Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 12: Lots of 19mm pearls


Walking into the negative level, the thunder rumbling outside was blocked by layers of walls and became much quieter.

Click~ Turn on the light switch, the soft light dispels the darkness, and the light envelopes the room.

"Open the clam, open the clam, do that race!"

Compared with three days ago, the remaining 99 white butterfly clams were much larger in size, and the color of their bodies was also much darker.

"Old man, it doesn't matter whether you gain weight or not. You must secrete more nacre."


Li Shu took out the knife that had been sharpened to a shine, walked to the water tank and fished out a huge white butterfly clam. The blade of the knife was accurately inserted into the gap, and then he broke it and squeezed it.

"I'll go! This one is much larger in size, and has some features... 19.3mm, Ness! It's very good, it still has a faint soft light, next one."

The clam shells with the pearls removed were thrown into a red bucket along with the clam meat, and the precious pearls were collected by the plum tree into a wooden box covered with soft red cloth.

Swish, brush, brush~

Li Shu opened the clams faster and faster, and he became more and more excited.

19.4mm, 19.1mm, 19.5mm, 19.7mm… …

A pearl mussel produces a pearl, and the diameter of no pearl is less than 19mm. The plum tree's eyes are shining, and the sound of the heart's thumping is so clear.

"I'm getting rich. I'm getting rich. Dad's debts will hopefully be paid off."

A total of 99 clams were left. After more than 2 minutes, all the pearl clams had become the dead souls of the plum tree. The clam shells and clam meat alone took up two full red buckets. The aroma of seafood began to spread throughout the house.


Li Shu went to the bathroom and washed his hands, then rubbed his red face with cold water. He looked at his face covered with water drops in the mirror: "Calm down~ Li Shu, you have to be calm. Don't panic when something happens. Be steady." live."

When Li Shu calmed down, he took the golden retriever and the thrush directly from the basement level and returned to his study.


The door was closed, and Li Shu sat directly behind the big desk, opened the box with a click, and instantly 99 huge white pearls were exposed in front of Li Shu.

"It's really beautiful~" Li Shu took out the first pearl that came out from his pocket, put it into the wooden box, ding dong~ he made up 100 pearls in an instant.

He took a magnifying glass from the bookshelf at the back, and then used the magnifying glass to carefully observe each huge pearl.

He has not been idle during this period. He has bought hundreds of books on pearl classification, identification, cultivation, etc. With his powerful brain after taking chalcedony liquid many times, he has read seventy-seven of these books. Eighty-eight.

The study became quiet, and the golden retriever lay down next to the desk, quietly closing his eyes and dozing off. However, his big broom-like tail lifted and fell from time to time, as if he could have a lot of fun playing alone.


The thrush came out of the plum tree, jumped nimbly onto the windowsill, and jumped twice. A pair of bird eyes looked out, and saw that the pouring rain had turned into light rain, dark clouds were rolling in the sky, and light blue electric snakes were flying in the sky. Moving among the clouds, although there was occasionally a low rumble, it was no longer as shocking as before.

"Chirp chirp~" The thrush saw Uncle Hai wearing a black poncho and walking towards him with a thermal box in his hand. The rain hit his body and slid down the poncho, pat pat pat~ The ground was muddy, and the muddy footprints were clear. remain on the ground.

Seeing Uncle Hai carrying the lunch box to the door of the villa, the thrush jumped down from the window sill and jumped up and down on the big desk.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp ~"

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Li Shu has figured out part of the thrush's habits - it seems to be very afraid that Li Shu will starve to death. As long as Uncle Hai comes over with food, it will happily remind Li Shu.

"Thank you, little Thrush." Li Shu gently touched Little Thrush's head with the pad of his left index finger. The latter narrowed his eyes happily and rubbed his little head against his finger, with a look of flattery on his face.

"Let's go! Let's go to dinner." Li Shu clicked and closed the wooden box containing the pearls, took it directly with him, and then took the thrush and golden retriever dog to dinner.

When the weather cleared up in the afternoon, Li Shu called the swarthy Li Sha and made an appointment with him to take a boat to Danguan City.

"No problem! Brother Shu's business is my business. I'll be there soon." Li Sha agreed readily on the phone.


After hanging up the phone, Li Shu looked at the wisps of light shining through the clouds outside the window and said with a smile: "Li Sha's Mandarin is improving very quickly. It seems that this kid has quite a talent for language. He just dropped out of school early to go fishing, and his talent for language is also limited." It’s a pity that it hasn’t been developed~”

The fact that Li Sha can leave the ship so readily is related to his envy and respect for Li Shu. Of course, it is also related to the fact that Li Shu will not treat him badly every time.

Buzz buzz~

The dilapidated ferry boat cut through the waves and rushed toward the mainland. The sea breeze blew gently, and Li Shu's hair flowed back.

He held the small wooden box containing the pearls in his right hand, with a burning heart, thinking to himself: "I hope this trip goes well. Whether it is the previous 3,500 yuan or the second 140,000 yuan, the amount is too small."

Hua Hua Hua ~

The sea breeze blew for nearly two hours, and by the time the dilapidated ferry boat docked at the pier, it was almost 4 p.m.


The wind gradually picked up in the evening, making people unable to open their eyes. On the dock, workers with bare upper bodies and flesh all over their bodies were busy coming and going. Anxious shouts came one after another. It was going to rain again. Many The goods have not yet been covered.

"It takes 2 hours to go back by boat, and as soon as the clouds come up, the sky becomes darker and darker, making it difficult to see. Let's stay overnight in Danguan City." Li Shu said.

"No problem, everything is up to Brother Shu!" The swarthy Li Sha grinned silly with his big white teeth. Years of exposure to the sun made Li Sha look like a 40-year-old middle-aged man even though he was 21 years old like Li Shu. Same as young people.

Li Shu no longer looked for the cheapest hotel like the first time he stayed in a hotel in Tanguan City. This time he went straight to a mid-range hotel—two single rooms for a total of 600 ringgit.

"This place is so luxurious. The walls and floors are all shiny and can reflect people's shadows. The surrounding designs are also beautiful, with murals, carpets, lighting..." The dark-skinned Li Sha looked like a country bumpkin. Although he He was born and raised in Danguan City, but he had never stayed in a hotel like this before - after all, the price of 300 yuan a night was prohibitive for Li Sha, whose average daily salary was only 30 to 50 yuan.

If Li Sha was given the choice, he would actually go to an Internet cafe to book a night - he could save money and play games at the same time.

"Okay, okay, go back to your room and rest early, and go back to Neverland early tomorrow morning." Li Shu pushed Li Sha to room 507, and then returned to room 508 next door.

Without even changing clothes, Li Sha put the wooden box containing pearls into his backpack, went downstairs and took a taxi to leave.

"Go to the Tianzhu Nak Group office building."


Buzzing buzzing~ Looking through the car window at the streets on both sides, all kinds of people are a sight to behold.

Thanks to "Yanan" for the recommendation vote!

(End of chapter)