Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 259: The mysterious man who robbed monsters


The land of dreams, the vast edge, the edge.

The Xuantian Spiritual Treasure can only be refined by Xuanzun or above. Naturally, it cannot be compared with ordinary things. To create such a huge space and spread it all the time, it can be seen that the super strong person who created the Xuantian Spiritual Treasure in the Dream Land, Strength cannot be underestimated.

The dream land has cultivated a large number of masters, and bloody training plays a large role.

Half an hour later. [

Lin Fei took off his mask, wore a black robe, and appeared on a large mountain in the land of dreams. Everything he saw was steep mountains, and the mountains were filled with the aura of monsters.

"There are so many monsters and beasts, how many monsters are there in the Dream Land!"

Lin Fei looked at the rolling mountains and vaguely saw the shadows of monsters appearing on the mountains from time to time.

After leaving the Land of Cat Demons, Lin Fei lamented more than once along the way. The Land of Dreams was just like its name. The dream contained a life and death crisis that was hard to guard against.

"To kill monsters, you must kill powerful monsters."

Lin Fei's goal is to kill powerful monsters. If he kills some powerful monsters in three days, he may be able to obtain a large amount of treasures and materials.

During the martial arts arena, Lin Fei learned from Zhang Yun that since the Dream Land has always been open to the outside world, warriors are often killed by monsters. Countless warriors have died in the mouths of monsters in the past year. Some particularly powerful warriors have died at the mouth of monsters. Monsters will have a lot of treasures, elixirs and the like around them.

Lin Fei looked at a high mountain, "Let's start from this high mountain!"

With a thought in his mind, he released his power of perception and headed straight for this high mountain.

With the powerful power of perception, he could see the mountain clearly in an instant. There is a rough outline and the specific conditions inside the mountain are known.

"There are no less than a thousand monsters, most of them are low-level monsters, and there are also many Xuanzhe realm monsters. But there is a Xuanling monster, which should be the mountain king on this mountain!"

Lin Fei immediately made a decision about the monsters in the Xuanling realm.

"Kill this mysterious beast first!"


Lin Fei fell down. Rush into the woods and head straight for the monsters in the mountains.

Low-level monsters couldn't detect Lin Fei at all. In less than a cup of tea, I entered the inner range of the mountain, and the smell of monsters was everywhere.

Just as guessed. There is indeed a mountain king in the mountain who manages this area.

In the mountains, monsters roam.

"Humanoid monster?"[

Lin Fei sensed the power and clearly saw the humanoid monster, and couldn't help but be confused.

When a humanoid monster wearing animal skin appears.

Lin Fei thought of a possibility. It should be a unique effect of the Dream Land, which can help monsters transform. Outside, unless they are powerful monsters, generally monsters cannot transform.

The transformed monster. The evil spirit is so strong that it cannot be concealed.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, your strength has improved greatly!"

In a huge cave in a high mountain, a little demon flattered a burly man in black animal skin.

On a huge stone bed. As soon as the burly man's eyes opened, a cold light flashed, and a breath as thick as a mountain came down overwhelmingly, causing several little demons around him to lie on the ground, shivering.

"Okay. Okay, my great king's strength has finally broken through to the late Xuanling stage, and I am just one step away from the king-level monster. Congratulations!" The burly man stood up.

All the little demons below were full of compliments.

"I want to drink some wine. Please bring some jars of fine wine."

The little demon responded and immediately presented him with wine and meat.

The burly man picked up the wine jar and drank heavily, letting the wine flow down from his chest. The rich aroma filled the cave, and the little demon next to him swallowed subconsciously.

He grabbed the raw meat and bit into it with big mouthfuls. It was dripping with blood. The burly man ate it with relish, it was so satisfying.

"What happened in Dreamland recently?" the burly man asked.

"Back to your Majesty, I heard that a large number of warriors are coming in to hunt our monsters in the past few days. It should be almost time." A little demon said.

"My strength has greatly improved. I just want to catch a few human warriors to eat, especially those delicate beauties!"

The burly man laughed, "Huh, what a bullshit warrior, I will kill you with one slap. However, human warriors do have thin skin and tender flesh. I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time. I must enjoy it this time."

"My lord, you are mighty!"

"The king is mighty. When the king appears, who can compete with him?"

The burly man smiled and said, "When I catch the human warrior, you will definitely have something to eat."


As soon as he finished speaking, a pitiful scream came from outside the cave.

"The king is in trouble, there are human warriors to kill..."

A little demon rushed in. Before he finished speaking, his head flew into the sky, and blood was like a pillar.

The burly man grabbed the big knife placed on the huge stone bed and laughed loudly. The laughter was deafening. "Human warriors are my favorite. If I eat you human warriors, maybe I can be promoted to a king-level monster."

Lin Fei walked in from behind.

It was Lin Fei who killed the little demon just now.

Lin Fei was sure that there was just a Xuanling monster, no matter what, it came to the door with King Kong.

"Robbery, hand over the things, and I will spare your life!"

The burly man smiled instead of being angry, "Haha, you, a mere Xuanshi warrior, want to rob me? Are you confused?"


A golden shadow flashed past, and a huge slap slapped the burly man on the face. The whole man flew out and hit the rock wall of the cave. With a crash, large pieces of gravel fell down.

"Whoever beats me..." The burly man got up, golden light flashed before his eyes, and he was kicked out again.


King Kong stepped down and trampled the burly man to the ground, causing him great pain.


The majestic roar frightened the burly man so much that he turned pale.

"Vajra Ape, mutated monster!"


The burly man gasped.

"Are you eligible now?"

The burly man shouted mightily in his heart, "What's the background of this kid? He brought a Vajra Divine Ape to rob. You said you had such a helper. How dare I say "no"."

With one slap and one kick, the burly man lost his temper.

Facing a Vajra Ape that focuses on strength, the wisest choice is to admit defeat.

Lin Fei unceremoniously raided the burly man's treasure house.

In his words, this is a ransom. If you don't want to die, then hand over all your wealth.

Watch them leave. The burly man seemed to have had a nightmare, trembling all over. It happened in an instant. He became a pauper.

"Damn, the feng shui of this place is not good, let's find another place. I have been collecting it for several years... human warriors are too bullying."

The burly man decided to move.

"A poor guy!"

After leaving this mountain.

Lin Fei despised such a late-stage Xuanling demon beast with such a poor fortune. It had almost no pure Yuan Dan and a lot of beryllium copper and rotten iron. The only thing that could be used was a lot of demon cores.

"A late-stage Xuanling demon beast, not counting low-level demon cores, has one hundred and thirty yuan of Xuanzhe demon cores, seventy-eight yuan of Xuanshi demon cores. Twelve yuan of Xuanling demon cores, robbing monsters is better than robbing others. ,Better results!"

After Lin Fei counted the loot, his eyes narrowed and he was very satisfied. He moved his eyes to look at the large and small mountains in the distance. The monsters on these mountains turned into mobile treasure troves.

… …

Time flew by.

In a short time, one day passed.

The next day, the warriors in the Dream Land discovered something strange. An unexpected thing.

This matter starts with a group of warriors.

This group of warriors unite together and prepare to rob powerful monsters in order to obtain monster cores. This is also the most commonly used method in the Dream Land.

Robbery operations that had always been unfavorable in the past suffered a setback for the first time. At the same time, it aroused the monster's rage and hatred.

This group of warriors failed to rob the monsters, but ended up losing their lives instead.

"I was robbed once, and you dare to come up and rob me once. You really think I'm easy to bully."

The monster with overwhelming hatred, no matter how hard it was to defend its dignity, a group of unlucky warriors died tragically at the hands of the monster.

This scene happened far more than once. Warriors in many places were attacked by monsters without exception. Only then did they realize why rabbits bite people when they are anxious.

Almost all the warriors discovered that all the powerful ones were robbed by a man in black.

There was an uproar in the martial arts circle.

"Damn, who is so ashamed!"

"You fierce man, couldn't you have been robbed by the same warrior?"

"Isn't this too awesome?"

Many warriors began to speculate.

No one would have imagined that this was made by a young man with a monster.

Under a high mountain cliff, a man in black robes flew out from below, and then deafening curses came from behind.

"Bandit, my baby!"

The man in black robe who came out was of course Lin Fei.

"It's great, it's so great."

Throughout the day, Lin Fei worked non-stop, leading the gold medal thug "King Kong" to rob the monsters in the Dream Land.

With the speed that he was proud of, Lin Fei grabbed every shot with accuracy. Almost no monsters could stop the two of them from joining forces. Among them, they once encountered a Xuanwang monster with abnormal strength and almost capsized in the ditch. Fortunately, There was a thrilling escape.

"This demon beast has so many treasures. It also hid so many Pure Yuan Pills. Now they are all given to me cheaply." Lin Fei was beaming, "Now it will be easy to keep the top ten position just by relying on the demon cores from the robbery." ?”

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

After flying thirty thousand miles.

Five ferocious-looking people rushed out of the sky and surrounded Lin Fei.

"Boy, hand over the demon core and all valuable things, otherwise don't blame us for being rude?" the man in gray who took the lead threatened.

Lin Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had just robbed someone, and then he was robbed in the blink of an eye. What is the natural cycle

He touched his chin and smiled playfully, "Do I look that easy to rob?"

"Brother, this kid is stupid!"

"There are five of us, and he is alone. If he doesn't rob you, who else will rob you!" The other person laughed loudly, how could there be such a stupid person.

"Brother, why are you nagging him? Let's talk about it after we grab it!" . )