Invincible Bloodline

Chapter 30: Kill the chicken with a sledge knife


The Qixing Mountain Range is the first mountain range in the western part of the Tang Dynasty. It stretches for thousands of miles, like a dormant dragon, heading north-south, and straddling the three places of Western Shu, Long'an and Jieting in the Tang Dynasty! ! !

Among them, the sacred land of Lingshan is lined up and there are many weather. The most famous are the seven main peaks of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang. Legend has it that under these seven main peaks, the seven are suppressed. Lingmai, this also made the Qixing Sect's luck for thousands of years, not only did not show the slightest decline, but it became more and more prosperous.

Under the seven main peaks, there are thirty-six spiritual peaks. Although these spiritual peaks are not like the seven main peaks with the suppression of spiritual pulses, they are also quite extraordinary. Handyman Peak.

Lingyun Peak-one of the four great spiritual peaks owned by Kaiyang, it is also the place where thousands of disciples of Kaiyang are cultivating. This peak is as high as thousands of feet, with mist and fairy sounds, and spirit cranes dancing. , The beasts are running, and on the halfway of Lingyun Peak, there is a vast area with the fragrance of birds and flowers, twining of emerald vines, and lush vegetation. Between the trees, you can see many houses with red walls and green tiles, every house The houses, all with a large courtyard, look more luxurious than the wealthy families in the city! ! !

Among them, in front of a luxurious and spacious courtyard deep in the woods, a slender young man in a black shirt stood quietly, Yang Fan, who had just been promoted to the outer door! ! !

Early in the morning, Yang Fan, who had packed up his clothes, went directly to the principal—Zhao Yiming, hoping that he could take care of Qin Hu more after he left. In Mozhufeng, he was a friend of Qin Hu, and Yang Fan would never forget it. , For this, Zhao Yiming will naturally not fail to give Yang Fan face, not to mention Yang Fan’s enchanting talent, in the future, he is destined to become a great figure in their Yang Fan line, that is, last night, winning everything for him, it is enough for him to reward Yang Fan, on the spot He assured Yang Fan that as long as he was there, Qin Hu would never be aggrieved at Mozhu Peak! ! !

During the period, Zhao Yiming mentioned Chen Jianhua a little, and warned Yang Fan to be careful of this person so as not to be subjected to his calculations. Yang Fan just chuckled and did not take it seriously. Chen Jianhua has been operating in the Seven Star Sect for many years and has a profound background, but He Yang Fan is not muddled, and if he is troubled by him, he will suffer in the end, and who will be the one! ! !

"Father, mother, have you seen it? The child has successfully advanced to the outer door!!!" He raised his eyes and looked far away, as if he could see his parents thousands of miles away.

next moment... ... .

Yang Fan moved his hands and slowly pushed open the trembling wooden door! ! !

What you see is a big garden and a small training ground! ! !

A garden occupies a few acres of land, and that small martial arts field is also a few acres in size! ! !

There are pavilions everywhere, bamboo swaying, water trickling, and the air clear! ! !

Looking at Yang Fan, he swallowed his saliva. Compared with this small courtyard, the small bungalow he lived in when he was a handyman disciple was just like that dilapidated cottage. , Compared to this is much inferior.

After playing in the garden for a while, Yang Fan opened the door of the room and walked in! ! !

The furnishings in the room are simple and yet atmospheric, clean and not stained with a trace of dust, and there are a few pots of orchids on the windowsill, exuding a refreshing fragrance! ! !

I opened the closet and saw that it was full of various robes.

Randomly chose a purple-black gown and replaced it with his long gown. This gown was woven from silk and precious fabrics, worn on the body, as light as nothing, and indescribably comfortable! ! !

After gently walking twice, Yang Fan opened his carry-on package, revealing everything in his bag, dozens of twelve ingots, three white jade bottles, an egg-sized milky white jade, and an inch-thick book.

Not to mention the silver, it was Yang Fan’s own savings. The three white jade bottles were filled with the top-grade spirit pill, the purple spirit pill, and countless bone-forging realm powerhouses that he had won the first prize this time. The spirit pill washes the marrow pill, and the milky white jade is the common currency of the advanced warrior spirit stone.

As for the title of the last book-Three Yang Kaimai Jue, it is a lower-level mind technique of the Yellow level, and it is this Three Yang Kaimai Jue that disciples of the Seven-Star Sect Kaiyang One Line of Outer Sect generally practice! ! !

In addition, every disciple of the outer sect has the opportunity to choose a martial art, but this requires the disciple of the outer sect to go to the martial arts pavilion to choose by himself.

Opening the Three Yang Kaimai Jue at will, Yang Fan began to read it carefully! ! !

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

"Bump!", "Bump!", "Bump!"...

Half an hour later, there was a vigorous knock on the door outside the house, accompanied by a rough voice, "Junior Brother Yang, come out quickly, I will take you to the cafeteria!!!"

"Brother Manniu wait a minute, I'll come right away!!!" After storing the two jade bottles containing the spirit pills and the spirit stone next to him, Yang Fan sorted out his clothes and went out.

Opening the courtyard door, a sturdy man who was nearly two meters tall, with a tiger-backed waist and a rugged face, faintly resembled Qin Hu, Yang Fan's good roommate, appeared in Yang Fan's line of sight.

This bull can be regarded as an old man of Lingyun Peak, he has been promoted to the outer door for three years, and it is very coincidental that this bull was once also a disciple of Mo Zhufeng's handyman, and Yang Fan immediately liked him! ! !

After a half-pillar incense, Yang Fan, led by Man Niu, appeared outside the canteen. It was said to be a canteen, but it was a huge palace. The space inside was vast, with hundreds of acres of land, which could accommodate tens of thousands of people to eat together. , Without a trace of crowdedness! ! !

At this moment, in the main hall, there are already thousands of people dining, one by one, with elegant manners, whispering, very literate, and quite stylish! ! !

"Junior Brother Yang, come with me!!!" Man Niu greeted Yang Fan, took a white jade dinner plate, and began to select food from the rows of food racks. Yang Fan also followed Mann. After the cow! ! !

Just like on Mozhu Peak, the food here is mainly meat, but it is basically the meat of precious exotic animals, and there are even fourth and fifth-level exotic animals among them. Qitang, it's no wonder that all the handyman disciples are eagerly trying to advance to the outer door, and the basic welfare alone is a few blocks away from the handyman peak! ! !

"Hehe... ...Sister Lan, that's the Yang Fan you mentioned, and it doesn't seem to be amazing!!!" Not far from Yang Fan, a charming female disciple pointed to Yang Fan. .

This is a young girl with a cardamom age. The girl is dressed in red clothes, red and red, like the beating flame, full of youthful vitality, slender waist, although slim but not weak, but has the toughness and liveliness of a girl.

And the Junior Sister Lan in the mouth of this girl can barely be regarded as Yang Fan’s acquaintance, not someone else. It is the Lan Lingmei, who is known as the Lingmei Fairy. At this moment, Lan Lingmei has put on a blue purple skirt with skin. Shengxue, Liu's eyebrows are curved, a pair of agile eyes are like flowing waves, coupled with the demure temperament, just like the fairy walking out of the painting.

"Sister Fu, he is not easy. Looking at the outer door, I am afraid that few people can compare to him!!!" Lan Lingmei Zhu's lips lightly opened, and with a small smile, he could break the fate of Kaiyang. A breakthrough in the battle, such a genius is a simple person, I believe that as long as he is given some time, he will be famous as the Seven Stars, even the Tang Dynasty! ! !

"It's a high evaluation, Junior Sister Lan, did you see Yang Fan?" Fu Hongxue's eyes rolled and gave Lan Lingmei a playful look.

"Sister Fu, what are you talking about, I just take him as the target of chasing!!!" Lan Lingmei rolled her eyes speechlessly. He is not the idiot who can't walk when he sees a man, and Yang Fan is too. Without being handsome, how could she like him, but she obviously didn't expect how charming and touching her action was, and the heartbeats of many foreign disciples all around accelerated.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

On the other side of the cafeteria.

A young man in a blue robe sat calmly, with a little majesty between his eyebrows, holding a wine glass in his hand, sipping a glass of fine wine, his eyes flashed with Yang Fan from time to time, and his facial expression was even greater. It is uncertain.

Below this young man, there were five people sitting. One of them had distorted facial features and eyes full of resentment and hatred. He gritted his teeth and said to the blue-robed young man, "Senior Brother Lu Chao, that's the little beast. For my second brother, this hatred and hatred are not shared, I will definitely abolish that kid, otherwise I will not be a man!!!"

Leiyun is also the cousin of Thunderstorm. I thought that this year his cousin could pass through Tongren Lane and successfully promoted to the outer door. At that time, he would also have many helpers. What did I think, it was not his second brother who passed through Tongren Lane smoothly in the end. Promoting to the outer door, on the contrary, the limbs were abolished, the heavenly veins were cut off, the bad news of not being able to practice martial arts for a lifetime, the anger in my heart can be imagined! ! !

"Leiyun, is it possible that you want to do it in the cafeteria? Don't forget the rules of the sect!!!" The blue-robed young man Lu Chao's expression was instantly cold, the outer door is not like a handyman peak, but private fighting is strictly prohibited." There is also Master Bai, but this kid is very important!!!"

Leiyun's expression became stiff, but his face was flushed quickly, the blue veins on his forehead violently, and his teeth were grinded loudly, "Senior Brother Lu Chao, did my second brother suffer this injury in vain? That's impossible!!!"

"You, you, you are just impatient! When did I say this, just forget it!!!" Lu Chao shook his head and smiled bitterly, "but you can't act recklessly. In this way, Lei Yun will provoke the kid in a while. But remember, you can’t do anything in the cafeteria to provoke that kid to a fight, and you won’t let you decide if you are killed or disabled at that time!!!"

"Good! Good! Good! There is life and death on the stage of life and death, as long as you are in the ring, even if you are in the ring, there is nothing to say!!!" Lei Yun grinned and gave Yang Fan a slap in the face, ready to get up.

However, at this moment, a big rough hand pressed Leiyun's shoulder, "Senior Brother Leiyun, kill a chicken with a sledge knife, a newcomer, just leave it to Junior Brother and I will come, don’t worry, as long as that kid dares to go up. In the ring, the younger brother will definitely break his whole body bones to vent the hatred of your brother, brother!!!"