Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 118: Fitness photos in the circle of friends


It was still raining heavily outside and there was thunder.

Looking out the window, Li Shu watched the big raindrops falling on the stone road, in the grass, and on the trees. He couldn't help but smile with satisfaction at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, yes, if these stone roads were not paved, I'm afraid the ground would have become muddy." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Brother, let's play Plants vs. Zombies." The little girl came over with a tablet computer and said.

"Okay." Li Shu agreed with a smile. He clicked and turned on the crystal chandelier on the first floor of the villa. The beautiful and charming light dispelled the darkness. Then he and his sister sat on the sofa and played "Plants vs. Zombies" together.

For the past few days, I have been working from dawn to dusk to build East Neverland, laying down stone slabs one by one, pressing stones one by one, and planting trees one by one, which has exhausted the plum tree.

It's time to relax now.

"Plants vs. Zombies" is a very classic game. Planting sunflowers can produce "suns", collect the sun, and then use the sun to exchange for pea shooters, tree stumps, ground thorns, nut walls, cherry bombs, fire peppers, Japanese melons, watermelons, etc. Use plants to fight zombies with different shapes and cute looks.

"Yeah, yeah, it's dark time, there will be tombstones, right? These zombies can get out from under the tombstones, greatly shortening the attack distance... Yeah, the zombies ate the big mushroom." The little girl sat On the right side of Li Shu, his bright eyes were staring at the tablet screen. Like a little strategist, he stretched out his white jade-like fingers and directed Li Shu to play the game.

"Haha, don't panic, we still have hallucinogenic mushrooms that can confuse zombies." Li Shu laughed and instantly planted a hallucinogenic mushroom in front of the zombie that didn't look like a good mushroom. Dai Tie was infected by the hallucinogenic mushrooms. Bucket zombies, turned around and walked back, like a "traitor", to eat other zombies.

"Hold it, hold it, it scared me to death. I thought I was going to lose. Then my brain will be eaten by zombies. It's really scary." The little girl breathed a big sigh of relief. She looked so cute. Li Shu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Don't worry, big brother is here, we can't lose." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Yeah." The little girl nodded, with admiration and trust for Li Shu in her eyes.

The two were playing games, and the big yellow dog was sleeping at their feet. As long as there were fewer thunders, it was not afraid of the wind and rain. The thrush put his bird's nest in his mouth on the coffee table on the first floor and lay down in it to take a nap. , occasionally poked out his little head and pecked a grape in the fruit plate.

The big orange cat was lying on the large bay window on the north side of the first floor, looking at the heavy rain outside the window like a melancholy poet.

The night was getting darker, and after playing more than ten games of "Plants vs. Zombies" in a row, Li Shu stretched himself out and said, "Okay, little girl, it's time for you to wash up and go to bed. You are still growing, so you should pay attention to maintaining adequate nutrition. Sleep."

"Uh, um." The little girl looked hesitant, as if she wanted to say something to Li Shu but hesitated. Unfortunately, Li Shu didn't see her expression.

After touching his sister's little head, Li Shu carried the bird's nest directly to the gym on the first floor. The big yellow dog immediately stood up and ran into the gym with him.


After closing the door of the gym, the gym with several ceiling energy-saving lamps suddenly became quiet. The naked half-length photos of Bruce Lee, Tyson and others hanging on the wall seemed to clearly tell Li Shu - hurry up and work out, and practice like us. strong!


Put the bird's nest on the shelf next to it. The thrush lying in the bird's nest tilts his little head and looks at the plum tree smartly, while the big yellow dog lies on the side. It will feel super at ease when it is with its owner.

While doing warm-up exercises, Li Shu said with a smile: "Although fitness is very tiring, you still have to persevere, otherwise you will not be able to enjoy many things while making so much money but not having a good body."

"Set a small goal, do 200 push-ups, 200 pull-ups, 200 sit-ups, and then run 15 kilometers. I used to adjust the treadmill to 8 kilometers per hour. Today I can consider adjusting it to 10 kilometers. /hour.".

After the warm-up exercise was over, Li Shu began to exercise as planned, huffing and puffing. For a moment, the sound of heavy breathing in the gym was in sharp contrast to the sound of heavy rain outside the villa. Occasionally, there was a slight patter of sweat beads falling to the ground. .

When Li Shujian finished his exercise, it was already past 10 o'clock in the evening. He was already swaying from exhaustion and sat down on the ground.

"Huh~ Fitness is really not something people do. It's really too tiring." A thought flashed through Li Shu's mind for a moment - give up.

But when he stood in front of the mirror and saw the faintly appearing 8-pack abs, he couldn't help but smile again: "I divided my body into four levels, from worst to best, "showing belly" and "normal body" ", "Slightly showing abdominal muscles", "Perfect abdominal muscles".

At the beginning, I was at the level of "showing my belly", but now I have successfully been promoted to the level of "slightly showing my abs". The next step is "perfect abs". I am really looking forward to having eight-pack abs. This process I suffered too much. ".

Touching his face in the mirror, Li Shu found that his face had become much thinner, more angular and more handsome.

"Sure enough, as long as he has a good figure, any man will be handsome... Bah, bah, bah, my foundation is already good." Li Shu said rather narcissistically, taking a half-length photo and then posting it on WeChat Moments.

Li Shu: [Fitness is over, keep working hard!][Picture][Picture][Picture]

Someone soon commented:

Research monk Xie Wenbo: [I was still in the library, it was raining heavily outside, and my figure made me want to work out. Fortunately, I had strong willpower and stopped this unrealistic idea.]

Fan Biao: [What’s the use of practicing to be so strong? I dare say that if you and I were to fight one on one, you would kneel down and beg me not to die within three seconds./Evil smile]

Xu Hao: [Ashu, you are getting closer and closer to your goal of having eight-pack abs! congratulations!]

Yu Bingbing: [Wow! Abs! Li Shu, you are so awesome! I want to practice the vest line, but I have been practicing for three months and I still can’t get it right at all!]

Sweat dripped down Li Shu's hair and fell to the ground like a pearl, breaking into eight petals. He sat on the treadmill and read the comments of his friends, overjoyed.


He saw that Huang Yun liked him but did not comment. After 3 seconds, the like was canceled again.

Li Shu was stunned for a moment: "Three-second girl? Hiss~ Why do you want to cancel after you like it?"

He even opened the chat interface with Huang Yun.

Li Shu: [I saw you liked my circle of friends, why did you cancel it later?]

After about ten seconds.

Huang Yun: [My hand slipped and I made a mistake, isn’t it okay?]

Li Shu:[…]

Yanjing, a study room.

Huang Yun's pretty face was slightly red, and she muttered in a low voice: "My eyes are really sharp. I canceled it immediately and was still seen. It was really bad to post photos of my abs to Moments. It made me slip up and click like it." … But the abs are really nice.”.

"Gudong~" Huang Yun swallowed for no reason.

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(End of chapter)