Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 10: legend


The half-bald Zhao Bin called in a subordinate. The subordinate brought a price list of white butterfly clams and then left respectfully.

The office fell silent. Li Shu held a thin price list and looked at it. The half-bald Zhao Bin looked at Li Shu carefully while drinking tea. He felt that this young man in ordinary clothes had an inexplicable temperament, which seemed to be... A sense of confidence that radiates from the inside out.

For a moment, he even doubted whether Li Shu was from a big family, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger to entertain the rich second generation.

"Ahem." Even though Li Shu was thick-skinned, he was slightly embarrassed now. He pointed to the cheapest white butterfly clam on the price list and said, "Just the most common one, 1,000 yuan each, give me 100." "

His current total assets are only 145,100 ringgit, and it is enough to spend 100,000 ringgit to buy pearl clams. After all, he needs to save some money for emergencies in the end.

The half-bald Zhao Bin frowned and said in disbelief: "White butterfly clams with pearl cores are divided into 1,000 yuan each, 5,000 yuan each, and 20,000 yuan each.

Mr. Li, don’t just look at the low price of white butterfly clams priced at 1,000 yuan each, but most of them are residual clams, and the survival rate will be very low. If 20% of them are still alive after two years, it is considered amazing. But if they are not raised properly, I am afraid that by then To annihilate the entire army. "

The half-bald Zhao Bin really wanted Li Shu to pay 20,000 yuan for a white butterfly clam. After all, his company made the most money from this type of white butterfly clam, while a 1,000 yuan white butterfly clam made almost no money.

However, Li Shu persisted. In the end, the half-bald Zhao Bin had no choice but to lose and called his subordinates to take Li Shu to get the clams. Before leaving the office, Li Shu could clearly feel that Zhao Bin's attitude towards him had become cold.

He sighed in his heart: "It is the nature of salesmen to dislike the poor and love the rich, so just don't worry about them."


As the door closed, only the half-bald Zhao Bin was left in the small office. He leaned on the chair with his eyes slightly narrowed, and let out a heavy "hum" in his nose: "I thought he was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger." As for the big boss, it turns out that he is really a poor guy. He only used a mere 100,000 worth of goods to amuse me. It’s really unlucky.”

Tianzhu Nake Group has a truck fleet to transport white butterfly clams, so Li Shu asked them to help transport 100 white butterfly clams with weak vitality to the dock.

Li Shu was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, looking at the rapidly regressing city scenery on both sides, gently stroking the thrush's little head with the pad of his right index finger, thinking to himself: "I hope I can successfully cultivate pearls."

I really need money now. The first task is to repay the foreign debt of more than 40 million yuan owed by my father, and then I want to find a way to extend the lease of Neverland. The location, island size, and surrounding scenery of Neverland are all very good. From now on, It developed here. "

Repaying more than 40 million yuan in foreign debt + extending the island lease, this is Li Shu's goal in the recent period, and to achieve either of these two goals, a lot of money is needed.

We hired another ferry boat at the pier, and by the time Li Shu returned to Neverland with 100 white butterfly clams, it was already 1:27 pm. The blazing sunshine along the way almost scorched him, and his white short-sleeved shirt was almost scorched. It was already soaked and pressed tightly against his back.

Even his waist and thighs were covered in sweat.

"Many ordinary people in Malaysia are depressed. There is a reason for this. It's better to make money quickly. When you have money, buy a helicopter, the kind with air conditioning. Then it will be cooler and more convenient to get in and out of Neverland." Li Shugang When we set foot on Neverland, the golden retriever rushed over from a distance like a gust of wind.

"Hmm~" The golden retriever's big tail whirred, circling around the plum tree, jumping up and down, and uttering a meaningless syllable that expressed happiness in his nose. Seeing the plum tree seemed to be the happiest moment of the golden retriever's day. thing.

"Okay, okay, I'm almost hungry. Let's go back to the villa." Li Shu held a large foam box containing white butterfly clams in his right hand, and patted the golden retriever's head gently with his left hand.


The thrush, which had been sleeping in the plum tree's backpack, came out, fluttered its wings and flew to the woods in the northwest of the island, probably to look for food.

Inside the villa restaurant.

"Ah~ I'm alive." After eating a large portion of seafood noodles, Li Shu leaned back on the chair and felt like he was alive again.

Uncle Hai sat next to him and smoked his old pipe, smoke puffed out from his mouth and slowly rose.

Li Shu looked away from the window and said: "Uncle Hai, have you heard of "The Curse of Neverland"?"

He remembered what Su Zhizhe had not finished before. When it came to understanding Neverland, few people could compare to Uncle Hai, who had lived here for decades.

"Curse?" Uncle Hai was slightly stunned. He rubbed his cheeks with his big hands like dry branches, and thought for a while: "There seems to be such a rumor, mainly because since the government decided that private individuals can rent Neverland, Neverland has It has experienced 4 owners.

Every owner is a rich man. The first owner fell into the sea and drowned 50 years ago.

The second owner was hit by a car about 30 years ago and became a vegetable.

The third owner went bankrupt two years ago, and your father is the fourth owner. This is all nonsense, just a coincidence. "

"Hey, hey~" The corners of Li Shu's mouth seemed to be cramped, and a large drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead. Now it seemed that his father was also bankrupt.

"But the curse has been around for a long time, so even though it is nonsense, there is a reason why it has spread for so long." Uncle Hai put down his pipe and crossed his index fingers.

"Oh, what's the reason?" Li Shu was stunned. He planned to take root in Neverland in the future, so he wanted to know more about Neverland even more.

"It was during the Ming Dynasty. General Shengwei came with hundreds of thousands of troops. The dynasty's army at that time came to stop it. The two sides seemed to be fighting on the coast of Danguan City. The battle was really shocking... …

In the end, General Shengwei's army was defeated. Just when he was about to be defeated, his military advisor suddenly chanted a spell. For a moment, dark clouds gathered, thunder rolled, and countless green divine soldiers and generals suddenly appeared in the sky. Those magic soldiers and generals were all brave and good at fighting. They rushed into the army and defeated the dynasty's army... Too many people died in that battle, especially near Neverland. From then on, people said that the area near Neverland was cursed. Area. "Uncle Hai is like a storyteller who suddenly finds a listener, and his saliva is all over the place.

Li Shu took out his mobile phone and searched. The General Shengwei that Uncle Hai mentioned was the pirate leader at that time. He had the most advanced warships at the time and many desperadoes under his command. Even if there were not hundreds of thousands of people, there were probably tens of thousands of them. of.

"I didn't expect that something like this has happened in Danguan City, but all the changes have passed."

After a short rest, Uncle Hai went to do his own business, while Li Shu came to the first floor of the villa.

Pa da~

When I pressed the light button, a soft yellow light enveloped the entire basement for a moment, and the glass tank with a length of 5 meters, a width of 3 meters, and a height of 1 meter has now become a "White Butterfly Clam Tank", and white butterfly clams appear from time to time. By squeezing the water out of the shell, and then using the reaction force to swish~ move.

"Little cuties, grow up quickly and bear big pearls!" Li Shu held the edge of the glass tank and watched the big clams one after another, with a look of anticipation on his face.

(End of chapter)