
Chapter 37: Notify the Duke's Palace?


The guard captain saw that Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou seemed not to hear his shouts and were still standing in the middle of the avenue. He did not call out to Huang Xiaolong or Fei Hou anymore. Two civilians died. This kind of thing often happened in Luotong King City. has happened.

Meng Xia, a young man in yellow robes, rushed over on a rhinoceros. When he saw two civilians in cloth blocking the middle of the road, his eyes flashed with blood-devouring light. He clamped his legs between the rhinoceros and rushed towards them at a faster speed.

Under the watchful eyes of the guard captain and the surrounding guards, Meng Xia rode a rhinoceros and finally rushed in front of Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong was about to be knocked away by the rhinoceros. At this moment, Fei Hou suddenly moved, and the sword in his hand appeared at some point. , with a wave of his hand, countless sword lights flashed away.

"Howl!" Then the screams kept ringing, and the charging rhinoceros suddenly stopped, its legs softened, and it fell down. The animal's blood sprayed like a fountain, and the young man in yellow robe, Meng Xia, jumped from the back of the bull. It fell and flew out.

All the rhinoceroses who followed from behind, without exception, when they came a few meters away from Huang Xiaolong, their legs gave out and they fell down. All the guards were thrown away.

Moans and screams came one after another.

The ground stopped shaking.

All around, there were only the moans and screams of the young men in yellow robes. The guard captain and the surrounding guards stared blankly at the rhinoceros that fell to the ground, twitching like an epilepsy, with bright red blood.

The guard captain felt his throat dry, and then looked at Fei Hou in horror.

At this time, Meng Xia, a young man in yellow robe who was thrown off the back of the cow, got up from the ground and looked at Ai Qi lying in a pool of blood. He was extremely shocked and angry.

He pointed at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou, and roared: "Rebellion, rebellion! You lowly pariah dare to kill my mount, damn it! Damn it! Kill them for me, no, cut off their pariah first." Hands! Then cut off their legs and feed them to the dogs!"

The guards got up from the ground. When they heard this, they drew their swords and rushed over angrily. In the royal city, they had always been the only ones who oppressed these untouchables. Now, these untouchables dared to kill their mounts!

These guards struck very hard, slashing at Fei Hou and Huang Xiaolong's hands. It seemed that they really planned to cut off Huang Xiaolong's hands first, and then his legs.

Fei Hou's eyes turned cold and he snorted coldly. He stood there and drew the sword in his hand again. Cold light flashed, and every time it flashed, screams rang out.

Under the stunned eyes of the guards around the guard captain, the sword-holding arms of the guards suddenly separated from their bodies and flew into the air. More than twenty arms rose and fell one after another in mid-air.

"My hand, my hand!"

"My hand is broken!"

The guards screamed in horror.

The young man in yellow robe, Meng Xia, who originally had an angry look on his face and shouted arrogantly to chop off the hands and legs of Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaolong, froze in anger, and was replaced by fear and panic.

Fei Hou slowly walked towards him.

Meng Xia, a young man in yellow robe, backed away in panic: "You, you bastards, what do you want?! I am the young master of the Duke's Palace. If you dare to touch a hair on my head, you will die without a burial place!" It wasn't a threat. Someone once touched a hair on his head, and later that person and hundreds of members of his family died without a burial place.

"To touch a hair of yours?" Fei Hou looked cold and suddenly swung his sword. The sword light kept flashing on the head of the young man in yellow robe, Meng Xia. Meng Xia screamed repeatedly and her whole body trembled. When Fei Hou took back the sword, Huang Xiaolong I smelled a fishy smell and saw that the crotch of the young man in yellow robe, Meng Xia, was actually wet!

Water was dripping down the other party's trousers.

When Fei Hou saw that a disciple of the Duke was so timid, he mocked on his face: "Don't worry, boy, you are not dead yet if I don't kill you!"

Meng Xia, a young man in yellow robe, opened his eyes and saw that his head and neck were still there, but the hair on his head fell to the ground and was cut bald by Fei Hou's sword!

The wind blew and my scalp felt cool.

The string in the heart of the young man in yellow robe, Meng Xia, kept trembling, his heart was beating wildly, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

"Next time you dare to call my young master a pariah, then I will cut off your scalp layer by layer instead of your hair!" Fei Hou looked at the other person with cold eyes and said slowly.

Meng Xia stayed there, unresponsive. Thinking that Fei Hou's sword light kept flashing over his head just now, it had frightened him so much that he couldn't wake up for a while.

Fei Hou returned to Huang Xiaolong’s side: “Young Master, are you okay?”

"I'm fine." Huang Xiaolong nodded and said, "Let's go into the city!" After saying that, he turned around and walked into the city gate. When he passed by the guard captain, Huang Xiaolong's face was indifferent: "Do you still want to pay for entering the city?"

The guard captain suddenly knelt down, with a look of horror on his face, and said with a crying face: "No, no, no, no, no, no! Little ancestor, have mercy on me, have mercy on me!"

In panic, even the little ancestor shouted out.

Huang Xiaolong continued: "Am I a lowly commoner?"

The guard captain shook his head in panic and waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, little ancestor, you are a noble noble, a noble!"

"I am a noble, what about him?" Huang Xiaolong suddenly pointed at the young man in yellow robe, Meng Xia, standing there in the distance with a blank expression and his trousers still dripping.

The guard captain was startled, his face turned red, and he didn't know how to answer.

Fei Hou's eyes widened.

The guard captain was so frightened that he lost control of his buttocks and farted loudly. He said in panic: "He, he is a lowly untouchable!" As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he even wanted to die. How dare a guard captain say that? Is Young Master Meng Xia of the Duke's Palace a lowly pariah? ! When the news comes back to the Duke's Mansion, he, the guard captain, will definitely not be able to be saved. It is not certain whether his life will be saved by then!

"What about you?" Huang Xiaolong asked again.

"I'm a dog, I'm just a dog!" the guard captain said repeatedly, his face extremely pale.

Huang Xiaolong's face turned cold before he and Fei Hou turned around and walked into the city gate.

It wasn't until Huang Xiaolong and the other two people walked away that the guard captain sat slumped on the ground, his expression uglier than if he had stepped on dog poop.

The guards around him looked at him with pity. After a while, a guard came to his side and said carefully: "Captain, look, Master Meng Xia, do we need to notify the Duke's Palace?"

At this time, the young man in yellow robe, Meng Xia, was still standing there stupidly, and the other guards with broken arms were still screaming.

"Notify the Duke's Mansion?" The guard captain suddenly stood up from the ground: "Yes, yes, inform the Duke's Mansion!" At this point, he looked at Huang Xiaolong with hatred on his face, and Fei Hou and the two entered the city gate. The back view: "You lowly untouchables, how dare you hurt Young Master Meng Xia of the Duke's Palace, wait a minute, I will make you cry worse than laughing!"

At this time, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou had already entered the city gate.

“Young Master, don’t worry, this is a small Duke’s Palace, nothing will happen to you.” Fei Hou said to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, he knew that Fei Hou dared to cut off the hands of the Duke's Palace guard and cut off the hair of the young master of the Duke's Palace, so naturally he had something to rely on. Although he didn't know what Fei Hou relied on, but since Fei Hou said so, then It's just okay.

(This chapter is very interesting, brothers, do you have any recommendation votes? There will be a little ** below)

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