Invincible God of War

Chapter 242: Popular wolf king


In front, there is a towering mountain ridge, the highest point is dozens of feet high.

One person and one wolf climbed up the mountain, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

The mountains and rivers ahead were no longer bare, with small grasses and trees growing there.

But they are basically withered and yellow.

Already withered.

It's hard to find a bit of green.

Such a desolate place is simply not suitable for human survival.

But just below the mountain, you can clearly see a series of small wooden houses, which are very simple.

There are many domestic animals grazing in the mountain stream.

In the sight, many figures can be seen.

There are old and young, men and women, but without exception, they all lack nutrition and are skinny.


None of them had any clothes on them, and they all made a fig leaf out of hay or leaves.

One person and one wolf feel like they are in a primitive tribe.

"People living here are really suffering."

Qin Feiyang whispered.

This was the first time in his life that he had seen such an environment and conditions.

There was an inexplicable sadness in my heart.

The Wolf King was puzzled: "Didn't it mean that the people in the ruins are basically from outside? Why are there still ordinary people?"

Qin Feiyang said: "Since the founding of the Great Qin Empire, the ruins have existed. After so many years, a brand new civilization has already spawned."

The Wolf King nodded and asked: "How long has the Great Qin Empire existed?"

Qin Feiyang said: "According to ancient records, it is almost ten thousand years."

"So long?"

The Wolf King's eyes widened in surprise.

"It's not too long. Once a warrior enters the War Emperor Realm, he has five hundred years of life, let alone the emperor of the Great Qin Empire?"

"The strength of each generation of emperors has reached the realm of heaven and earth..."

Speaking of which.

Qin Feiyang stopped talking and walked towards the bottom of the mountain.

It wasn't because he was afraid that Lu Hong and Fatty would hear.

It's because there are too many memories that make him sad, angry, and hateful.

He was afraid that once he remembered it, he would be unable to control his emotions.

As soon as they walked down the mountain, they met an old man and a child.

The old man's body was rickety, with only skin and bones left. His cloudy eyes revealed despair and helplessness for life, and he looked particularly desolate.


About twelve or thirteen years old.

He was also skinny and extremely dirty.

Children of this age are generally very lively.

But the child in front of him had a dull expression and empty eyes, which was a bit sad, which made people feel sad.

"so poor."

Even though he was a ferocious wolf king, he couldn't help but feel pity.

"A place like this shouldn't exist!"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flashed coldly.

If he was given a choice, he would rather be cruel and send these people away from this world than watch them live such a desperate life.

One person and one wolf continued to move forward, and the people they met were all in similar situations to the old man and the young man.

But gradually.

There was a hint of ferocity in those empty eyes.

Like sleeping wolves, they are gradually awakening.

"There's something wrong with the atmosphere."

The Wolf King scanned those people warily.

"Let's go!"

Qin Feiyang whispered.

"Brother, please wait."

But that's it.

A green and unfamiliar voice came from behind.

Qin Feiyang stopped and looked back.

I saw the child I met at the beginning running towards this side.

"Little brother, is something wrong?"

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

The child ran up to him, looked up at him, his dirty face full of longing, and asked: "Brother, can you give me something to eat?"

Qin Feiyang felt inexplicably sour in his heart.

A simple sentence can touch anyone's heart.

As long as he is not a cold-blooded animal, he cannot refuse this child's plea.

The Wolf King said: "Xiao Qinzi, when we were training in the Yanpan Mountains, didn't we kill a lot of ferocious beasts? Why don't we give them all to them."

Even its heart was melted.

It shows how miserable the people here live.

Qin Feiyang nodded and took out the Qiankun bag.

With a wave of his hand, a large number of ferocious beasts suddenly appeared on the ground next to him.

These ferocious beasts are all edible.

But as soon as they saw these ferocious beasts, the whole village went into a state of madness and started to use them here.

Their eyes are full of greed!

Qin Feiyang said hurriedly: "Don't grab it, let's share the food equally."

But at this moment, those people definitely couldn't listen.

In his eyes, there is only food.



The Wolf King released a terrifying force, and his eyes became extremely terrifying.

For a moment.

Everyone was lying on the ground, their bodies trembling.

The child next to him was so frightened that he cried.

Qin Feiyang squatted on the ground, patted the child's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Little brother, you are a man, you can't cry, do you understand?"


The child nodded.

Maybe it was because of Qin Feiyang's pleasant appearance that he became bolder.

On his shoulder, there was a bamboo tube hanging.

This is for holding water.

He took out the bamboo tube, handed it to Qin Feiyang for a kiss, and said with a smile: "Brother, thank you for sending us food. I'll treat you to a drink of water."

Qin Feiyang took the bamboo tube, pulled out the plug, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it.


A strange smell hit my nostrils.

You can't drink this water.

But people here treat it as drinking water.


Qin Feiyang sighed secretly, took a few sips, and returned the bamboo tube to the child.

But suddenly.

His body trembled slightly, and a rush of hot blood rushed to his throat.


There was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

On the body.

A murderous intent permeated the air.

The people here suddenly felt as if they were trapped in a world of ice and snow, with chills all over their bodies.

But eventually.

Qin Feiyang resisted his murderous thoughts, stood up, glanced at the crowd around him, and said with a smile: "Don't grab it, everyone has a share of this food."

The child and the old man were a little panicked.

Qin Feiyang looked at the two of them, reached out and rubbed the child's head, and said with a smile: "Little brother, life is not easy, you must cherish it."

The child nodded instinctively.

Qin Feiyang retracted his arm and said, "White-eyed Wolf, let's go."

Just as one man and one wolf turned around and prepared to leave.

The old man suddenly made a pop, knelt on the ground, and said hoarsely: "Young man, I'm sorry, I poisoned the water, please kill me!"


Qin Feiyang smiled.

"Thank you for your magnanimity."

The old man kowtowed.

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.

It is impossible to produce deadly poison in such a desolate place.

The water in the water just now was just a very common poison, which was enough to kill a mortal.

But it still doesn't pose much of a threat to warriors.

One person and one wolf walked a few steps, and the old man said again: "Young man, if you want to survive safely, you'd better change your clothes."


Qin Feiyang frowned and turned to look at the old man in confusion.

"In the land of ruins, there are only two kinds of people who can wear such gorgeous clothes as yours."

"One is a big shot in the city."

"The other type is those who have just come to the ruined land."

"The big shots in the city, who are pampered and well-off, would never come to a place of poverty like this."

"So the only explanation is that you are new to the ruins."

"If you don't change your clothes, you will definitely encounter the same situation next time."

The old man said.

"Thank you, old man, for reminding me."

Qin Feiyang cupped his hands and quickly left the village with the Wolf King.

"Not only did he give us food, but he didn't mind if I poisoned him. He is a good man."

The old man looked at the backs of one man and one wolf, his eyes full of gratitude.

Others also watched Qin Feiyang and the Wolf King with tears of gratitude.

Leave the village.

Qin Feiyang took an antidote pill, and within a few breaths, the toxins in his body were completely eliminated.

The Wolf King joked: "You actually let them go. What kind of wind is blowing today? This is not like the Qin Feiyang I know."

"Actually, sometimes, murder may not be necessary to solve the problem."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

Like just now, if you really kill someone, it will only make the people in the village angrier and crazier.

But switching to the method of repaying evil with kindness will not only gain the respect of the other party, but also make those people realize their mistakes.

Moreover, those people are also forced by life.


He always thought that he was the most miserable person in the world.

But now, seeing the people here, he realized that he was a relatively lucky person.


When he was helpless, his distant uncle stayed with him.

Now the Wolf King, Lu Hong, and Fatty are accompanying him.

He is not alone.


Qin Feiyang found a hidden place, found some old linen clothes, and put them on.

And it was deliberately made very broken and dirty.

He really couldn't do it if he was like those people in the village who only used hay and leaves to cover their shame.

The Wolf King also deliberately made himself look disgraced.

Now it doesn't look like a wolf at all, like a dirty wild dog.

After dressing up in disguise, they continued to set off, but they did not delay their cultivation. They refined the Qi Gathering Pill every moment, and their cultivation progressed by leaps and bounds.

Half a month later.

A dilapidated ancient city came into the sight of one person and one wolf.

Above the city gate, the words Crouching Tiger City are engraved.

The city walls are riddled with holes.

The buildings in the city are also in dilapidated condition.

Coupled with the gloomy sky, at first glance, it looks like an eerie ghost town.

There was no one guarding the city gate, and it looked extremely deserted.


"A wild dog actually entered the city."

"I've never eaten dog meat."

"Little brother, can you sell me this wild dog and I can exchange it for you with a body tempering pill?"

"Don't sell it to him, I'll exchange it with you for a Qi Gathering Pill."

Qin Feiyang and Wolf King entered the city gate.

The Wolf King became the focus and was very popular.

But this kind of welcome is somewhat ironic.

People on the street gathered around it, staring at it with green eyes, and some were even wiping their saliva.

Even though the Wolf King was fearless that day, he couldn't help but get angry at this moment.

These people are simply reincarnations of starving ghosts.

"Where are the wild dogs?"

"Get out of my way!"

A young man dressed in shabby linen, surrounded by several naked strong men, strode domineeringly in front of Qin Feiyang and the Wolf King.

"It's the eldest young master of the Wang family!"


"Otherwise, if the wild dogs fail to eat, their lives will be lost!"

The crowd surrounding one man and one wolf immediately retreated to the side in panic when they saw Azabu Youth and his group.