Invincible Level Up

Chapter 89: Beautiful aunt


Hanging mountains, a cave somewhere.

Qin Tian was full of blood, his chest rising and falling very quickly, his face was pale, his eyes were in a daze, he looked at the extremely beautiful fairy in front of him, and he felt a sense of deja vu, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

How powerful is Yang Hong? The black god of war swallowed all the power, Qin Tian was knocked out and tried his last bit of strength to stand up. At that time, his internal organs shifted and his chest was severely painful. If the dragon elephant's might not hold his heart with all his strength, he might be dead. .

I thought I was going to die in Yang Hong's hands. When I was about to fight to the death, a warm stream of heat hit my heart. Instead, he directly lifted him up and disappeared in the same place instantly. It was completely beyond imagination. He didn't even know what happened. What's up.

He fainted with pain on the way, and when he woke up, he was in this simple cave.

"Who are you?" Qin Tian held back the pain in his chest, looked at the woman, frowned slightly, and said, "Do I know you?"

The woman was so beautiful, she was dressed in white, shimmering, her breath was not stained with mundane dust, and she looked like a fairy. Looking at her, Qin Tian's heart was full of peace and quiet.

Looking at Qin Tian, who was dripping with blood all over, the woman showed sadness and pain, gently let Qin Tian lie down, and said excitedly: "Xiaotian, it's aunt, don't you remember me?"


Qin Tian murmured a word, then his expression changed, and he took a serious look at her again, and his heart was shocked, "Fuck, this guy really has an aunt? It's beautiful like a god."

Quiet and pleasant, without a trace of human fireworks, the breath flowing on the body is gentle, like a clear flowing stream in the forest, people can't help but calm down. Qin Tian looked at her, recalling the old life of this guy in his mind, with a faint smile on his face, excited, and sweetly cried out, "Aunt Qinglian, did you save me?"

Qinglian, the sister of Qin Tian's father, grew up in Qin's family. She was five years older than Qin Tian. At the age of ten, she was taken to Jingxinzhai by the elders of Jingxinzhai. After more than ten years, there has never been any contact. Qin Tian's memory of Qing Lian when he came to this world is very vague, but there is such a person vaguely, and he did not expect to save him today.

Qinglian nodded lightly, then took out a pill from her arms, carefully fed it into Qin Tian's mouth, and breathed out the fragrance, "You take this Guxin Pill, don't get excited, be careful of the wound. split."

It feels good to be taken care of.

A sense of happiness emerged spontaneously, slowly, and unspeakably comfortable. At this time, Qin Tian opened his mouth and swallowed the pill like a good obedient child.

Qin Tian's spirit was shocked at the entrance of the pill, and the power of the medicine was instantly released in his body, and he was shocked, "A very powerful pill, which actually increases the value of qigong by 5,000 points. It is even stronger than the dragon and tiger pill. Could it be an eight-pin pill? medicine?"

The sharp pain in his chest eased, and Qin Tian's pale face showed a hint of rosy. At the same time, the Dragon Elephant Taixu Jing in his body slowly recovered, and he sighed in his heart, "It looks like he has survived."

"Yang Hong wait, wait for Lao Tzu to overthrow your bullshit Tianya Dynasty..."

He hummed in his heart, and then asked: "Aunt, why did you suddenly appear?"

Qinglian's appearance was too coincidental. She had never returned after leaving Qin's house for more than a decade. How could she suddenly appear at Qin Tian's life and death? Qin Tian couldn't understand, he muttered again in his heart, "Does he really have something blessed by luck?"

Seeing Qin Tian's slight improvement, Qinglian finally fell. She gently tidyed Qin Tian's messy hair, and said calmly, "Master Nianci used great magical powers to calculate that you have a catastrophe today, so I am here. ."

After speaking, a bit of bitterness flashed in Qinglian's eyes.

Looking at it, Qin Tian faintly guessed that Qinglian's appearance was not as simple as she said. You must know that the Cultivation Immortal Sect is different from the Xiaomen Xiaopai. If you don't allow it, you are not allowed to enter and leave without permission.

"You didn't sneak out, did you?"


Qinglian was obviously startled, Qianqianyu's hand suddenly shook, and a look of shock and panic flashed, and she immediately said, "No."

At this moment, Qin Tian had already dared to conclude that Qinglian had definitely sneaked out regardless of the rules, and I was afraid that she would definitely be punished when she returned to Jingxinzhai, and she was slightly moved. Unexpectedly, there is another person in this world who hurts him, and there is a choking in his throat. This feeling is very happy.

He rested on Qinglian’s thigh, closed his eyes slightly, feeling the faint fragrance, quietly enjoying the tranquility, Qin Tiantian was uncomfortable in his heart, this moment seemed to be eternal...

Seeing happiness intoxicated Qin Tian, Qing Lian smiled madly, her heart sore, ten years of missing, ten years of worry, ten years of dreams, she couldn't think that meeting was such a scene.

After practicing for many years, her mood has ripples, ripples of anger release, thinking of Yang Hong who hurt Qin Tian, her anger turns into killing intent, intensely intense. To her, this state of mind is like a demon, but she can't suppress the killing intent at this moment, because Qin Tian is full of blood, and she can't restrain...

Qin Tian noticed the changes in Qinglian's body, opened his eyes, and said, "Auntie, I will solve my problem by myself."

"Xiaotian's business is his aunt's business, whoever dares to bully Xiaotian, I will kill him!"

The voice was flat, but it revealed a strong killing intent. This killing intent shocked Qin Tian. When he thought of Yang Hong being restrained by a golden beam, Qin Tian asked, "Aunty, your cultivation level?"

"The seventh stage of refining Gang."

"It may not be Yang Hong's opponent, but it's not that I have no chance to fight to the death. Anyone who dares to bully Xiaotian will have to die." Qing Lian exhaled again extremely strongly, saying the cruel words she had said for more than a decade. For the first time, it was even more at odds with her practicing apostasy.

In recent years, she has cultivated Dafa to save all sentient beings, and her heart is kind, and she has never had killing thoughts, but today is different. Qin Tian's wounds and pain have angered her primitive violent nature, so she has killing thoughts in her heart.

The change in aura surprised Qin Tiandun. However, he must solve Yang Hong's affairs by himself. The entire palace is a humanoid boss. This is the experience of hundreds of thousands and millions. How could Qin Tian let it go

Suddenly thinking of Yun Man, his brow furrowed again, "Yun Man, bear with it again..."

"Aunt, where is this?"

"Xuankong Mountain, in the ten thousand years of Tianya City, you don't have to worry, first take care of the injury, I will kill Yang Hong for you in revenge, and no one can bully you." Qinglian looked firm and lightly angry. , Then asked: "What is the relationship between that woman and you?"

"Friendship, she is also a disciple of the Qin family, she was taken by Yang Lin for some reason, and Yang Lin used an immortal weapon to protect her regardless of his life or death. There must be some secret hidden in it." Qin Tian said truthfully.

"She has a kind heart for all generations, and her body luck can help people through all disasters, and change their fate against the sky. The reason why Tianya Dynasty can extend its dragon energy is because of her."

Qinglian cultivated Pudu sentient beings Dafa. At a glance, she could see that Yun Man was a kind heart for all generations. At that time, she was shocked. She didn't expect the reincarnation of a hundred generations of good people in the small Tianyuan Continent. But at that time she could only use the Puduwan practiced by Sect Master Jingxinzhai. The spell trapped Yang Hong for a while before he rescued Qin Tian. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to save Qin Tian with her strength.

"Hundreds of kindness? Avoid all calamities?" Qin Tian's heart was shocked, how could there be such a person in the world? Are good people for a hundred lives? No wonder Yun Man didn't dare to confront others for fear of hurting others. That's why.

"The seal in her body has already begun to peel off, I am afraid that it will strike again, and the door of the seal will open, and she will gain supreme power. At that time, it will not be so easy for someone to use her fortune for a lifetime." Qing Lian said lightly, in her heart. But it is anxious that the kindness of a hundred generations can cause a sensation in the realm of cultivation. The leakage of news may lead to the robbing of ancient trolls. People of the Dzogchen realm have hidden for thousands of years.

The supreme catastrophe is almost the end of the Dzogchen.

The importance of Yun Man can be imagined, but Qin Tian doesn't care about this. What he cares about now is to break through the realm of refining Gang as soon as possible, cultivate the power to draw the world, and step back on Yang Hong's family fiercely.

Don't want to wait for a moment!