Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 133: Scrambled eggs with tomatoes after a hard day’s training


After comprehensive consideration, Mr. Xu Sheng still accepted Li Shu as his apprentice.

In the living room on the first floor of the villa in the north, Mr. Xu Sheng sat high up. A red carpet stretched from the old man's feet to the door. More than twenty pots of flowers were placed on both sides of the red carpet. Li Shu walked steadily across the red carpet. Respectfully perform the apprenticeship ceremony, and then sincerely offer fragrant tea.

"Master, you have tea!".

"Okay, okay, hahaha." Mr. Xu Sheng was very satisfied with Li Shu, especially Li Shu's superb sword skills, which made him marvel.

He took the tea cup and took a sip, then helped Li Shu up: "From today on, you will be my ninth apprentice! I hope you can treat others sincerely and be kind and pure; study cooking seriously and be truthful and reasonable. Don’t live up to your expectations as a teacher.”.

"Disciple must keep this in mind." Li Shulian said seriously.

Bang bang bang~

In an instant, the onlookers including Boss Jing, Li Sha, Uncle Hai, the little girl, Liu Yuan and others all applauded, especially the little girl, who pursed her lips tightly in excitement, and her white and tender little chubby hands turned red.

"Woof, woof, woof~" the big yellow dog barked silly as he joined in the fun.

"Chirp!" Thrush flew happily in the sky.

"Squeak~" The little squirrel jumped up and down on the table next to it.

"Meow meow~" [These guys have no idea what's going on.]The big orange cat looked at the yellow dog, thrush, and squirrel with a helpless face. Finally, its eyes fell on the plum tree: "Meow~" [Will there be any delicious food in the future?]

"Okay, this is Liu Yuan, whom you know. He only became my disciple three days ago. He is also my eighth disciple and your senior brother." Mr. Liu Yuan smiled and stretched out his hand to point to Liu Yuan on the right.

"Three...three days ago?" Li Shu was slightly stunned.

The black-faced and flat-headed young man "Liu Yuan" suddenly became arrogant. He raised his chin slightly, and a smile full of superiority appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "What's wrong? I'm your senior brother after I entered the school three days ago! Call me senior brother and come and listen!" .

Li Shu's face was full of black lines, and he complained in his heart: "This thief is shaking in front of me, and his sword skills are not as good as mine."

Although he was helpless in his heart, Li Shu still whispered "Hello, Senior Brother".

In an instant, "Liu Yuan" became even more proud. He grinned with joy and said carelessly: "Brother, I'm thirsty. Go and get me a cup of tea!"

Li Shu's face instantly turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"Haha, snap~" Mr. Xu Sheng laughed loudly and slapped Liu Yuan on the left shoulder. The latter staggered and almost sat on the ground.

"I'm still here, stop bullying your junior brother!".

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot you were still here.".

Now that he has become a disciple, Li Shu no longer hides it, and directly asks Boss Jing to go to the sea to catch a few big crabs. The ferocious big crabs are like little chickens in Boss Jing's hands, and they can be caught easily.

"So these delicious crabs are farmed around the island!?" Mr. Liu Yuan looked shocked.

"Well, it's not farmed, it should be considered wild. They eat plankton, small fish and shrimps, etc." Li Shu explained.

The old man was about to leave. He seemed to have other things to do, but when Li Shu took him to the Baicao Garden, the old man's eyes instantly went straight. With so many top-quality ingredients, he never asked to leave voluntarily.

Starting from the next day, Mr. Xu Sheng began to teach Li Shu how to cook. Now that his knife skills had become perfect, the old man taught him to "control the heat." According to the old man's words - one dish is good for all, so at the beginning Just focus on one dish.

The dish the old man chose for Li Shu was scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Ding Dang Dang~

Li Shu spent almost all day in the kitchen. He originally thought that with his strong control over his body, frying "tomato scrambled eggs" that satisfied the master would not be a piece of cake

But the results are quite different, as can be seen from the old man's evaluation of the plates of scrambled eggs with tomatoes:

"Bah, this is also called a dish? Remake it!".

“This dish is overcooked, let’s make it again!”.

"Is salt expensive? Why can't you put salt in it? Do it again!".

"Did you beat the salt seller to death and rob him of all his salt? No? Then why did you put so much salt? Do you want to salt me to death? Do it again!"

… …

At the end of the day, Li Shu no longer knew how many dishes of scrambled eggs with tomatoes he had made. He only knew that more than a dozen plates had been used up, cleaned, and cleaned again, repeated more than ten times.


After frying tomatoes and eggs for a day, Li Shu's hands were sore, but he still walked out of the kitchen with a plate of tomatoes and eggs.

"Master, please try this plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.".

Red tomatoes and yellow eggs are intertwined, and a mixed and attractive aroma spreads with a little bit of heat. The big orange cat lying in the little girl's arms can't help but twitching its nostrils and licking the corners of its mouth with eager eyes. .

"Meow~" [I'm hungry!]

"Shush, brother is doing business, don't disturb him." The little girl put her white index finger in front of her lips, and then touched the big orange cat's round head.

The big orange cat drooped its little ears with a helpless expression, twisted its buttocks and found a comfortable position to lie down: "Meow~" [I'm hungry~]

The old man picked up a piece of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and put it into his mouth. His eyes lit up instantly, but he quickly put the light away so that Li Shu didn't see it.

"Master, how are you?" Li Shu asked expectantly, feeling slightly uneasy in his heart.

"Well... the promotion was good this time, barely reaching the "top quality" level." The old man, who had been sullen all day, showed a rare smile, and looked at Li Shu with a look of approval in his eyes.

This apprentice is not bad. Not only is he very talented, but he is also very perseverant. He is rich and also has great perseverance. This is very rare.

"Excellent level?" Li Shu was slightly startled.

"Yes, the widely recognized grading method for dishes, from low to high, is: Goubuli, ordinary, excellent, superb, perfect. There are 5 levels in total! Many chefs in 5-star hotels usually cook dishes as well. Just wander between ordinary and excellent, there are very few who can reach the top." Mr. Xu Sheng said with a smile.

"Ah, so I'm better than those chefs in five-star hotels..." Li Shu was slightly happy.

"Stop dreaming." Mr. Xu Sheng rolled his eyes: "You can only make a dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and your performance is unstable and full of chance. If you make other dishes, I'm afraid it will be at the level of "Goubuli" Yes, to put it bluntly, even dogs don’t want to pay attention to it.”

Mr. Xu Sheng shifted his attention to the big yellow dog and said with a smile: "Isn't it, big yellow?".

"Ugh~" The big yellow dog was squatting on the ground, his head tilted in confusion for a moment.

Li Shu took a deep breath, and the little pride in his heart instantly dissipated, and said: "Teacher, don't worry, I will continue to work hard."

"Well, that's it for today.".

After everyone finished dinner, Li Shu just returned to his bedroom when his cell phone suddenly buzzed. He took it out and saw that it was a video invitation from Huang Yun.

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Sorry, I'm half an hour late.

(End of chapter)