Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 11: Waiting for the pearl to grow up


100 palm-sized gray-brown white butterfly clams lived in the glass tank. From time to time, blisters were spit out, and Li Shu watched them with relish.

"Put in some more chalcedony spiritual water. I hope these white butterfly clams will grow faster." Li Shu waved his hand, and with a feeling of mental fatigue, a stream of chalcedony spiritual water exuding a faint fragrance flew from the ring. Come out and turn into countless small water drops falling into the water tank.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~

In an instant, like a frying pan, the white butterfly clams used water jets and ejections to quickly compete for the chalcedony spiritual water. Bang bang bang~ From time to time, white butterfly clams collided with each other, making crisp sounds.

"Hey, brother, take it easy, it doesn't matter if you die, but aren't the pearls that haven't grown in your body gone to waste?"

As soon as Li Shu finished speaking, a white butterfly clam was knocked out of the glass tank in the splashing water droplets, and landed on the floor 3 meters away to the right of Li Shu.


The golden retriever immediately rushed forward and held down the white butterfly clam with one paw. Curiously, when the latter didn't respond, he immediately started to smell it with his nose.

"Go, go, go~" Li Shulian walked over, "You silly dog, get out of the way, don't let the white butterfly clam pinch your dog's nose."

The golden retriever raised its paws and asked Li Shu to throw the white butterfly clam back into the glass jar. Then it walked to the right foot of the plum tree and lay down, with the dog's head resting on the instep of the plum tree.

Three days flew by in the blink of an eye.

On this day, when the first ray of light in the morning shines into the bedroom through the window, the blackbird sleeping on the bedside slowly wakes up. It sleeps in a light gray artificial bird's nest as big as a fist, its smart eyes blink, and then He jumped out of the bird's nest and came to Li Shu's pillow.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp," the thrush chirped crisply, beating its wings, and a small gust of wind blew on the face of the plum tree.


The golden retriever dog, which was leaning against the bed, also woke up. It stood up, straightened its front legs, stuck out its butt and stretched out a large, arched waist. Then it looked at Li Shu sleeping on the bed and shouted: "Wow~ Woof woof~”

"Damn it, a wonderful day starts with the animal alarm clock." Li Shu rolled over and got up, rubbed his slightly dry eyes, and looked eastward through the window. Groups of seagulls had gone out to look for food, and the sky was red. The morning glow was extremely gorgeous, just like a girl's shy face, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

"The scenery here is really nice. Just taking a look at it makes you feel good all day long, hiss~ But it would be nice if there were fewer mosquitoes."

"Ah woo~" Li Shu put on his slippers and walked towards the bathroom. After yawning, he muttered: "My skills still need to be improved. Last night I caught mosquitoes for half the night, but I caught just one. It was such a failure~ Huamei , you stupid bird didn’t help me catch mosquitoes~ah woo~”

"Chirp, chirp~" the thrush turned around and called out with an unconvinced look on its face, then stuck out its butt and pushed the window open with all its strength, spread its wings and soared into the sky.

The bugs that get up early are eaten by the bird. It wants to see which cute bugs wake up so early, and as a reward, it can turn them into its own food.

After washing up, Li Shu pulled on his slippers and went directly to the negative floor, followed closely by the golden retriever.

"It has been more than three days, and I have fed a lot of chalcedony spiritual water. Let's open one to see the effect." His eyes swept over the white butterfly clam in the glass tank that had grown much bigger. A touch of nervousness arose in my heart for no reason.

The more expectations you have in your heart, the more you fear disappointment.

For a moment, he felt like he was back when he was taking the college entrance examination, and he was just as nervous.

"Woof woof~" The golden retriever obviously couldn't understand Li Shu's nervousness. It was chasing its tail in circles, and the dog's paws scratched the light yellow wooden floor, making a snapping sound.

"Silly dog, you should cut your nails." Li Shu let out a deep breath, walked to the storage cabinet on the right, and rummaged through a pile of small odds and ends to find a rusty knife.

"Mazu bless me. If I can find the best pearls, then I will soar to the sky. If it is nothing, then I will probably have to consider raising other people. After all, the debt collectors are very tight." Li Shu clasped his hands together. Bowed towards the east, then walked to the glass tank and fished out a white butterfly clam.


With splashes of water, the white butterfly clam, which was gray-black all over and larger than when it was first bought, was caught in the plum tree's hand.


The rusty knife was inserted through the gap between the two clam shells, and he made a clean stroke, then broke it off and clicked. In an instant, the white clam meat wrapped with pearls appeared in front of the plum tree.

"The weak will eat the strong, thank you for your hard work, Brother Clam." Li Shu squeezed out a pearl with great expectation. In an instant, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his heart went cold.

"It's over, it's over. This pearl is so small." Li Shu held the round white jade-like pearl in his left hand and looked at it carefully under the light. You could faintly see a bead core inside the pearl.

Use a caliper to measure it, the diameter is 16.2mm.

"Hiss~ The diameter is about one and a half centimeters, which is a bit small. It seems that three days of breeding time is still a little short. Let's raise it for a few more days." Li Shu looked left and right and muttered: "Although it is small, It’s a little bit off, but the shape is very round! And the skin is very good, the color is evenly mixed, and it seems to have a unique light soft glow.”

"This pearl can be sold for 10,000 to 20,000, silly dog, what do you think?" Li Shu bent down and held the beautiful pearl to show it to the golden retriever.

"Ugh~" The golden retriever tilted its head and stretched out its pink tongue to lick the pearl. Fortunately, Li Shu's fingers were quick to dodge, otherwise the beautiful pearl would have been stuck with the dog's saliva.

"Let's go have a meal." Li Shu took the golden retriever out of the basement, locked the door, walked out of the villa in the northeast and walked to the villa in the southeast.

The two villas on Dream Island are about 150 meters apart. Li Shu lives in one and Uncle Hai lives in the other.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

This morning.


A flash of bright lightning like a tree root flashed across the sky, followed by a dull rumble of thunder, from far to near, frightening the golden retriever to crawl under the chair, while the clever blackbird had already crawled under the chair. In the arms of the tree, only a pair of round little eyes were left looking out the window warily, with a fearful look on the bird's face.

Hua Hua Hua ~

The raindrops were very sparse at first, but after a few seconds it turned into a downpour. Water splashes began to splash on the ground outside the villa, and the rain gradually gathered into a stream and flowed south.

"Hiss~ This rain really comes on the fly. I planned to dry out the quilt today, but it seems I can't do it." Li Shu squatted beside the chair and slowly stroked the golden retriever's head with his right hand, gently. Just like coaxing a baby: "Don't be afraid golden retriever, I will protect you."

The golden retriever's nervousness was relieved. A pair of dog eyes looked at the plum tree pitifully. The amber-like eyes were full of the reflection of the plum tree. From time to time, it stuck out the tip of its tongue, showing a cuteness in its silly look.

"Let's go to the first floor to open clams. It's been a few days, and the pearls should be almost grown." Li Shu stood up directly, and the golden retriever understood it and rushed out to the first floor.

(End of chapter)