
Chapter 107: Is he really the master of the house?


make trouble

Blind? !

Don’t even look at where this place is!

Fei Hou was stunned for a moment, then became angry, while Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled.

"Presumptuous!" Fei Hou shouted, and with a sudden wave of his right hand, a strong gust of wind swept away the two guards and smashed them to the ground in the distance.

The two guards screamed, and suddenly there was chaos all around. The nobles who passed by or came to visit all retreated aside in shock.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in Fei Mansion, and a group of guards, more than twenty people, rushed out from the manor.

The person at the front of the guard is a middle-aged man with a thick beard and a black beard. He looks a bit sinister. He should be the captain of the guard.

"What's going on?!" The middle-aged man with a black beard rushed out and shouted, coming to the two guards.

The two guards climbed up in embarrassment and said to the middle-aged man: "Captain Lin, it's these two people. These two people came to our Fei Mansion to cause trouble. He scolded our master and even hurt us!" Pointing at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou .

The middle-aged man with a black beard on his face suddenly looked at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou, his face darkened, his black beard rose, and he said coldly: "You two have taken the courage of a bear, right? You dare to come to our Fei Mansion to cause trouble? You know? Don’t you know where Fei Mansion is?”

Huang Xiaolong was a little helpless. It seemed that the middle-aged man with a black beard and others who rushed out did not recognize Fei Hou. After Fei Hou had been away for seven years, Fei Mansion's guards seemed to have changed a lot

Fei Hou was also a little depressed.

"Call Fei Rong out!" Fei Hou frowned and said.

The middle-aged man with a black beard saw that Fei Hou called their family master by his first name and was disrespectful to the family master. His face darkened: "Come on, capture these two people and hand them over to the family master!"

"Yes, Captain Lin!"

The surrounding Fei Mansion guards shouted in response and rushed forward to surround Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou, but just when they were about to take action, Fei Hou clapped his hands forward.

"Seal of Wind and Rain!"

Countless palm prints suddenly flew out along with the strong wind and rain, and landed on the guards of Fei Mansion, blasting them all away.

The guards of Fei Mansion all lay on the ground and groaned.

Captain Lin's expression changed. He didn't expect Fei Hou to be so strong. He was a ninth-level expert, and he could tell that Fei Hou was at least tenth level.

At this time, Fei Rong was sitting in the hall of Fei Mansion, joking with several family heads.

"Master Fei, congratulations. This time your son marries Miss Tao as his wife. This is a great event for the royal city!"

"Yes, Miss Tao is the apple of Duke Tao's eye, and she is also a famous beauty in our royal city outside the territory. Fei Ming, this boy, can win the hearts of beauties, even Uncle Chen is envious of me!"

Fei Rong chuckled and was about to speak when suddenly noises and angry shouts came from outside. Everyone was startled. Is there anyone who dares to come to Fei Mansion to cause trouble

At this time, a scream sounded. He could hear the voice of the guard captain Lin Chenghu. Fei Rong frowned. Lin Chenghu was in the middle of the ninth level. The person who came could actually hurt Lin Chenghu. Could it be that he was a tenth level master

"A few of you." Fei Rong stood up and said, "I'd like to excuse you for a moment."

Several other family heads looked at each other and stood up one after another.

One person laughed and said: "Let's go out with Brother Fei and see who dares to come to Fei Mansion to cause trouble!"

Fei Rong smiled and said: "Okay, thank you all." After saying that, he and several family heads left the hall and came to the gate of Fei Mansion. After a while, Fei Rong and others came to the gate of Fei Mansion.

When Fei Rong arrived at the gate of Fei Mansion, he suddenly stopped, his body trembled suddenly, and then he looked at the figure on the street at the gate with surprise on his face.

Lin Chenghu, the guard captain who was knocked to the ground by Fei Hou, looked happy when he saw Fei Rong coming out. He got up in embarrassment and walked to Fei Rong: "Master, it's these two people who came to our Fei Mansion to cause trouble!"

However, Fei Rong didn't seem to hear what he said and quickly pushed him aside. Then he came to the middle-aged man who had just shot him away. Under his gaze, he suddenly knelt down towards the middle-aged man: "Father, you are back!"

Father, you are back!

Lin Chenghu was stunned.

Several family heads who followed Fei Rong were stunned.

All the nobles who were passing by and visiting were stunned, and the two guards who had stopped Fei Hou were even more stunned.

Father? ! The two guards turned pale. So, is this middle-aged man really the father of the family? ! Not here to cause trouble!

Thinking of this, the two of them suddenly shrank in fear.

Fei Hou turned to look at his son. His originally stern expression relaxed and he smiled: "Get up!"

"Yes, father!" Fei Rong stood up respectfully with a smile on his face: "Father, you are finally back!" Seeing his father back, Fei Rong was extremely happy. The day after tomorrow is his son's wedding day, so his father can come back in time. It is the greatest happy event.

Fei Hou chuckled, and suddenly said to Fei Rong with a serious face: "This is the young master, come and pay homage!"

Little Lord? !

Fei Rong was shocked and looked at Huang Xiaolong. Then, he looked at his father, his face full of doubts. How could his father recognize a young man who looked only fifteen and six years old as his young master

"Why don't you come and see me soon!" Fei Hou saw his son's hesitation, his voice deepened, and he shouted.

Fei Rong was shocked when he saw his father's expression. He had never seen his father look so serious before. It seemed that his father was really not joking.

"Fei Rong has met the young master!" Fei Rong quickly stepped forward and saluted.

Huang Xiaolong stretched out his hand to help him up: "Master Fei, no need to be polite, please get up quickly."

The guards and nobles of Fei Mansion all around looked at the scene in front of them with unbelievable expressions.

The legendary old man of Fei Mansion finally came back, but he actually recognized a young man as his young master? !

What is the identity of this young man!

At this time, all the family heads also stepped forward to salute Fei Hou: "I have met senior Fei Hou!"

Fei Hou nodded.

"Father, shall we go back to the house first?" Fei Rong said to Fei Hou.

"Okay." Fei Hou spoke, and then respectfully said to Huang Xiaolong: "Young Master, please!"

Huang Xiaolong had no choice but to enter Fei Mansion first, followed by Fei Hou, Fei Rong and other family heads. After Huang Xiaolong and others entered Fei Mansion for a long time, Lin Chenghu and the guards of Fei Mansion were still standing there, unable to wake up.

Entering the hall of Fei Mansion, Fei Hou asked Huang Xiaolong to take a seat and he sat beside him, while Fei Rong and other family heads could only sit at the bottom of the hall on both sides.

Although Fei Rong was full of doubts about Huang Xiaolong, he didn't dare to ask.

"Where's that boy Fei Ming?" Fei Hou asked after sitting down.

Fei Rong said respectfully: "Father, Fei Ming just went out with Miss Tao Zhe, I will have someone call him back right now!"

Fei Hou nodded.

However, at this moment, a Fei Mansion guard suddenly ran in in a panic and said, "Master, it's bad, Master Fei Ming was injured!"

"What?!" The expressions of everyone in the hall changed.

"What's going on? Who did it?!" Fei Rong was furious.

This simply means that Fei Mansion is not taken seriously.