Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 120: Su Zhizhe is coming to Neverland


This was also Li Shu's first time seeing jellyfish, and he was really shocked. The endless swarm of jellyfish was really spectacular.

"Blue jellyfish, blue jellyfish... You are like small blue umbrellas, and like mushroom elves that come to life, delicate and beautiful, but... under this beautiful body, there is endless content. Murderous intention." Li Shu stood beside the boat and said loudly.

A faint white light appeared in his eyes, and he could clearly see some small fish and shrimps being caught by the jellyfish group, and they were gobbling up the food.

"Hehe, I thought you were going to compose a poem, brother." The little girl smiled.

Li Shu's face suddenly became full of black lines. His literary talent was not enough to compose poetry.

The ferry boat followed the jellyfish for more than an hour. After daylight, everyone took photos with the jellyfish in the sea before leaving.

"Gulu gulu~".

When we returned to Neverland, it was almost 9 o'clock, and the little girl's stomach began to growl.

While praising the beauty of jellyfish, Uncle Hai made some shrimp and meat porridge. After a bowl of delicious meat porridge, the little girl covered her stomach and slumped on the chair, humming happily: "Finally alive again."

After breakfast, Li Shu went into the study, used his computer to export the video taken by the camera, and edited some beautiful clips.

"Fortunately, the satellite network in Neverland has been upgraded, otherwise the computer would be stuck." Li Shu slid the mouse and did not miss any frame of the video image, "But my camera skills still need to be improved, tsk tsk, if my skills were higher With a few, you should be able to take pictures of the jellyfish more beautifully."

Li Shu cut out a 5-minute video of jellyfish and uploaded it to the "Youtube" as requested. The effect is good to see for yourself. There are both spectacular scenes of thousands of beautiful jellyfish together, as well as small clips of individual jellyfish eating, almost Perfectly demonstrates the jellyfish population to individual.

"This video is not only valuable for viewing, it is also valuable for research. Unfortunately, although I study biology, I know nine out of ten about jellyfish - I know nothing about them."

Li Shu browsed the "Creator Income Standards" on "Youtube" again. The content was rich and complicated, but roughly it was that for every 1,000 valid views, he, the video blogger, could get 4 US dollars.

"Hmm... 1,000 valid views are worth 4 US dollars, so my expectations are not high. I only need 50,000 valid views, and I can get 200 US dollars in profit." Li Shu smiled slowly, knowing that he was right "Youtubing" couldn't work, so his expectations were set low. However, in order to avoid being slapped in the face, he silently added:

"It doesn't matter if you don't get a penny, it's just fun anyway."

The foreign name of "You Tube" is "You Tube". It is a video software whose functions are somewhat similar to those of domestic iQiyi, Bilibili, etc., but are not exactly the same.

Li Shu sent another video of jellyfish to WeChat Moments, then put away his phone and walked out of the room, went downstairs and left the villa, walking along the stone road to Baicao Garden.

"East Neverland is really built right. It's clean and refreshing when you walk on the stone road. Although the original Neverland is also very good, it always has the same feeling as when I was a child in my hometown in the countryside - there are big dirt roads and potholes everywhere. The rain made it muddy.".


Pushing open the door of the Herb Garden, a cool breath hits your face, red tomatoes, green cucumbers, yellow melons, purple lentils, etc., one row after another, well-proportioned, full of vibrant countryside Beauty.

"Every time I come to Baicao Garden, I feel refreshed when I breathe the fresh air." Li Shu took a deep breath of air, reached out and picked a tender cucumber with yellow flowers on top from the cucumber vine, and took a bite. Hydrating and sweet.

"The Baicao Garden is 30 meters long and 10 meters high. It is divided into 36 square pieces of land by criss-crossing stone roads. The side length of each square piece of land is about 3.8 meters. Now 15 to 16 pieces of land have been used. ." Li Shu walked to the strawberry field, took out the white plastic bag in his pocket, and started picking fresh strawberries.

The strawberry plants are about 30 centimeters high, with vines crawling close to the ground. Some bright red strawberries are close to the ground, with a little bit of soil stuck to them.

After picking about 2 kilograms of strawberries, Li Shu stood up and walked northwest along the stone road. The blower hidden on the wall blew out the breeze through the small holes, making cucumber leaves, bean leaves, etc. make a gentle sound.

Passing by the carrot field, Li Shu bent down and pulled up two carrots. The orange carrots were as thick as a child's arms, and the radish tassels were more than 1 meter long.

"After all, it has absorbed some chalcedony spiritual water. This carrot tassel is actually good for feeding chickens and ducks. Unfortunately, there are no chickens and ducks. Now we can only chop them up and feed them to fish."

Li Shu came to the plot numbered No. 2 and saw that the cactus had matured another batch of fruits. He even put on gloves to pick the fruits one by one, then closed the door and left the Baicao Garden, returned to the north villa, washed the fruits and put them on plates. Then cut it into strips and feed it to the thrush.

He sat down on the sofa and was feeding carrots to the blackbird, when suddenly his cell phone rang.

"Buzz buzz~".

"Eh? This is Su Zhizhe calling?" Li Shu was slightly stunned, and after answering the call, he said: "Hey, what do you want from me, Brother Su?"

"Brother Li, I just browsed YouTube and saw a video of jellyfish crossing the border. Did you post it? The morning news also reported on the jellyfish crossing the border. Unfortunately, by the time I saw the report, the jellyfish had already swam away. Oh, it’s such a pity that I didn’t see the jellyfish group with my own eyes." Su Zhizhe shouted on the other side of the phone.

"Um, how do you know it's the video I posted?" Li Shu said with a smile, gently poking the thrush's belly with his fingers. The little guy was dissatisfied and pecked Li Shu's fingers with his sharp beak. It didn't know how to do it. Peck really hard, but express your dissatisfaction.

"Because the name of the author of the video is MHD. With my smart mind, I knew it was the abbreviation of "Dream Island" in three Chinese characters." At Su Zhizhe's home in Danguan City, Su Zhizhe talked on his mobile phone with great pride. , and his girlfriend Yao Li was wearing a tight-fitting cheongsam, sitting next to him gracefully and delicately.

Hearing Su Zhizhe bragging, Yao Li couldn't help but poke the soft flesh around his waist with her fingers, rolled her eyes coquettishly, and whispered: "I didn't remind you, you thought about it for a long time and thought it was the car's hybrid system. Woolen cloth.".

"Shhhhhh" Su Zhizhe covered the receiver of his mobile phone and smiled flatteringly at his girlfriend. Then he continued to answer the phone. After receiving Li Shu's praise, he said with satisfaction: "My girlfriend Lily and I want to go to your Neverland. Just for fun, is it convenient now? ".

"Um... Okay, I'll ask Boss Jing to fly a helicopter to pick you up."

"Okay, that's it! If you can, come over now, we can leave at any time."

"no problem.".

Li Shu hung up the phone, looked at the thrush preening its feathers, and couldn't help but think slightly: "What does Su Zhizhe want to do in Neverland?"

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(End of chapter)