Invincible Bloodline

Chapter 243: Just a half-step martial artist


The rule of the county is the rule of the county, even if it is just a border town, it still feels very prosperous! ! !

The city is full of traffic, row upon row, and pedestrians shuttle like weaving, forming a curtain, rubbing shoulders and shoulders! ! !

Tea rooms, shops, restaurants, inns... all kinds of shops, it is a complete set of everything.

There are countless people walking on the street, but more of them are those with arms and legs. Qianyang City, as the western gateway of the Tang Dynasty, is also one of the important economic towns in the western region. The Lair of the Barbarian Tribe is also the producing place of a great Tang Dynasty's elixir! ! !

Every day, a large number of warriors enter the Shiwan Dashan Mountain through Qianyang City and collect various elixir. Although it is dangerous, there are a large number of barbarians and countless strange animals, but it is still difficult to stop the elixir against the warriors* *, you know, even the lowest-level one-star elixir is worth a hundred gold. If you get a three-star elixir by chance, you will be developed, and you don't need to worry about silver money for a lifetime! ! !

Merchants are profit-seeking, and if they have 100% profit, they can ignore everything. In fact, the martial artist is not the case. For the martial artist, resources are the most important. Without resources, even if you are talented No matter how high it is, no matter how profound the cultivation technique is, the final achievement is very limited! ! !

After half an hour, Yang Fan and the four finally arrived at their destination-Luofu! ! !

As one of the four major families in Qianyang City, this Luo Mansion is simply a giant, but the current Yang family is far from it. The huge Luo Mansion covers an area of several miles, almost occupying a small half. This is the central area of Qianyang City. If you know the center of Qianyang City, it’s a place where every inch of land is worth every inch of land. Any one-mu field courtyard is worth no less than a thousand dollars. Let alone this mansion, if the Luo family is willing For sale, I am afraid that there will be no more than tens of thousands of low-grade spirit stones. Looking at the leopard, it is no wonder that the Luo family will look down on Yang Yunfeng, the third youngest of the Yang family! ! !

The former Yang family was really too weak and too weak. To put it bluntly, it was not worthy to carry shoes to the Luo family! ! !

"Ten years, Luo Family, I'm Yang Yunfeng here again!!!" Looking at the words Longfeifengwu Luofu, Yang Yunfeng took a deep breath, and then headed straight into the mansion. Compared to the past, Yang Yunfeng is obviously less. A little cringe, low self-esteem, stalking, faintly arrogant, as if the superiors were patrolling below.

Inside Luofu, the courtyard is deep, extending in all directions, like a maze, pools and rockeries, waterfalls in the inner lake, cornices of Qionglou, everything you need, and the maids and maids you meet along the way are all small carved jade. Beauty, one in a thousand is a bit exaggerated, but it is definitely not an exaggeration to say that it is one in a thousand! ! !

There are also a pair of guards with swords, patrolling the surroundings back and forth, everyone is called an elite, the last time they have six peak cultivation bases, many of them are high-level warriors who have opened their veins! ! !

The huge Luo Mansion can be roughly divided into two parts, the area of the direct descendants and the residence of the collateral children, in an orderly manner! ! !

Half an hour later, Yang Fan and his party of four appeared in front of a grand mansion, carved beams and jade pillars, showing the wealth of the big family everywhere! ! !

Looking at the unfamiliar and familiar Mansion in front of him, Yang Fan’s indifferent face did not know when he climbed up with a smile. In the big Luo Mansion, if there is something that makes him feel good, There is only the family of Luo Jianing, his uncle. Because of the same age, his uncle Luo Jianing can be said to have grown up with his mother. Among the nine siblings, the two of them have the best relationship. Love the house and the underworld. For his nephew, It is also the most beloved! ! !

And the Ningling Garden in front of me is my uncle's residence! ! !

"Ah! It's Miss Wu and Master Wu..." As soon as they entered Ningling Court, someone recognized Yang Yunfeng and his wife. Soon, the whole courtyard was boiling, "Miss Wu, Wu Grandpa is back! Miss Fifth and Aunt Fifth are back!!!"

Not long after, I saw a man and a woman, two middle-aged people, snatched it out! ! !

The middle-aged man, in his early forties, dressed in brocade and jade clothes, has an elegant appearance. Although the sideburns have been slightly stained with frost, the faint scrolling breath between his eyebrows is still very attractive. Vaguely, you can see that he and Luo The rhyme is somewhat similar.

It is Yang Fan's uncle, Luo Jianing, the fourth youngest of the Luo family.

Like Luo Yun, Luo Jianing's talent is not too outstanding. He is only a ninth-rank bloodline and has been painstakingly cultivated for decades. He can only be squeezed into the eighth peak. In the huge Luofu, he can barely be called one. Good hands! ! !

A middle-aged woman with a petite figure and extremely beautiful appearance. She looks just like her in her early thirties. She is still charming. She has a string of pearl necklaces on her neck with rounded luster, which sets off her grace, elegance and dignity! ! !

My younger aunt—Han Min, the third Miss Han from the four major families in Qianyang City. The Luo Han family have always made good friends and are in-laws. Moreover, Han Min is Luo Yun’s close friend in her boudoir, and Luo Jianing is able to embrace the beauty. At that time Luo Yun was out. With a lot of strength, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the matchmaker of the two of them! ! !

"Yunfeng, little girl..." Luo Jianing first nodded slightly at Yang Yunfeng, and then turned his eyes to Luo Yun, who looked to one side, with pity in his eyes. I want to come here for these years as my own girl. After suffering a lot, Fengyang City’s Yang family is a small remote town, and this brother-in-law of my own family is not a cultivating wizard. In the family, he has not received much attention. How can this life be easy? This is actually the old man’s determination. The reason for opposing the marriage of the two is actually not unacceptable. As long as you are good enough and talented enough, everything is not a problem. It is a pity that Yang Yunfeng is a ninth-rank middle-blooded person, and he will not be able to cultivate for a lifetime. Able to step into the realm of Kaimai Seventh Heaven.

at this time... ... ..

Luo Jianing's body shook suddenly, and there was a touch of astonishment in his eyes, "Strange, I...How can I not see through the cultivation of the younger sister? Difficult...Is it impossible to be a younger sister to repair? Because it has surpassed me? This... how is this possible..."

He is the eight-fold peak cultivation base, even some of the mid-stage nine-fold powerhouses, he can see some clues, so that he can not see the truth at all, at least it is the nine-fold late stage cultivation base, but is this possible

He knows the talent of his own little girl more clearly, not as good as himself. She is barely considered a ninth-Rank, middle-high bloodline person, ten years of hard work, and being able to step from the fifth level of open channels to the seventh level of open channels is the limit. , This still has sufficient resources for cultivation, but Fengyang City’s Yang family is not their Ganyang City Luo family. With so many resources for the little girl to squander, it is common sense that her own little girl can step into the sixth heaven. The environment is the limit! ! !

"Hey, Lian Yunfeng is like this..." Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Yang Yunfeng on the side, Luo Jianing's heart trembled again. In his eyes, Yang Yunfeng was nothing but ordinary people who knew nothing about martial arts. Knowing that as early as ten years ago, Yang Yunfeng already had a five-fold peak cultivation base.

Before he knew it, Luo Jianing's eyes fell on Yang Fan and Aunt Mei of Yang Yunfeng and his wife, "This...what the hell is going on? Why do I even look at the cultivation of Xiaofan and Hongmei? well... ... .."

The talent of his own nephew, he is clearly, the most trash the bloodline of the lower grade 9 and he still regretted it at that time. If Yang Fan detects that he is a peerless genius of the bloodline of the 8th grade, then the old man is afraid to look at the face of the baby nephew. , Forgave the couple, what a pity! ! !

With a mere ninth-rank bloodline, even if he worked hard to cultivate, whether he could step into the three-dimensional realm now is a big unknown. Logically speaking, he should be able to see through his cultivation at a glance! ! !

"Difficult...Could it be that the little girls have all cultivated the secret method that can hide their cultivation?" Suddenly, Luo Jianing flashed a glimmer of light in his heart, but was quickly strangled in the cradle.

The secret method of concealing cultivation bases is rare. Even among large sects like the Seven Star Sect, they are considered rare. Many clan powers only hear about it by name and disappear. Even if they are Luo Family, they all look for it. There is no secret method to conceal cultivation, not to mention such a small family like the Yang Family in Fengyang City! ! !

"Little girl, what is your cultivation level now?" After hesitating slightly, Luo Jianing still expressed the doubt in his heart.

"Just a half-step martial artist!!!"

The author Xiaoyao Huanyu said: In the new January, please ask for a basic flower. Friends who have flowers, please don’t be stingy with the flowers in your hand! ! !