his eyes slightly, tilted his head, and his side neck looked particularly slender: "I don't want to get married."

Harvey said in a deep voice, "I'm going back to Blue Jupiter tomorrow."

Merlin paused and looked at him: "It's been a smooth journey."

Harvey gritted his teeth and said in a frustrated tone, "Aren't you reluctant? Come back with me, I promise, I will treat you well."

Merlin pinched the side of his face, it was stiff, and he let go: "You go, my grandfather will be back soon."

Harvey stared at him fiercely, lowered his head and kissed his lips.

Merlin raised his eyebrows, his right hand landed on his left neck, and pressed down in warning, his fingertips slightly sunk into the flesh.

Harvey's body was slightly stiff, and he slowly let go of him, panting heavily, helpless to him.

Merlin wiped the corner of his mouth casually: "If you don't want to have your leg broken, you'd better leave now."

Harvey stared at him for two seconds, lowered his head and kissed his forehead, pulled off the milky white pendant necklace from his neck, and put it in his hand.

"I'll wait until you want to get married, and I won't give up."

He said that his pupils suddenly turned into vertical pupils: "Don't marry others, and don't find others to spend the estrus period. I will come back as soon as possible."

After he finished speaking, he got up and strode away, very fast.

As if afraid of hearing Merlin's rejection.

Merlin shrugged his shoulders, looked at the necklace in his hand, picked it up to look at it, grabbed it and threw it into the storage space.

After Grand Duke Yop came back, he chatted with Merlin. After chatting for a while, Grand Duke Yop suddenly asked, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Merlin shook his head: "No, I'm fine."

Grand Duke Yop spread his hands: "You can't lie to grandpa. You have changed at least five postures in five minutes. You usually like to keep a comfortable posture without moving, and your brows are always frowning."

Mei Lin was slightly stunned, and got up: "Probably because I'm too bored, I'll go to Qiqi, and go to see Yu and Momo with him."

Grand Duke Yuepu was proud: "I'm right, you go, just come back and have dinner with me."

Merlin hugged him: "Good grandfather."

The next day, extraterrestrial representatives escorted the latest batch of natural females away.

Gu Yu didn't need to go to class, and he didn't need to transform. The pace of life was much slower, and he got up an hour later than usual in the morning.

Sai Nuo was on vacation that day and stayed with him all the time.

During the afternoon nap, Sano put his hands on Gu Yu's stomach: "Baby is very quiet today."

Gu Yu was nodding his head when his complexion suddenly changed.

Sano withdrew his hand abruptly, his voice rarely stuttered: "He kicked my hand."

Gu Yu breathed out, lifted the clothes up, and Sano put them on very lightly, the moment he put them on, his belly bulged a bit.

Senuo sat up on his knees, staring at his stomach in amazement, and moved his hands to the side: "Baby?"

His hand was kicked again.

He quickly looked at Gu Yu: "Does it hurt?"

Gu Yu shook his head, staring at his stomach with surprise: "It doesn't hurt."

Sanuo relaxed, moved his hands, and teased the baby in his belly.

The baby seemed to have rested before, but now he was very excited, and Sano pointed and kicked.

Sino was in high spirits when the terminal rang suddenly, and his complexion changed slightly.

During the holidays, except for military emergencies, his communications are all on vibrate mode.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~See you tomorrow~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: 1 Wutong;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

About Shenming 5 bottles; Muxi 3 bottles; Green Cloud, yoyo 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!