Invincible God of War

Chapter 289: charming


As for the mermaid clan.

The Mermaid Emperor's strength has recovered, and the Black Wing Guards and White Wing Guards do not dare to make another mistake.

The two Black Wing Kings have never been seen in front of others since they were severely humiliated by Qin Feiyang in the Holy Land that day.

It is said that he is in retreat.

But no one knows the actual situation.

And their forced uterus became a farce.

Time flies.

A month passed.


The first stroke of Zhan Zijue was finally copied successfully.

The glory is shining brightly, and the fighting spirit is soaring into the sky!


Qin Feiyang's cultivation level also broke through.

Two-star war king!

"It can improve your cultivation."

"If this continues, when I master the Zhan Zi Jue, that will be the day I break through to the War Emperor!"

He was quite excited.

Because in this way, he doesn't need to practice separately, he only needs to concentrate on copying the Zhan Zi Jue.


The consumption of battle energy pills is quite painful.

In one month, 30,000 war energy pills were consumed!

The total number of war energy pills is only 130,000.

Give half to the Wolf King, leaving more than 60,000.

Now that another 30,000 coins have been consumed, there are only more than 30,000 left.

I'm afraid it's not enough for him to copy the second stroke.


By the time the second month passed, I was still a little short of successfully copying the second stroke.

Qin Feiyang had no choice but to close the iron book.

There is no time to delay in finding the alchemy furnace!

He turned around and looked at the two fat men.

In the past two months, the two of them worked really hard and never rested.

This kind of dedication also brings huge rewards.

In almost a month, they can break through a small realm.


Lu Hong is an eight-star martial arts sect.

Fatty is also a Seven-Star Martial Sect.

If this kind of speed were to spread, I don’t know how many martial arts geniuses would be angered to death.

But compared to Qin Feiyang, he is a little inferior.

Because when he was in Wuzong, he could break through a small realm in basically ten days and a half.

"It seems that in less than a year, we will both be able to enter the realm of the King of War."

Qin Feiyang whispered, with a smile on his face.

The stronger the two are, the more they will help him.


With a thought in his mind, he appeared in the palace.

"Meet Mr. Qin."

The two black wing guards guarding the door immediately ran in and bowed.

After what happened two months ago, both the Black Wing Guard and the White Wing Guard are now in awe of Qin Feiyang.

"Where's the princess?"

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

"The princess is walking outside in the garden."

"Do you want us to take you there?"

the two asked.


Qin Feiyang was stunned, walked out of the palace, stood on the steps in front of the door, and looked forward.

Tens of meters away, there is a garden of about several hundred feet.

In the garden, there are many corals and various underwater plants, forming a beautiful scenery.

On a trail.

A blond woman walked slowly step by step, her head lowered, as if she was thinking about something.

That’s right!

The mermaid princess is just walking!

Her golden fish tail and wings disappeared.

Instead, she had two long legs, slender and tall, and a pale golden tulle dress, which made her look extremely luxurious.


Qin Feiyang sighed deeply and walked towards the mermaid princess.

After this period of getting along, he has discovered that the mermaid princess does have a crush on him.

Those two long legs are undoubtedly the best proof.

Qin Feiyang walked up quietly and patted her shoulder gently.


The mermaid princess was startled.

She turned around and saw that it was Qin Feiyang, and said angrily: "Why are you walking so silently? If you scare someone, you will scare them to death."

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled: "You are too absorbed in thinking. Tell me, what are you thinking about?"

The mermaid princess suddenly looked away in panic.


Qin Feiyang sighed secretly.

There is a common knot between him and the mermaid princess. How could he not know what she is thinking in her heart

However, there are some things that even if both parties understand in their hearts, they cannot point them out.

After calming down, Qin Feiyang asked: "Princess, do you know where the alchemy furnace is?"

"Alchemy furnace?"

The mermaid princess was stunned and said suspiciously: "As an alchemist, shouldn't I carry it with me everywhere?"

"I originally had one, but it accidentally exploded when I was refining the longevity pill."

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

It's embarrassing to talk about things like blowing up a furnace.

"So that's it."

"In recent years, many people have died in the Sea of Despair, and we have also picked up many Qiankun Bags."

"Let's go, I'll take you to see my father. Maybe there will be an alchemy furnace in the treasure house."

The mermaid princess naturally grabbed his hand and walked towards a glorious palace.


Qin Feiyang lowered his head and glanced at the mermaid princess holding his hand, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly again.

After a while.

The two walked into the palace.

The Mermaid Emperor was practicing when he noticed someone coming in. He opened his eyes and saw Qin Feiyang and the Mermaid Princess coming in hand in hand, with a smile on their face.

This means that the relationship between the two has heated up.

It is estimated that he will have multiple sons-in-law before long.

Although Qin Feiyang is still young, he is handsome, majestic, and most importantly, mature and steady.

His daughter is also well-educated and beautiful. Standing together, the two of them are simply a match made in heaven.

The Mermaid Emperor became more and more satisfied as he looked at it.

Qin Feiyang naturally retracted his arm, cupped his hands and said, "I've met senior."

The Mermaid Emperor smiled and said: "Don't call me senior, it seems too unfamiliar. Call me uncle."

Qin Feiyang was stunned, nodded and said: "Yes, uncle."

The Mermaid Emperor chuckled and said, "That's right. Do you have anything to do with me?"

The mermaid princess smiled and said: "Father, Qin Feiyang needs an alchemy furnace. Do we have it in our treasure house?"

"Alchemy furnace..."

The Mermaid Emperor lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I can tell you with certainty, no."

"What should we do?"

The mermaid princess looked at Qin Feiyang anxiously.

"Not urgent."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

The Mermaid Emperor said: "It's true that there is no rush. Look at you. Since that incident ended, I have been practicing all day long and haven't spent much time with my daughter."


Qin Feiyang was stunned. Was he blaming him for neglecting the mermaid princess

The mermaid princess said angrily: "Father, what are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense."

"Am I lying?"

"You guys should get along well and talk more together."

"How about this!"

"There's nothing interesting at the bottom of the sea, so just go outside and hang out."

The Mermaid Emperor smiled.


The mermaid princess was delighted.


The Mermaid Emperor nodded and continued: "However, we cannot leave the Sea of Despair."


The mermaid princess was overjoyed, grabbed Qin Feiyang, and ran outside.

"Let them go out for a walk, and their relationship will definitely heat up quickly. How can I be so smart?"

A proud smile appeared on the old mermaid emperor's face.

After leaving the palace, the mermaid princess pulled Qin Feiyang and swam towards the sea.

"Princess, can you slow down?"

Qin Feiyang was helpless.

"You don't know, from the time I was born to now, my father has not allowed me to go out."

"Every time I sneak out, I get scolded by him when I come back."

"I especially like the sun, it makes people very warm."

The mermaid princess said.

She was like a canary that had just escaped from its cage, jumping for joy and laughing endlessly.

“I especially like the sunshine…”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

For the mermaid princess who lives under the sea all year round, wanting to see the sun is indeed a luxury.

The mermaid princess is not only beautiful, but her laughter is also contagious.

Qin Feiyang's mood gradually relaxed.

I simply dropped everything, went shopping with her, and relaxed myself at the same time.

Since being expelled from the imperial capital, he has been living under tremendous pressure every day.

Every step I took was like walking on thin ice.

I am deeply afraid that if I am not careful, I will fall into a place of eternal destruction.

Especially when entering the state capital next.

I'm afraid the pressure we face will be even greater.


Before entering the state capital, it is indeed necessary to relax yourself and face the unknown in a completely new state.

The sun is high in the sky.

The sun shines down, making the calm surface of the Sea of Despair seem to be coated with a light layer of gold foil.

Bang! ! !

A group of sea beasts suddenly burst out of the sea.

There is a huge sea king crocodile.

There are sea pythons tens of meters high.

There are also huge saw-toothed turtles, tiger king sharks, and Neptune lions.

There is also a seahorse that is all white and has an extraordinary steed.

If anyone were here right now, their jaws would definitely drop.

Why did so many sea beasts appear all at once

And if you look closely, you will be shocked to find that there is a man and a woman sitting on the backs of the two seahorses.

And those sea beasts are all headed by them!

The man and the woman were none other than Qin Feiyang and the Mermaid Princess.

Although the sea beasts in the Sea of Despair are all ferocious, they are very docile in front of the mermaid princess.

"What a warm sunshine."

A seahorse stands on the sea.

The sea beasts all around were jumping up and down happily.

The mermaid princess sat on the back of the seahorse, looking up at the sun, her beautiful eyes slightly narrowed.

Her golden wavy hair shimmered with dazzling light under the sun.

She had a look of enjoyment and intoxication.

The pale golden gauze dress was fluttering gently in the wind, and the jade-white skin under the dress was looming and hazy.

In this scene, she is like a fairy in a painting bathing in the sun, especially charming.

Unknowingly, Qin Feiyang was stunned.

Even deep inside, there was an inexplicable restlessness.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?"

The mermaid princess noticed something strange about him and raised her red lips slightly, feeling a little proud in her heart.


Qin Feiyang coughed a few times and nodded: "It is indeed beautiful, but it would be even more beautiful if she wore nothing like last time."

"Qin Feiyang, I didn't expect you to be a pervert too. Let's watch!"

The mermaid princess became angry and slapped the horse on its back, and the seahorse immediately rushed towards Qin Feiyang.

"Anyway, there are no outsiders here. We will get married sooner or later. Why don't you let me feast my eyes on it now?"

"Ha ha… "

"let's go!"

Qin Feiyang laughed loudly and slapped the horse's back hard. The seahorse under him suddenly ran wildly on the sea.

"Dirty, shameless, stop!"

"Catch up with me if you can!"

The two chased each other one after the other.

Surrounded by countless sea beasts, they gradually disappeared at the end of the sea level like stars over the moon.

Only bursts of laughter remained, echoing over the sea and lingering for a long time.