Invincible Bloodline

Chapter 46: Big breakthrough


"If you want to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace!!!"

Of course this is impossible. The Hundred Waves Knife Art is not the legendary Sunflower Book, where can you practice with your own little brother! ! !

"If you want to practice this skill, you must first have the spirit channel? Is this the secret hidden by the Bailang Dao Jue?" Looking at the small and ancient words in front of him, Yang Fan seemed to understand something faintly.

According to legend, the human bloodline is divided into twenty-seven grades of nine ranks. Among them, ranks 7 to 9 are ordinary veins, rank 4 to 6 are spiritual veins, and higher than rank 3 are profound veins, which are called king bloodlines by the world! ! !

The spiritual veins seem to be low-level, and can only be regarded as the middle level among the 9th-rank bloodlines, but in fact it is not. Every spiritual veinist, even the lowest-level 6th-rank inferior spirit veins, is a rare peerless enchantment in the ages. , Not to mention a mere Tang Dynasty, even if you look at the 13 countries in the Nanling Region, you can't find a few spiritual veins. It has been three thousand years since the founding of the Seven Star Sect, but apart from the founding of the Seven Stars Except for the sixth-grade spiritual veins, there has never been a peerless Tianjiao with spiritual veins, and even the next-level quasi-sixth-grade spiritual veins have never been found.

If, as these words say, those who want to practice the Hundred Waves Sword Art must first have spiritual veins, over the past thousands of years, the hundreds of thousands of geniuses who have practiced this skill have either gone crazy or died in a burst. , It's not difficult to explain! ! !

"But after so many years, why hasn't anyone discovered this secret?" Soon, a doubt came to Yang Fan's heart. Throughout the ages, there have been countless ways to hide characters, such as hiding methods that can be revealed with just a little tea. , Can not be called sparse and ordinary, but it is not rare. For thousands of years, there are not 10,000 people who have read this hundred waves of swordsmanship. There are also three to five thousand people. Among them, there is absolutely no shortage of talents and talents. It is not difficult to find the secrets in this book.

Yang Fan is new to entry, but he does not know that the martial arts pavilion has its own rules. Every martial skill can only be copied in the martial arts pavilion. The martial arts are originally not allowed to be brought out of the martial arts pavilion. If the deacon’s "help" is not required, Yang Fan will be the last Choosing this Hundred Waves Sword Art is just a copy of his own transcript, which is impossible to bring out the original. At that time, Yang Fan will not talk about moistening the secret book with tea, but soak the whole secret book in water. Never discover the secrets in it! ! !

Unable to figure out the reasons, Yang Fan stopped thinking about it. After a while, the doubts in his eyes were replaced by excitement, "Hahaha... The surname should be counted, but you still count." I missed a trick, hahaha...excellent martial arts, luck! What luck! Hahaha..."

If you change to someone else, even if you accidentally learn the secrets of the Hundred Waves Sword Art, you can only hopefully sigh. The promotion of the lower third rank Fanmai, I will do my best to exhaust my life, and I can’t say there is a chance in my lifetime, but I want It’s really too difficult to transform from a common vein to a spiritual vein, and it’s tens of millions of times more difficult than climbing to the sky. With the power of the Seven Star Sect, even the power of the entire Tang Dynasty, it’s difficult to cultivate a true deity. Fortunately, Yang Fan has the body of Dafa to devour the sky and the earth. Everything is different. As long as you work hard to hunt down foreign beasts and swallow the blood of all beasts, his blood will one day transform into a spiritual vein, and even go further. , It is not difficult to become a high-ranking third-rank profound veined person! ! !

"Deacon Ying, I will definitely let you taste the martial arts of Hundred Waves Sword Art at that time!!!" The cold light flashed in Yang Fan's eyes, and then he cherished it. Therefore, put the cheats on the table into the small Qiankun bag and cherish it.

next moment... ... .

Yang Fan's figure flashed, and he sat cross-legged on Chanmu University. Soon a three-inch white jade-colored porcelain vase appeared in Yang Fan's hands. Soon, a creamy yellow pill that was the size of a pigeon egg and exuded a strong medicinal fragrance fell. In his palm, it is the high-grade Tongmai Pill that is worth a thousand taels of silver.

The humiliation he received in front of the Wu Ji Pavilion made Yang Fan deeply realize his weakness. If he wants not to be trampled on and threatened by others, there is only one way, and that is to become stronger! Become stronger! Be stronger again! Powerful to heaven and earth, no one can beat it! ! !


The high-grade Tongmai Pill immediately turned into pure aura and exploded in Yang Fan's body. Yang Fan closed his eyes, and fully operated the Three Yang Kaimai Jue to absorb the turbulent medicinal power in the body, turning it into the most The pure inner breath, like a direct current, blends into the inner breath of his body like a Yangtze River, constantly continuing his strength, preparing to break through to a higher realm! ! !

Moon star is rare! ! !

The mountain behind Lingyun Peak is like a beast hibernating on the ground, it will wake up completely at some unknown time, open its bloody mouth, and devour the creatures from all directions! ! !

In the vast dense forest, a black shadow is running at a speed that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye! ! !

Suddenly, that shadow was just a meal. He wore a black gown, sword eyebrows, star eyes, and angular face. It wasn't who Yang Fan was, but Yang Fan was more mature at this moment, and there were hardly many young Lang Ying on his face. Some are immature! ! !

Unknowingly, it has been a month since Yang Fan was promoted to the outer door. In the past month, Yang Fan can be said to be in a simple way. During the day, he devours spirit pills in his small courtyard to hone his martial arts. For this reason, his worth is It shrank sharply, and now only one of the four spirit stones is left. At night, they go deep into the back mountain to hunt foreign animals. Like Mozhu Peak, the back mountain of Lingyun Peak has also been kept in captivity by the Seven Star Sect masters. Of course, compared to Mozhu Peak, the strange beasts on Lingyun Peak are too much stronger. Level 4 and 5 strange beasts are in groups and can be seen everywhere. Level 6 strange beasts can barely be called. It is the leader of a party, and those who can dominate the back mountain are all high-level monsters above level seven! ! !

However, Yang Fan is no longer what it used to be, and he has all his cards. Among the mountains behind, he is considered to be the top rank. Even if he is against those eighth-level beast kings, he is not without the power of a battle. During the period, although he has encountered several times Dangerous, but basically it can be called a surprise! ! !

at this time... ... .


With a roar, a three-foot-long red-haired giant ape rushed out of a tree that was surrounded by several people, and Yang Fan came out with a punch! ! !

On the forehead of this red giant ape, a blood moon, a blood moon giant ape, one of the great kings on the back mountain of Lingyun Peak, an eighth-level middle-ranked monster, unparalleled in power, and the horror of power, are many ninefolds. Warriors should be ashamed! ! !

Coupled with the momentum of the dive, this fist is terrifying, beyond ordinary people's imagination, and the power it contains far exceeds the power of a thousand tripods. It can open mountains and crack rocks! ! !

"Naughty animal! You are looking for death!!!" Yang Fan only felt that there was a flower in front of him. The blood moon giant ape had already bullied him close, and he shouted angrily, but Yang Fan didn't flash too much. He just hit the blood moon. Great ape head-to-head! ! !


The fists of one person and one beast banged together, like a meteorite falling, hitting the ground! ! !


The sound of broken bones sounded like firecrackers.

"Roar!!!" With an extremely stern wailing, the blood moon giant ape's three-foot-thousand-like demon-like body couldn't stop back exploding. One person and one beast fisted against each other, and the blood moon giant ape was directly caught by Yang Fan. The tyrannical force shattered the entire ape's arm abruptly! ! !

Every day, every night, Yang Fan’s strength is advancing by leaps and bounds. Today, he has already opened up eighty-four heavenly veins, and he is only one step away from the eight-fold sky. More importantly, he swallows thousands. After the essence and blood of the alien beast, his bloodline went one step further and entered the eighth rank. Whether it was cultivation level or bloodline, it was no longer under the top ten outer disciples, only the martial skills learned! ! !


With a single blow, Yang Fan won the power and didn't forgive him. He leaped up, moved his legs, and the internal energy flowed, instantly forming a whirlwind, sweeping towards the blood moon giant ape! ! !

This is the leg of the god of wind in the realm of Dacheng! ! !

"Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!"... ..

The shadows of the legs were all over the sky, and for a short breath, the blood moon giant ape didn’t know how many feet it hit Yang Fan. Every kick and every blow was far more powerful than a thousand ding, even if the blood moon giant ape’s flesh shell was comparable to a high-grade spirit soldier, Can't bear such a heavy blow! ! !


With a cry of a beast before it died, the blood moon giant ape could no longer withstand Yang Fan's storm-like offensive and fell to the ground! ! !

In the back mountain of Lingyun Peak, in a rather secret cave, Yang Fan, who was full of fierce aura, dragged the blood moon giant ape into the cave slowly, and saw that in the depths of the cave, densely packed with strange animals The corpse is dozens of huge, and no strange beast is weak, the last time it is a sixth-level strange beast, and many have reached the seventh level, and there are even two ranks that are not below the blood moon giant ape. The eighth-level Beastmaster! ! !

Just tonight, Yang Fan is ready to make another breakthrough, stepping into the Eighth Heaven Realm in one fell swoop! ! !

The author Xiaoyao Huanyu said: Rolling all over the floor asking for support, collecting rewards, anything is fine! ! !