
Chapter 66: Ending (Part 2)


It depends on how much Zheng Jie feels for Shi Jun. If it is really enough, then she will be forced to the point soon. If nothing happens, she should be able to surrender soon.

Ding Hao waited anxiously.

However, Bai Wenrui's actions were really fast. In less than an hour, he called Ding Hao and told Ding Hao, "I have Shi Jun in my hands and will send it over in two hours."

Ding Hao frowned immediately after hearing this, "Bai Wenrui, where are you now?! You have no right to lynch Shi Jun!"

Bai Wenrui sneered, "Jiang Ye'er is damn dead, what can't I do?"

Ding Hao suddenly became nervous, and even his eyebrows knitted together, "Bai Wenrui, if you did anything to Shi Jun, then you would be breaking the law!"

Bai Wenrui said no more and hung up the phone directly, cutting off Ding Hao's useless obstruction.

Ding Hao finally became worried at this time and had no idea what Bai Wenrui would do to Shi Jun.

If Shi Jun did not kill anyone, and if Zheng Jie did it all, then what Bai Wenrui did to Shi Jun today is something that Shi Jun should not be responsible for.

Ding Hao stood up and was about to ask his teammates to call the police. At this moment, Zheng Jie was even more nervous than Ding Hao. She followed Ding Hao, the sound of high heels clicking, and the tense atmosphere broke out at this moment.

Ding Hao asked Fan Fan to give him a summary of all the places where Bai Wenrui might appear, and at the same time asked Fan Fan to collect Bai Wenrui's call records.

Bai Wenrui couldn't have arrested Shi Jun alone, there must be an accomplice.

If Bai Wenrui doesn't answer the phone, he will have to start with other people.

Without wasting any time, Ding Hao took Zheng Jie with him and went straight to Bai Wenrui's apartment. After breaking in, he found no trace of Bai Wenrui. He slammed the door and continued to the next location, Bai Wenrui's office.

As time went by, Zheng Jie's face became worse and worse.

Ding Hao asked Zheng Jie concernedly in the car, "What's wrong with you? You look so bad?"

Zheng Jie shook her head and told the truth, "I'm worried about Shi Jun."

It was not until this moment, when Zheng Jie said that she was worried about Shi Jun, that Ding Hao realized why Zheng Jie never ran away. She was waiting, waiting that if the police arrested Shi Jun, she might take measures. Save Shi Jun's life.

Ding Hao slammed on the brakes, turned around and said to Zheng Jie: "Bai Wenrui will definitely keep Shi Jun alive, but I'm worried that Shi Jun will still be caught by the police in the future. No matter what, Shi Jun's end will not be good. , can you think of any other ways to alleviate Shi Jun's crime? Let's find a way as soon as possible before meeting Bai Wenrui and Shi Jun."

Zheng Jie and Ding Hao looked at each other for a long time, and finally lowered their eyes, still not admitting that she was the murderer.

Unable to force her out, she must be waiting for the last moment and will not confess her guilt easily until the last moment.

Ding Hao gritted his teeth and continued driving, thinking that this woman Zheng Jie was too calm and worthy of being an expert in criminal psychology.

On the other side, in an empty suburban house, Shi Jun looked at each other with several men.

Four of the five overlords of Fubin were present.

He Rumu, Yang Houye, Bai Wenrui, and Ban Jiadong.

Bai Wenrui really exploded this time, otherwise he wouldn't have used so many connections.

Yang Houye was the first to help Bai Wenrui locate Shi Jun's specific location, and then He Rumu and Ban Jiadong sent more people to quickly capture Shi Jun and bring him back.

Now that Shi Jun had been caught, He Rumu looked at his watch and said, "Yu Wei wants to eat shrimp, go back and cook for her."

Yang Houye had severe mysophobia and frowned and said displeasedly: "The decoration smell is too strong. I went back to smell Yin Xia's body."

Bai Wenrui glanced at Ban Jiadong, "Where are you, Mr. Ban?"

Ban Jiadong took a few steps back and stood leaning against the wall. He lowered his head and dusted his clothes carelessly. He said in a nonchalant manner: "Chen Li is on a business trip. I have nothing to do. I'm just watching."

Bai Wenrui nodded. After He Rumu and Yang Houye left the stage, they began to torture Shi Jun, "I don't care if you killed the others, I just want to know who did Jiang Ye'er, you or Zheng Jie?"

In fact, Shi Jun has never said a word since he was arrested, let alone confessed his crime.

Bai Wenrui's motives coincided with Jiang Ye'er's, both of which were to make them think that the other was responsible for all the crimes.

Bai Wenrui has been in contact with Zheng Jie and has basically seen Zheng Jie's character, so he gambled on this, believing that Zheng Jie would surrender for Shi Jun.

Shi Jun did not answer and remained silent. Bai Wenrui suddenly took action and punched Shi Jun hard in the stomach.

Shi Jun frowned and his breath was stagnated in pain.

Bai Wenrui shook his wrist. Unlike how he maintained his grace and facade in front of outsiders, he now looked ruthless and ruthless, "The next move will not be a fist."

Shi Jun groaned and said: "I didn't kill Ye Zi, you know my feelings for Ye Zi."

"Fart!" Bai Wenrui's next move was to kick Shi Jun in the stomach. He kicked Shi Jun over and grabbed Shi Jun's collar and said, "What about Zheng Jie? Did Zheng Jie kill him?"

Shi Jun gasped, the pain was severe, "You need to ask Zheng Jie about this, not me."

Bai Wenrui picked up the stick next to him and was about to hit Shi Jun again. This stance was much harsher than the one against He Dong that day.

"Wen Rui." Ban Jiadong suddenly stopped him, "The police will come later, don't be too harsh."

Ban Jiadong actually stayed here for no other reason than to stop Bai Wenrui and prevent him from breaking the law in his anger.

Bai Wenrui did not listen to the advice and waved his stick to hit him.

"Wen Rui!" Ban Jiadong's figure flashed quickly, took the stick from Bai Wenrui's hand, and said coldly: "You also said that before you saw Jiang Ye'er's body, Jiang Ye'er might not be dead. calm."

No matter how calm and godly a person Bai Wenrui is, he couldn't calm down after hearing about Jiang Ye'er's murder today.

How can caring about oneself be the same as caring about others

I have long lost my sense.

As for Jiang Ye'er's real body, he could not count how many times he spun around the room, which made Old Tang dizzy and dizzy.

"Ye Zi! Can you sit down for a while!"

Jiang Ye'er bit her lip, upset by Bai Wenrui's threatening words, and felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

"Should I just tell Bai Wenrui that I can't do it alone? Or give him a hint?" Jiang Ye'er felt sorry for Bai Wenrui, "He must not be able to accept the fact that I was murdered. You don't know, Bai Wenrui said that he was the worst Forgive me for deceiving him, but that's secondary. The important thing is that Bai Wenrui will really feel sorry for me. He doesn't get emotional easily, but once his pain is disturbed, it's not a trivial matter."

Old Man Tang hated the fact that iron cannot become steel, "Aren't you afraid that one of your actions will mess up the whole situation?"

"I'm not afraid." Jiang Ye'er had to say she wasn't afraid even if she was afraid. She wanted to call Bai Wenrui right now to tell him that she was fine, and then tell him that she was willing to kneel on the keyboard...

At this moment, Ding Hao sent another message that Bai Wenrui had arrested Shi Jun and it seemed that he was going to lynching Shi Jun.

Jiang Yeer suddenly couldn't sit still anymore.

"Bai Wenrui can really do it. Senior brother will definitely suffer in his hands." Jiang Ye'er's worry and fear skyrocketed. It was originally a single line of worry, but now it has become a double line of fear. "We can't let Bai Wenrui be like this." Do it, teacher, give me the phone, I have to talk to Bai Wenrui on the phone."

Old Man Tang hesitated. The current commander is Ding Hao. Although he has great power, he cannot exceed his authority.

Jiang Ye'er's brain cells are now extremely active and her thinking is very fast. "Teacher, we can let Bai Wenrui know that I am not dead, and then let Bai Wenrui and Brother Ding cooperate in the design to make Zheng Jie think that Bai Wenrui will not die." If you let me go, you may be able to get a reduced sentence if you go to jail, but if you fall into the hands of Bai Wenrui, you will never escape death. We can force her to confess on the spot."

Jiang Ye'er's proposal was much more reliable. Old Man Tang weighed it silently. He had to say that this was indeed a good idea.

But still according to the procedure, Old Man Tang asked Ding Hao to call back when Zheng Jie was not present. After repeated discussions between the two parties, Ding Hao agreed to implement plan B.

Jiang Ye'er quickly took Old Man Tang's call and dialed Bai Wenrui.

Bai Wenrui didn't answer the phone at first. After Jiang Ye'er called three times in a row, Bai Wenrui picked up the phone. His voice was as cold as ice, "Director Tang, don't even think about interceding for Shi Jun."

Jiang Ye'er was choked, and then said quickly: "It's me, it's me, don't make a sound, and don't change your face."

Soon after he said it, Bai Wenrui was furious and cursed Jiang Ye'er with a national curse.

Jiang Ye'er's face darkened, and she continued: "I'll apologize to you when I get back. You can do whatever you want, but the most important things now are Zheng Jie and Shi Jun."

Bai Wenrui gestured to Ban Jiadong and walked aside to answer the phone.

At this time, Jiang Ye'er's logic was still clear, and she quickly explained their plan to Bai Wenrui, and finally asked cautiously: "Do you understand?"

"I understand, I fucking understand." Bai Wenrui's tone was colder than before.

"Hey, don't be angry, don't be angry, I am also forced to be helpless, really..."

Old man Tang said without hesitation: "The words "forced and helpless" cannot denigrate your crime. Don't say "forced and helpless".

Jiang Yeer: "..."

Continue to plead with Bai Wenrui, "Stop hitting my senior brother. Senior brother has nothing to do with me. If you want to hit me, come back and hit me. I wanted to hit me on the left cheek, so I leaned over to hit me on the other cheek and wanted to hit me on the right." Face, I’ll turn my right cheek towards you.”

Bai Wenrui was so fucking angry at Jiang Ye'er, "I want to fucking spank you, why don't you take off your pants and come over to me?!"

"Hey, hey, hey—" Jiang Ye'er quickly switched the speakerphone to the receiver, "The teacher is next to me—"

Bai Wenrui finally calmed down a little, but he was more relieved. Fortunately, Jiang Ye'er did not have an accident.

"Go back and settle the score with you." Bai Wenrui said coldly, paused, and then said: "I love you."

Jiang Yeer smiled like a fool, "I love you too."

"But I don't love you anymore." Bai Wenrui spat out these words lukewarmly and hung up the phone with a bang.

Jiang Yeer: "..."

Old man Tang was holding back his laughter and feeling very painful.

With Bai Wenrui's cooperation, everything became much easier. Bai Wenrui called Ding Hao in front of Shi Jun, "Shi Jun does not admit that he killed Jiang Ye'er, but I need someone to help Jiang Ye'er." Pay the price for Ye'er's death, remember, Shi Jun committed suicide and has nothing to do with me."

Zheng Jie and Ding Hao were both shocked when they heard Bai Wenrui's words.

"Bai Wenrui!" Zheng Jie said urgently: "You can't kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

Bai Wenrui sneered: "How can I call it indiscriminate killing of innocent people? He deserved his death. Which one of Lu Rong, Ding Zetian and Fan Xiao was not killed by him? He is dead."

"It's me!" Zheng Jie finally shouted loudly, her voice almost breaking, with a cry, "I killed him, don't touch Shi Jun!"

—The ending of the main text ends so abruptly, okay? Please look forward to the extra chapter—

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