Invincible God of War

Chapter 61: The city lord was furious


After Qin Feiyang returned to the high platform, he ignored Ling Yunfei and became a stranger to him.

Time flies.

Dusk falls.

A group of people escaped from Black Bear Mountain like they were desperate!

The leader was the city lord, who led a dozen guards to clear the way.

Luo Xiong led the elites of Dan Palace to cut off the back.

The old man in black who was guarding the medicine field, the war king of the Lin family in Yancheng, the various masters of Black Bear City, and the elites of the major families were on the left and right respectively.

In the middle are the young men hunting.

But out of the total 3,200 people who entered, only a few hundred are left.


Everyone has varying degrees of injuries.

Even a war king like Luo Xiong is covered in scars and extremely embarrassed!

They rushed to the high platform, collapsed, and lay on the ground, gasping for air.

The city lord and others also put their hands on their knees, bent over, and greedily breathed in the fresh air.

In his eyes, there was an uncontrollable panic!

Qin Feiyang looked over one by one and saw that the six young men and women, as well as Jiang Wei, Mu Fei, and Ling Sheng were very lucky and were all still alive.

at the same time.

Ling Yunfei was also scanning the audience. When he saw the head of the Ling family, he hurried over and asked with concern: "Second uncle, are you okay?"


The head of the Ling family waved his hands, his expression extremely ugly.

"Second uncle?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

It turns out that Ling Yunfei's status in the Ling family is not low, but why is he suppressed by the head of the Ling family



Loud beast roars resounded loudly, shaking the sky.

Everyone's color suddenly changed and they quickly looked up.

I saw the ferocious beasts and birds of different sizes, wandering on the edge of the mountains, with ferocious eyes and roars!

"Damn it!"

"Are they still going to capture the city?"

Everyone suddenly panicked.

The city lord shouted: "Quickly tell me to go down and put the whole city on alert!"

But all the ferocious beasts suddenly turned around, disappeared into the mountains, and disappeared.

Until then.

Everyone was completely relieved.

"City Lord, Luo Xiong, why are there only these few people left?"

The master of the Treasure Pavilion frowned.

"The beast tide is coming too fast."

"The ferocious beasts in Black Bear Mountain all went crazy at the same time, and we had no time to rescue them!"

"Even most of the people we brought in were killed or injured. The losses were too serious."

"The strength of the Black Bear King has improved further. He is now a two-star war king. Without Lin Liang's help, I am afraid that even we will not be able to escape unscathed."

The city lord and other giants spoke one after another.

They couldn't help but feel frightened when they thought about their experience on Black Bear Mountain that day.

"Two-star war king!"

The pavilion masters were shocked.

Qin Feiyang was also surprised. He didn't expect that the Black Bear King's strength was so terrifying that even the giants couldn't do anything to it.

The six young men and women suddenly walked towards Qin Feiyang, all looking evil!

Qin Feiyang's eyes flashed and he said jokingly: "Excuse me, six of you, have you found Qin Feiyang? If not, then your work this time will be in vain."

The reason why the six people took the initiative to lead the way was simply to take credit and receive the reward.

But in the end, he didn't get the reward. Instead, he encountered a tide of beasts and almost lost his life. It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his troops.

Facing Qin Feiyang's sarcasm, the six of them remained silent, but their eyes flashed coldly, surrounding Qin Feiyang in the center.

One of the young men in white said solemnly: "You were not present at all last night, how did you know that Qin Feiyang and the wolf appeared?"

Qin Feiyang said lightly: "I'm sorry, I was really there at that time, but I was hiding in the dark and you didn't notice it."

"You bastard, how dare you take our credit!"

"If you are sensible, hand over the martial arts skills given to you by the city lord immediately, otherwise I guarantee that you will have no place in Black Bear City from now on!"

Six thinly veiled threats.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said: "I don't have any martial arts skills. If you have the ability, go find the city master. As for a place to gain a foothold, I'm sorry, I really don't care."

"you wanna die!"

"Let me tell you, even if we kill you now, the city lord will not punish us."

Strong murderous intent emerged in the eyes of the six people.

"So confident?"

Qin Feiyang was stunned and said calmly: "I don't believe that there is no king's law in this Black Bear City."

The young man in white sneered: "Wang's method is only for ordinary people. For geniuses like us, it is useless. Now do you know how big the gap is between you and us? If you don't want to die, just leave it to us!"

"You six, get here!"

But this time.

An angry shout exploded.

The city lord glared at the six young men and women with a look that could kill someone!

"City Lord, are you calling us?"

The six of them were stunned and turned to look at the city lord with doubts on their faces.

The city lord said: "Yes, it's you!"

The six people hurriedly ran over, and the young man in white asked: "City Lord, have we done something wrong?"

"You haven't realized your mistake until now?"

"If you hadn't provoked the black bear cubs, would the Black Bear King have launched a beast wave?"

"Without the tide of beasts, would others have died?"

"Now this city lord will tell you clearly that you are fully responsible for their deaths!"

The city lord said in a tone that could not be disobeyed.

"Hold us accountable?"

The six people froze on the spot.

"City Lord, we are also victims!"

"Why should we shoulder this responsibility?"

"If you really have to take responsibility, Jiang Haotian was also present at the time, and he should also bear a share."

The six people refused to accept it and wanted to drag Qin Feiyang into the water.

"Jiang Haotian, what do you want to say?"

The city lord looked at Qin Feiyang, his face as gloomy as water.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said: "City Lord, it is true that I was present at that time, but from the beginning to the end, I never took action. I think this matter has nothing to do with me!"

The city lord turned to look at Ling Yunfei and said expressionlessly: "You are with Jiang Haotian, is what he said true?"

At this moment, all the eyes of the audience fell on Ling Yunfei.

Because what he said next was enough to change the entire situation.

The head of the Ling family said: "Yunfei, you must tell the truth."

Ling Sheng said: "Yes, as a member of my Ling family, I must not lie."

Ling Yunfei glanced at the two of them, then at Qin Feiyang, shook his head and said: "I was resting in the cave at that time and was not with Jiang Haotian, so I don't know much about all this, but I just asked him. In fact, he We’ve known for a long time that there would be a beast wave.”

"You knew earlier?"

The people present immediately looked at Qin Feiyang, and every pair of eyes shone with an astonishing cold light!

Qin Feiyang looked deeply at Ling Yunfei, shook his head and said: "It seems that there is no one in this world who is worthy of trust."

Ling Yunfei said: "You saved me, I am very grateful to you, but what I say now is the truth, and I have a clear conscience."

"What a clear conscience."

Qin Feiyang laughed loudly, with a trace of ridicule in his eyes, and said: "I hope you can continue like this. Don't one day come to me crying and kneeling to beg me."

Ling Yunfei said: "Don't worry, it will never happen."


At this time.

The six young men and women looked at each other and knelt on the ground.

"Lord City Lord, we did make a mistake. We should not have provoked the black bear cub. We are willing to accept the punishment."

"But if Jiang Haotian could tell everyone earlier, there wouldn't be so many casualties this time."

"He didn't report what he knew and deceived the Lord. I asked the Lord to punish him severely!"

"I even suspect that he and the Black Bear King are in the same group!"

Six people said.

These words can be described as extremely vicious, and they clearly intend to put Qin Feiyang to death!

The city lord said gloomily: "Jiang Haotian, what's your explanation?"

The Master of the Martial Palace sighed: "I originally admired you, but I never expected that you would be so vicious."

"If you want to incriminate someone, why bother?"

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled, looked at the six people, and said lightly: "You have seriously injured the black bear cub. As the beast king of Black Bear Mountain, the Black Bear King will definitely not give up. The fact that I can think of this only shows that I still have some brains. , and the fact that you can’t think of this shows that you are stupider than pigs.”

"you… "

The six people were furious.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Qin Feiyang sneered.

The faces of the city lord and others also became very ugly.

Because they didn't expect this either.

According to what this guy said, aren't they also dumber than pigs

Qin Feiyang saw them all.

But he is not afraid of offending anyone.

At worst, he hid in the castle. Who could do anything to him

He glanced at the giants and said: "Finally, I will give you a message, survival of the fittest, remember to use your brain more in the future, because no one in this world will be kind enough to save you, your life is in your own hands. "

The scene was utterly silent.

People, speechless.

The city lord let out a long breath and said: "Although what he said makes sense, it is wrong if it is wrong. You must bear the main responsibility. I will ask someone to calculate the losses this time. You will pay half of it and the rest." The remaining half will be divided equally among the Jiang family, Mu family, and Ling family. Do you have any objections?"

"No comment."

The three masters shook their heads.


Qin Feiyang frowned.

He has never seen such an unreasonable person.

It's his freedom to say it or not.

Why should he bear half of the responsibility

What's more, if we really want to investigate, the four major forces should bear all the responsibility, because they are the ones holding the hunting competition.

The city lord did this just to shirk responsibility.

After all, if so many people died and they had to pay compensation, it would be a huge amount of money.

The most important thing is that this matter is very likely to alarm several giants in Yan County. When the investigation is carried out, as the city lord of Black Bear Mountain, it is natural that Luo Xiong and others will be involved.

It may even affect their future.

Therefore, they had to find someone to take the blame, so the blame fell on Qin Feiyang and the three major families.

If the three major families want to gain a foothold in Black Bear City, they will have to survive even if they lose everything.

But Qin Feiyang is different.

As the prince of the Great Qin Empire, his self-esteem does not allow him to bow to such a snob.

What's more, he is alone now, what is he afraid of

at the same time.

Being contradicted again and again, the city lord felt his face dull, and a trace of murderous intention had sprouted in his heart!

He stared at Qin Feiyang coldly, and then said for a long time: "As the Lord of Black Bear City, what I say is an order. Do you dare to disobey it?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not from Black Bear City, so I don't have to listen to your orders."

Qin Feiyang sneered, turned around, and walked off the platform without looking back.

A mere city lord wants to order him? What a joke.

"Get him!"

The city lord was completely angry and shouted sharply.

Clang! ! !

More than a dozen guards immediately ran in front of Qin Feiyang and drew their swords at him.