Inverse Scale

Chapter 12


"My lord, it's bad!" Wanying hurried in, her tone very anxious.

"What's wrong with being so flustered? Where are the rules you've learned?" Seeing her like this, Wan Xi reprimanded her softly, with a trace of helplessness on her face.

Wanying immediately stood upright when she heard the words, blessed Ying Shuo, and then quietly stuck out her tongue at Wanxi.

Wanxi and Wanying are Yingshuo's current maidservants, and they used to serve in front of the imperial court. Since Yingshuo's former maidservant was killed for framing Yingshuo, Song Huaiyuan called them over to take care of Yingshuo. Diet and daily life, deal with the big and small affairs in Zheyu Palace.

Wanxi and Wanying are sisters, but their temperaments are completely different. Wanying is lively, quick-witted but impulsive, and sometimes seems a little careless, while Wanxi is mature and rational, with a delicate mind and careful and meticulous work. Let her go wrong.

The two were transferred from the Imperial Palace to the Zheyu Palace, and everyone in the palace thought that the two had offended Song Huaiyuan, which was equivalent to being exiled, and felt somewhat sympathetic.

Wanxi and Wanying are very grateful, just because the two of them arrived in Zheyu Palace, not only the moon silver has risen a lot, but Yingshuo is gentle and kind, and has never punished them, compared to Song Huaiyuan's unpredictable temper. Several times stronger.

Not to mention that Song Huaiyuan's temper would become much milder every time he came to Zheyu Palace, and he would never begrudge rewards when he was in a good mood. The life of the two of them was like a paradise on earth compared to the fearful life they had when they were in Jingren Palace.

That's why Wanying rushed back to tell Yingshuo in such a panic when she heard that the palace was about to start a draft.

"Draft?" Ying Shuo slowly repeated these two words, lost for a moment.

He was living too comfortably these days, Song Huaiyuan's gentleness almost made him forget that that person was a high and mighty emperor.


That person's harem has always been weak, and Concubine Yun, who was the most favored in the past, is now thrown into the cold palace. As a king, Song Huaiyuan's harem is indeed too deserted.

Besides, Song Huaiyuan has no heirs under his knees, so it should be considered... for the succession of the family.

Ying Shuo thought so, but his heart ached dully.

In fact, as early as the day when he expressed his heart to Song Huaiyuan, Ying Shuo had already expected such a situation.

He is a man, even if he can give Song Huaiyuan everything without reservation, he still can't give him a child.

Both the country and Song Huaiyuan need a child.

Ying Shuo understood early on that he thought he could see through it, but when this day really came, he still felt unavoidably uncomfortable.

In the next few days, Song Huaiyuan did not set foot in Zheyu Palace.

Ying Shuo's complexion is as usual, he reads, practices calligraphy, and paints every day, and his life is still the same as usual, as if he is not affected by anything, but the time of his mind wandering is getting longer and longer every day.

Wanxi and Wanying saw it in their eyes, and the anxiety in their hearts magnified day by day, and they were worried all day long.

When it came to the day of the general election, the palace was visibly bustling, and Ying Shuo could hear the sound of silk and bamboo outside in his bedroom.

Wan Ying stomped her feet angrily, and said angrily, "Your Majesty..." Before she could finish speaking, Wan Xi ruthlessly pulled her sleeves, and she fell silent.

She glanced at Ying Shuo's expressionless face, blushed and lowered her head, calling weakly, "Master..."

"No problem." Ying Shuo waved his hand, signaling for the two to step back, and sat alone on the soft couch in a daze.

This sat down until the evening.

When Wanxi and Wanying passed on the meal, Ying Shuo didn't have any appetite, so he asked them to withdraw the meal.

He sat blankly for a while, his thoughts were ups and downs, he didn't know what he was thinking, he just felt upset.

Ying Shuo rubbed the center of his eyebrows wearily, it was still early in the day, but he wanted to rest.

I really can't hear the noise outside the palace.

So Ying Shuo called Wanxi and Wanying, washed up briefly, and prepared to rest there.

But at this moment, Song Huaiyuan's deep voice came from behind: "Why did you rest so early?"

Ying Shuo turned his head abruptly, looking at Song Huaiyuan standing in the hall in disbelief, his heart beating rapidly.

Song Huaiyuan came in a hurry, and he hadn't had time to change into the bright yellow dragon robe on his body, making him look majestic, tall and straight, with outstanding demeanor.

Ying Shuo had seen Song Huaiyuan wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, his face was indifferent and majestic.

Song Huaiyuan at this moment is completely different.

With a smile on his brows and eyes, he looked at Ying Shuo with eyes as broad as the sea, and the bright yellow color on his body softened, it was no longer glaring and sharp, but instead made Song Huaiyuan look radiant.

Ying Shuo was stunned for a moment.

Song Huaiyuan watched Ying Shuo's expression constantly changing, looked at Ying Shuo carefully, and felt that Ying Shuo's face was not very good-looking.

He couldn't help asking: "Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to send the imperial doctor to take a look?"

Ying Shuo came back to his senses, shook his head immediately, and said, "No problem."

Song Huaiyuan asked again: "Have you had dinner yet?"

Ying Shuo pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

Song Huaiyuan looked at him quietly for a while, then suddenly said: "You are restless."

Ying Shuo's eyes wandered and he didn't answer.

Song Huaiyuan raised Yingshuo's jaw, forcing him to look directly at him, and said, "If you have something to say, just say it, and there is no need to hide anything."

Ying Shuo pursed his lips, and said, "Today's general election..." He swallowed half of what he said, and stopped speaking.

Song Huaiyuan chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "Except for choosing a few side concubines for Wang An and the others, I have returned the rest of them."

Song Huaiyuan hadn't thought about expanding the harem at all, the reason why he agreed to the draft was just a formality to appease the courtiers.

The reason why he hasn't set foot in Zheyu Palace these days is just because he doesn't want Ying Shuo to bear the infamy of being a disaster for the country.

Ever since the incident with Concubine Yun, Song Huaiyuan has been protecting Ying Shuo very well. The courtiers almost forgot about Ying Shuo, and also forgot about the amazing and brilliant No. 1 scholar not long ago.

Song Huaiyuan naturally didn't want Ying Shuo to come into the courtier's sight again at this time, and bear the contempt and abuse of the people.

Ying Shuo turned to look at him in surprise, and saw Song Huaiyuan looking at him with a half-smile, and was stunned for a while.

Song Huaiyuan and him looked at each other for a while, then said softly: "I said before, there will be no second Ying Shuo in this palace." He stared into Ying Shuo's eyes, and slowly said: "Don't you believe me?" I."

Ying Shuo's face changed slightly, and his body stiffened instantly.

Song Huaiyuan looked at Ying Shuo's bewildered and uneasy look, withdrew his heavy gaze, and pulled him into his arms.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me." He sighed lightly, and said in a low voice, "Ying Shuo, the days are still long, let's just wait and see."

Song Huaiyuan stretched out his hand to caress Ying Shuo's slightly stiff back, and the firmness in his voice was obvious.

He said: "I didn't understand love in the past, but now that I understand it, I won't let you down."

He said: "If you feel uneasy in the future, just tell me that if I don't do well, you can teach me, and I will change."

He said, "Ying Shuo, I am pleased with you."

Ying Shuo's bracelet was on Song Huaiyuan's back, and he buried his face firmly in Song Huaiyuan's arms, his eyes were moist, and he finally choked up a sob.

He lost a lot because of Song Huaiyuan. He thought that he would not get a response in this life, but he didn't want to go around, so he still got Song Huaiyuan's love.

His devotion, his love, after all, is no longer a falsehood.

The pain and heartbreak of the past, because of Song Huaiyuan's words, were so light and delicate, turned into passing clouds and drifted away with the wind.

This life is enough.

He raised his head, looked at Song Huaiyuan's deep and soft eyebrows, and smiled faintly.

So indifferent, so affectionate.

That was the person he swore to follow in this life and in this life.

That's His Majesty...