Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 1: A downtrodden college graduate


June 12, 2017, noon, Yanjing Airport.

Li Shushu sat calmly on the chair, stroking the ring on his right index finger with his left hand. The ring was warm white, as if it were the most beautiful white jade in the world - it was a family heirloom given to him by his grandmother.

"Everything in the world is unpredictable. I didn't expect that when I was 21 years old and had just graduated from college, my father would go bankrupt and be heavily in debt. I hope my trip goes well and I can successfully sell the island my parents bought in Malaysia." Li Shu rubbed his own Face, cheer yourself up.

He glanced at the people coming and going in the waiting hall, and sighed again in his heart. Originally, he had planned to go on a graduation trip, just like many of his college classmates. After all, they had studied hard at Yanjing Forestry University for four years. .

Buzz buzz~

The sudden ringtone of his mobile phone interrupted his thoughts. He looked for his phone and saw that it was his mother.

"Hello? Mom.".

"Son, although your dad is still in the hospital, there is no serious problem. The "Dream Island" we bought in Malaysia was rented. The lease term is still one year, so I'm afraid it won't be easy to sell it.

If you really can't sell it, forget it. Don't worry. "There was a hint of exhaustion in my mother's gentle tone.

"Okay, Mom." Li Shulian responded. Because the investment failed, vicious creditors came to the door collectively. His father was so angry that he fainted. Now his mother is still taking care of him in the hospital.

Time passed, and Li Shu quickly went to get his boarding pass and went to the boarding gate to prepare for boarding.

Neverland is owned by the Malaysian government and is only for rent, not for sale. Originally, his father planned to renew the lease, but because the investment failed, the money to renew the lease was naturally gone.

Li Shu needs to take a flight from Yanjing to Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, and then take a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Tanguan City, and then take a boat to the "Dream Island".

Malaysia is the abbreviation of "Malaysia". It is a Southeast Asian country with a total population of 32.68 million, of which Chinese account for 23%. To the south of Malaysia is Singapore.

After running all the way, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening when Li Shu arrived in Danguan City. The street lamps were emitting a dim light, the heat was gradually fading, and groups of Chinese could be seen everywhere on the streets.

"Danguan City, a seaside city, has developed well. It has a total population of 320,000, of which 100,000 are Chinese. Hmm~ The smell of roasted seashells fills the streets. Have a good rest tonight and take a boat out to Dream Island tomorrow morning. .”

Li Shu brought 2,000 MYR this time and had to set aside money for the return ticket. It can be said that funds were tight, so he found a cheap hotel to stay.

At 7 o'clock the next morning, Li Shu arrived at Pier 2 on the beach. The sea breeze was blowing and filled with a fishy smell. The small pier was extremely noisy, with the shouts and curses of porters and the shouts of islanders who came ashore. Yawns, laughter and chatter.

After passing around the workers, Li Shu saw a shirtless dark man sitting on a ferry on the right side of the pier smoking. His skin was chapped by the sea wind, and he exuded a rough and tough aura.

"Boss, are you going to Neverland?" Li Shu said in broken Cantonese.

The swarthy man was stunned for a moment, bared his big white teeth in an instant, and the flesh on his face was piled together: "Neverland? My uncle is guarding the island there. Don't you know that you are the owner of the island?"

"I remember Uncle Li Dahai is guarding the island. It turns out he is your uncle. They are really a family, but I am not the owner of the island, my dad is." Li Shu smiled and said: "I am going to Neverland now. "

Li Sha, who had a rough face, looked at Li Shu. He didn't understand much Mandarin, but he knew that Li Shu was going to Neverland, so he waved his big hand like a cattail leaf fan: "Get off the boat!" (Get on the boat).

The sea breeze is gentle and the blue waves are vast. Looking up at the sky, white clouds are like cotton candy inlaid in the blue sky. As far as the eye can see, there are groups of seagulls flying in the sky.

What a mesmerizing sight.

Through a mix of Mandarin, Cantonese, and sign language conversations along the way, Li Shu learned that the dark-skinned man Li Sha was also 21 years old. One of his jobs was to take the islanders from nearby islands ashore every morning, and then come to the pier to send the islanders back every morning. on the island.

Islanders come ashore in groups to make a living and need to travel between islands and cities every day. Ferry boats like Lisha came into being, which are similar to shuttle drivers on land.

Li Sha was very excited along the way, but Li Shu was not interested. He looked at the outline of "Neverland" gradually appearing in the distance, and sighed in his heart: "If I sell Neverland, I'm afraid I will never come here again in my life."

When the ferry docked, an old man with a slight hunchback came up to him from afar. He was the island guard "Li Dahai" hired by Li Shu's father. He was responsible for some simple care and maintenance of Neverland.

"Xiaoshu? Your mother called yesterday. I was thinking that you might come over at noon." Uncle Hai, who was slightly hunched over, smiled.

Li Sha had something else to do, so he didn't ask for the boat fare, so he just said hello and left first.

Li Shu walked along the gravel path with Uncle Hai to the northeast of Neverland in the gentle breeze.

Dream Island is oval in shape, with the longest point almost 500 meters and the widest point 300 meters. It covers an area of about 177 acres. The terrain is high in the north and low in the south. There are woods in the northwest, and some seagulls live in it. There is a beach in the south, and on the island There is a three-story villa in the northeast and southeast, and the small pier attached to the island is in the southwest corner.

"I received a call saying that you were coming over, so I cleaned the villa in the northeast in advance." Uncle Hai walked to the right of Li Shu, half a body behind.

"Uncle Hai, you don't need to be so polite, just call me Xiaoshu." Walking on the paradise-like "Dream Island", Li Shu's mood relaxed for a moment, and an idea suddenly came to his mind - what if It would be great to live here.

But soon he shook his head slightly. He was here to sell the island, and I'm afraid he would never come to Neverland again.

Uncle Hai is very diligent. Sugar cane and strawberries are planted on part of the open space on the island. Some places are dotted with a few mango trees. The big yellow-orange mangoes are as big as a man's hand. The air seems to be filled with the sweetness of mangoes. .



Just as Li Shu and Uncle Hai were about to enter the villa, a smart thrush flew from behind and landed directly on Uncle Hai's head. He tilted his head and looked at Li Shu with his round eyes.

Li Shu majored in biology at university. By looking at the color, size, and pointed beak, he recognized it as a thrush at a glance.

"There is a thrush inhabiting the woods in the northwest of the island. This little guy is only three months old. He is like a flying brown jade and is very naughty." Uncle Hai said with a smile.

Li Shu nodded, turned and walked towards the villa: "Birds are very spiritual. It seems that Uncle Hai is indeed a friendly person, otherwise Huamei would not get close to you."

"Hehe." Uncle Hai followed Li Shu into the villa and scratched his head in embarrassment. When he smiled, the wrinkles on his face instantly squeezed his eyes.

Uncle Hai accompanied Li Shu around the upstairs and downstairs of the villa. The villa was decorated in a simple style. The walls, stairs, and roof were mostly light blue with milky white. The first floor was 6 meters high and had a huge crystal chandelier. There is a huge open-air balcony on the building. You can lean on the railing and have a panoramic view of the charming sea.

The little blackbird was being naughty. After realizing that the plum tree would not hurt it, it jumped to the left shoulder of the plum tree, then jumped to the right shoulder. From time to time, it squinted its little eyes and happily "chirped" twice. It was so excited that it seemed to regard the plum tree as its newly conquered mount.

"Xiaoshu, you haven't eaten yet? I'm going to serve the food."

"Okay, then I'll bother Uncle Hai."

"No trouble, no trouble, this is what I should do."

Watching Uncle Hai go downstairs to serve dinner at the villa located in the southeast of the island, Li Shu carried the thrush on his right shoulder and went down to the second floor. When he saw a laptop on the coffee table in the small living room, he sat down on the sofa. Turn on the computer: "If you don't have a password, just log in to the "Southeast Asia Island Network" to see if this island can be sold."

Li Shu was typing, and the thrush squatting on his shoulder was eyeing the ring on his finger. The white jade ring was so beautiful, brush~ The thrush jumped directly to Li Shu's right hand, and pecked straight with its sharp beak. On the ring.


Due to the smoothness of the ring and the angle of force, the thrush's pointed beak fell on the plum tree's finger, accompanied by a stinging pain, and the blood seeping from the finger soaked into the white jade ring.

"Damn it, you idiot, this ring is an ancestral ring given to me by my grandma. If it breaks, grandma will have to beat me to death with a cane!" Li Shu didn't care about the small wound on his finger and didn't even look at the ring. .

"Chirp!" The thrush knew that he was in trouble. He fluttered his wings and flew out of the villa through the open window, and quickly escaped.

"Eh? This ancestral ring is stained with my blood, why is it emitting light?" Li Shu was stunned, and the next second his consciousness directly entered a wonderful space, and he was shocked: "This is... …The space in the ring!?”

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(End of chapter)

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