Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 126: Strategic Partners


Su Zhizhe himself liked the jade lion very much. If the jade lion was his, I am afraid he would never sell it and recommend it to others, so he thought that Li Shu also liked the jade lion very much.

What he didn't know was that Li Shu hated this jade lion. After all, the skin covering the jade lion was too smelly.

"Dududu~" Su Zhizhe took out his mobile phone and dialed Cao Cao's number. He believed that Cao Cao would definitely be willing to pay for the jade lion.

The beeping sound of the phone echoed in the room, and Li Shu said casually: "Brother Su, how much do you think this jade lion is worth?"

"Um, 20 million to 30 million ringgit." Su Zhizhe said with a smile while waiting for the phone to be connected: "This should be a more appropriate price. If it is sold to other people, I'm afraid it will top out at 7 million to 8 million." After all, other people don’t have any special feelings for this jade."

Li Shu nodded, agreeing with Su Zhizhe's words.


It seemed that Cao Cao was busy with something, and the phone was not connected. Su Zhizhe hung up and said with a smile: "Maybe that fat guy Cao Cao is still busy, I'll call him later.

Cough~ I suddenly remembered something. Does Brother Li Shu’s Mengzhu Group want to reach a strategic partnership with my company? I recommend you to purchase our company’s annual package, with a discounted price of RM6 million per year!

We can provide you with a professional legal team and accounting team. Like the last time you transferred money to mainland China, if you are our annual member, the handling fee will be much discounted. ".

After a slight pause, Su Zhizhe's tone suddenly became erratic, and he smiled slowly: "Brother Li Shu, if you said that this jade lion was dug out from the bottom of your fishing ground, then I believe it.

But what about those porcelain from the sea you sold last time? If you say that those sea-harvested porcelains were also found on the bottom of the fishing ground, then I would believe it, but what about next time? What about next time

To salvage sunken ships from the seabed in other places, a "Special Seabed Salvage Certificate" is required! Without this certificate, it is illegal salvage! If it is verified by then, not only will all the salvaged items be confiscated, but a huge fine may also be imposed, and the person may even be imprisoned for a period of time. ".

Li Shu's eyes narrowed and he took a slight breath.

He knew what Su Zhizhe said was right.

"Ahem." After giving Li Shu enough time to think, Su Zhizhe said slowly: "It may be more difficult for other people to apply for a special undersea salvage license, and they may not even be familiar with the process, but our company's intervention is a trivial matter. pieces.

Well, our company has many special consultants. If I name a few consultants, you should have an idea of the strength of our company. ".

Su Zhizhe opened the note on his phone, typed down the names of six people, and then handed the phone to Li Shu.

"Hiss~" After seeing the names of the six people clearly, Li Shu's eyes instantly shrank. The six people were male and female, old and young, and they were all relatively powerful people.

Li Shu frowned slightly and looked at Su Zhizhe, questioning: "Is there a prince among your advisers? You're lying, are you kidding me?"

Su Zhizhe was embarrassed and said helplessly: "Why did I lie to you? You are really wary. If you want to get to know him, I can take some time to introduce you to him."

"Let's talk about it later when we have time." Li Shu's mind was racing, and he finally decided that it was more appropriate to buy Su Zhizhe's company's annual package, so he agreed.

There was a printer and computer in the villa. I downloaded the contract template from the Su Zhizhe Company's official website, printed it out and signed it. Li Shu quickly transferred the first year's RM6 million to Su Zhizhe Company.

"Why do I feel like I've been tricked by you?" Li Shu held his chin and said, "There are many consulting service companies. Maybe I should shop around before making a decision."

"Haha, brother Li Shu, if you buy our company's annual service, it is definitely worth the money. The annual service of other consulting service companies may be cheaper, but their strength is much worse. When will you wait? If they suddenly encounter trouble and they are weak and unable to solve it, then they are doomed... ".

Before Su Zhizhe finished speaking, his cell phone buzzed. He took it out and said, "That damn fat guy from Cao Cao has called back. I'll answer it first."

Li Shu's 6 million annual package fee was not in vain. Two days later, Su Zhizhe sent someone to deliver the "Special Undersea Salvage Certificate". From then on, Li Shu could salvage undersea treasures openly.

Of course, a "Special Undersea Salvage Certificate" is easier to obtain, but undersea treasures are very difficult to find, and obviously the government knows this.

When he heard that a sacred artifact from his own tribe had appeared, Cao Cao immediately showed great interest. He even enthusiastically made an appointment to meet in Danguan City tomorrow - he had to verify the authenticity of the sacred artifact first.

This is as it should be. After all, the sacred artifact is extremely important to Cao Cao's tribe, and Li Shu also expressed his understanding.

It was late at night, and Li Shu said goodbye and left, agreeing to go to Danguan City to find Cao Cao at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Pa da~

Turning off the energy-saving lamp in the guest room, the room instantly became dark. Su Zhizhe, wearing blue pajamas, got into bed and hugged his girlfriend Yao Li. The moonlight shined on the bed through the window, illuminating a small area like a dream.

"The apricots on the island are so delicious. Can we ask for some more when we leave?" Yao Li snuggled into Su Zhizhe's arms, and a wisp of fragrance drifted to the tip of the latter's nose.

"Ahem... How can I have the nerve to ask for it?" Su Zhizhe hugged his girlfriend and looked at the moon and starry sky outside the window: "How about you ask for it? You can introduce a girlfriend to that guy Li Shu and ask him to give it to you. Eat some apricots."

"Hehe~ There are many beautiful beauties in the yoga club I'm in, but I don't know if that guy Li Shu will like her." Yao Li pressed her cheek against Su Zhizhe's chest and spoke in a muffled voice.


The screen of Su Zhizhe's mobile phone lit up, and it was a message from Cao Cao.

Cao Cao: [Is Li Shu not with you anymore? I have something to ask you.]

Su Zhizhe was stunned and typed: [Li Shu has left. If you have anything to do, just tell me?]

Buzz buzz~

Instead of typing to communicate, Cao Cao called Su Zhizhe directly, and the latter connected.

"Hello? Cao Cao, do you have any concerns?".

"Well, I'm mainly worried about whether the jade lion is fake, and then there's the price issue. I just found out that Li Shu is with you, and I'm too embarrassed to ask about the price. What do you think the bottom line of Li Shu's price is?"

Yao Li eavesdropped with her little ears raised, while Su Zhizhe stroked her hair: "I personally judge that 99% of it is not fake, but I suggest you ask a knowledgeable old man from your tribe to identify it.

As for the price, I think RM40 million to RM60 million is more appropriate. ".

Hearing Su Zhizhe's words, Cao Cao on the other side of the phone hadn't spoken yet. Yao Li, who was nestled in Su Zhizhe's arms, opened her eyes wide - this was not the estimate that Su Zhizhe and Li Shu were talking about.

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(End of chapter)