Interstellar Rare Species

Chapter 79: Extra three


During college, Gu Yu did not hold any more concerts, but he has always insisted on creating and releasing new songs every year.

He knows more and more musical instruments, and his singing and writing skills have greatly improved.

After graduating from college, he embarked on his second Star Alliance tour, although the schedule was different from the first.

All concerts are held during the holidays, and therefore, a complete tour will take two years.

Knight attended every one of his concerts.

In 2393, after a lapse of five years, Gu Yu once again held a concert on Yas Star.

This is the last stop of his second tour.

"Sorry, King Yake was out hunting and couldn't greet him in person." The official who came to greet him apologized.

Sai Nuo raised his eyebrows, Gu Yu smiled, time seemed to go back in an instant.

When he came to Yas star five years ago, King Yake also did not show up, and he also went out to hunt.

Sai Nuo: "It's okay, there is no official business this time, and it would be inappropriate to disturb King Yake."

The official breathed a sigh of relief: "King Yake confessed that the safety of the Marshal and his party must be guaranteed. The residence has been arranged for you in the palace. Please come with me."

Sai Nuo looked at Gu Yu, seeing Gu Yu smiling, without delay: "Thank you."

Gu Yu had a very good impression of Yake Palace, very comfortable.

It made him feel at home - the Marshal's mansion, now with the same equipment in place of guards, was very at home.

King Yake was obviously very careful, and the residence of Gu Yu's family was the same as last time.

The handsome boy stood in the garden, and certain memories came to mind.

He tilted his head to look at Gu Yu: "Father, I have been here before."

Gu Yu smiled and nodded, straightening the boy's bow tie: "Yes, Nanette was lying there at that time."

Gu Yu pointed to a place, and his smile deepened: "When I was chatting with your father later, you ran away chasing a firefly."

The memory gradually became clearer, and the young man's eyes brightened slightly: "I met a beautiful uncle, King Yake."

Gu Yu rubbed his hair and thought for a while: "You should call him brother, he is still very young."

After Gu Yu finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment: "That's not right either, so I'm older than him."

He said with a slightly troubled expression.

People here live too long, and sometimes finding the right name is really brain-burning.

A smile flashed across Sano's eyes, no matter how long they were together, he still thought the little partner was super cute.

He said: "It doesn't matter, Nate can be called whatever he likes. No relatives, call him whatever you want."

After dinner, Sino took a walk with Gu Yu, and Knight proposed to go for a walk.

This place is very safe, Sanuo Gu Yu can keep track of Knight's movements at any time, so he is relieved and lets him go.

Knight walked along the route in his memory, passed through several places he had explored, and was surprised to find that nothing seemed to have changed.

The Yake Palace is almost exactly the same as when he came five years ago.

He stopped behind a tree, feeling a little excited, will it still be the same as five years ago

He tilted his head, a silver light scattered into his eyes, and his pupils lit up instantly.

Joyful emotions exploded in my heart.

He ran towards the silver, and soon saw a beast-shaped male with silver scales all over his body.

The male flicked his tail, which lifted and landed in a silvery arc.

The male didn't do anything else, his huge body undulated slightly, basking in the moon leisurely.

Knight hesitated for a moment before moving on, stopping in front of the male.

The silver eyes opened with a calm expression.

The corner of Knight's mouth raised slightly: "Brother Yake, we meet again."

He paused, looking expectantly: "Do you remember me?"

The male takes human form and sits casually on the ground with one leg bent and one hand resting on his knee.

"Son of Sano," King Yake accurately stated Knight's identity, and glanced at him, "grows very quickly."

Knight held out a hand: "Five years, not fast."

The silver eyes moved slightly: "Is five years long? I don't feel anything."

At this moment, Knight felt that King Yake was really a strange brother.

Silver eyes fell on him: "Do you want me to take you back?"

"No," Knight looked at him curiously, "Brother Yake, what is hunting?"

The boy had a soft voice, fair skin, and stood quietly, looking particularly well-behaved.

No one would refuse to answer his questions.

King Yake: "Just like you Yaohui star hunted in ancient times."

Knight couldn't help asking, "Do you want to fight the beast?"

"Yes," King Yake's voice did not fluctuate, "you can't use hot weapons when hunting."

Knight gasped. He had seen many ferocious beasts and knew how strong they were.

His eyes flashed: "may I go with you?"

There was a flash of surprise in King Yake's eyes: "You will be so scared that you will scream, and you may even have nightmares."

"I won't!" Knight said without thinking.

No boy at this age would like to be underestimated.

King Yake: "It doesn't matter, your father agrees, and I will not refuse."

Senuo was a little surprised when he heard Knight's request, but he thought it was normal when he thought of Knight's curiosity.

"Yes, you can go if you want, but you must always follow King Yake. He is very powerful and will not hurt you."

Many years later, these words will still ring in Knight's ears, and what emerges in his mind is the scene of the silver giant beast fighting with wild beasts.

The front paws of the giant silver beast slapped the ferocious beast, and half of the beast's neck was broken.

A scalp-numbing click sounded in his ears, and at the same time, there was a warm feeling on his face, and the tip of his nose was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The horrible and cruel scene should have been a nightmare. At that time, he was indeed petrified, but he didn't scream or have a nightmare.

Every time I think about it, my father's words and the pair of red eyes he saw after the beast fell to the ground are always in his mind.

What my father said was right.

Afterwards, Gu Yu's concerts were very regular, and Knight followed him all the time, and would meet King Yake every two years.

King Yake is very quiet, dealing with official business, researching high technology, hunting, almost all of his life, Knight does not feel bored at all, and especially likes staying with King Yake.

King Yake is so quiet and reassuring, there are too few males.

He stayed aside, and King Ark never let him go, which made him very happy.

But when he went to Yas at the age of seventeen, all his joy was gone.

King Yake accepted the blind date arranged by the minister.

When he saw King Yake eating with the natural female, his happy mood was swept away.

He returned to his residence and did not meet King Yake until he left Yas.

He was panicked and sad.

Maybe hearing the news of King Yake again is the news of his marriage.

He didn't understand why he felt uncomfortable, and he instinctively avoided the question.

The secretary-general trembled: "King Yake, the Duke's son left crying."

The silver-eyed young man looked cold, and his displeasure was obvious.

"Let him go," he said with a cold face, "if you decide on your own, you can step down."

"Don't dare." A layer of cold sweat broke out on the secretary-general's forehead.

King Yake frowned: "Marshal Sai Nuo and the others have already left?"


The silver eyes were puzzled, why didn't Knight look for him, and why didn't he tell him when he left

Why is he upset and flustered

He was contemplating it, but Nate was on his mind.

Suddenly, his pupils contracted.

He likes Nate!

He quickly got up and rushed out of the office, and quickly stood still in the corridor.

Too irrational, he can't catch up with Knight, but he can contact Knight.

He turned on the terminal, and the words of the secretary-general's guard outside the colonnade came to his ears.

"Hey, Wang failed the blind date again, obviously so good."

"What's the use of being excellent? It's too boring. Natural females are so delicate. Who would want to live an elderly life with him? There is no entertainment at all."

"I don't like to talk yet, I'll be suffocated to death."

"That's right. In fact, many of the blind date partners were Wang's admirers, but after getting along with each other, they all changed their minds."

"It is impossible for a natural female to withstand the character of the king."

"Hey, where's the king?" The secretary-general ran out panting, but didn't see King Yake, and asked the guards.

The guard was shocked: "What! The king has come out?"

"It's over, the king restrains his breath, we don't feel it at all."

The silver giant rushed into the forest, and returned bloody after a long time. He turned into a human form, and his expression returned to calm.

Take a shower and change clothes to read the documents, as if nothing has changed.

Two years later, when he saw the invitation letter sent by the secretary-general, his calm face finally became turbulent.

The Secretary-General looked at him and said, "Marshal Sai Nuo's 100th birthday party is very grand, if you don't go, it's not good."

"I'll go." King Yake was quiet for a while before speaking.

Ephemeris 2485.5.18 at seven o'clock in the night

The banquet hall of the Yaohui Star Palace is brightly lit, and a giant pyramid-shaped crystal lamp is hung on the high ceiling, which is dazzling.

In the banquet hall, the underwear is fragrant and the temples are fragrant, and the cups are intertwined. The whole venue is filled with the attractive aroma of wine and desserts.

At a glance, the hall is full of famous Star Alliance figures and their families.

This is the 100th birthday dinner of Marshal Sai Nuo, the star of Yaohui.

In recent years, the relationship between the Star Alliance has become more and more friendly, and many people at the venue know each other. Even if the banquet has not officially started, the venue is very lively.

The guests chatted with each other, and the topic soon turned to their son's marriage.

"Marshal Sai Nuo's son will come of age next year. I don't know who will get it."

"I don't know if my kid has that blessing."

"Don't think about it, there are quite a few male friends among the friends they grew up with, and their parents are all good friends, how can they give others a chance?"

The man sighed and quickly changed the subject, talking about the outstanding single males and females of various families.

On the sofa on the right, a male with silver vertical pupils is sitting alone, listening to the conversations everywhere, with no expression on his face, drinking champagne in his hand.

"Are you sure King Yake is here?" Knight asked Dayuan in a low voice, facing the terminal.

"Yes, young master, my information is very complete."

Knight clenched his fists. He was usually very calm, but when he heard that King Yake was coming, he still couldn't help being nervous.

"Nate, are you ready?" Gu Yu accompanied Sano to the opening, and went to the waiting room after the end.

Knight turned off the terminal, nodded, and followed Gu Yu to the banquet hall.

Sino was talking with His Majesty, and the guests were chatting with each other.

Suddenly, the light on the stage at the front of the hall dimmed, and everyone looked over.

The next moment, the lights brightened, and a young man with a beautiful face was sitting beside the piano, while a young man with black hair and dark eyes was leaning against the piano with a guitar on his back.

The young man's eyes fell on Sai Nuo, and he said with a slight smile, ""Forever Love" is for my partner Sai Nuo, happy birthday."

The boy tilted his head and blinked at the stunned Sai Nuo: "Happy birthday, father."

Soon, everyone's attention was on the singing.

The voice of the young man is affectionate and soothing, the boy is gentle but playful, a song about a partner and a father has moved many people.

King Yake stared at the young man on the stage, and his palms became tighter and tighter.

"Ka..." The wine glass was broken, but he didn't care.

When Knight stepped down from the stage, he glanced at the sofa on the right and paused slightly.

It's really King Yake!

But why do you keep drinking? He remembered that King Yake was not addicted to alcohol.

He didn't have time to think too much, and was soon pulled away by his friends.

Rona handed him a glass of beer: "I'm so happy today, drink some?"

Knight thought of the scene where King Yake was drinking just now, and took a big sip of the wine.

"Cough cough cough..." He coughed until his eyes were red.

Rona was taken aback, unable to laugh or cry: "Why are you drinking in such a hurry!"

Cesar patted Nat on the back and handed him a glass of white water: "Brother, drinking a little water will make you feel better."

Knight drank the water and felt much better. He said embarrassedly, "Sorry."

After that, no one dared to let him drink, even if he wanted to.

Before long, he felt a little dizzy.

He got up: "I'm going to the bathroom."

Qin Jing pulled him, glanced around and quickly looked away: "I'll go with you!"

Knight smiled and rubbed his hair: "I can go by myself, don't worry, it's safe here."

Not long after he left, his head became even more dizzy. He stroked his forehead, and suddenly, a person appeared in front of him.

He couldn't stop and bumped into it.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, took a step back, and was gently grabbed by the arm.


A faint, worried voice, exactly the same as before.

Knight's body was slightly stiff, his eyes were lowered, covering his reddish eyes: "It's okay, thank you."

King Yake looked at him with a low tone: "Don't you even want to look at me?"

You are embarrassing him!

King Yake frowned: "I'm sorry," he let go of his hand, "I'll get you some lemonade later, it will make you feel better."

He took a step to the side, and his sleeve was pulled: "I'm sorry."

Nat's voice was a little choked, and he looked up at him with red eyes: "I'm so rude."

After all, King Yake took good care of him, and it's not wrong to dislike him.

King Yake's face was cold: "Why are you crying? Who bullied you?"

"No, no one bullied me."

King Yake looked at him: "The only reason I don't force it is that you are happy. If you are sad, I can't just sit idly by."

"Is it the person who just made you drink?"

"No", Knight was a little dazed, and quickly grabbed King Yake who was walking in the direction of his friend, "What, what do you mean by not forcing? What do you mean?"

King Yake noticed that someone noticed them, and lowered his voice: "I like you, I don't force you if you don't like it, but you have a good time."

Knight opened his eyes wide: "You lied, you obviously had a blind date."

Something flashed in King Yake's mind: "You... You know I'm on a blind date so you don't contact me, so you leave directly?"

Knight bit his lip: "Yeah."

Silver pupils dilated: "So, you are..."

"King Yake," Sano's voice sounded warning, "Can you explain what's going on now? You bullied my son at my birthday party"

Gu Yu put his arm around Nat's shoulder and patted: "Don't feel bad, baby, tell Dad if you have something to say."

Knight nodded and pulled the hem of Raseno's clothes: "Father, this is a misunderstanding."

Knowing the specific situation is already after the banquet.

Sano looked at King Yake with icy eyes: "I remember someone said that they are not interested in cubs."

King Yake is very honest: "When I liked Knight, he was no longer a cub."

Seno snorted softly.

Gu Yu tugged at his sleeve, and Sano shrugged.

Gu Yu asked Yake Wang: "Do you really like Knight, the kind of liking you want him to be your partner?"

King Yake is very serious: "Yes."

Gu Yu looked at Knight: "What about you?"

Knight nodded.

Gu Yu: "Nate is still young, not even an adult. You can fall in love, but you can't cross the line. If you don't change your mind when Knight becomes an adult, then consider getting married, okay?"

King Yake nodded.

Knight was a little shy, and his voice was very soft: "Thank you, Dad."

Gu Yu looked at Sanuo, who raised his eyebrows helplessly: "According to what you said."

At night, Gu Yu asked Sano in a low voice: "Will you be angry with my decision?"

"Of course not," Senuo kissed him, "You are right."

Gu Yu hugged his neck: "I like you, if someone I care about separates me from you, I will definitely be very sad."

"I don't want Nate to be upset."

Senuo's eyes were gentle: "I know, me too."

He brushed Gu Yu's eyebrows with his fingers: "Don't worry, I know King Yake very well, he is very reliable."

He pointed down: "We are still very young, another one?"

Gu Yu blushed slightly: "Okay."

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