Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 140: Business opportunities for yellow-bearded shrimp


30 bird nests are arranged in 5 rows and 6 columns, like small houses. It is almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the sunlight outside the window is no longer so dazzling.

Boss Jing was sorting out the remaining nails, latex, wood board materials, etc., while Li Shu looked at the white squirrel nestled in the little girl's arms. The white squirrel looked at each bird's nest with longing on his face.

"Little squirrel, do you also want to have a nest of your own?" Li Shu said with a smile.

The little girl was also curious and put the little squirrel on the ground. In an instant, the little guy waggled his big tail and jumped in front of a group of wooden birdhouses. He looked at this and sniffed this and that with excitement, and then excitedly shouted to Li Shu and others: " Zhizhi~".

"Haha, the little guy seems to want a nest of his own." Boss Jing straightened up and said.

"There is still some wood left, so let's make a small nest for the squirrels to live in." Li Shu said with a smile. An idea flashed in his mind, and he walked over and picked up a wooden board about 1.5 meters long and 15 centimeters wide.

"Split this board into three wooden strips, each wooden strip is about 5 cm wide, and stand the three wooden strips at an angle to each other, so that the three wooden strips and the ground form a triangular pyramid, and install a "squirrel" on the top of the triangular pyramid. "Cottage." Li Shu said with a smile.

"This is a good idea." Jingbo Dalian said.

"But..." A picture suddenly appeared in the little girl's mind - three wooden legs standing slanted on the floor, with a "squirrel cabin" on top. "But the squirrel cabin is so high from the ground, how can the little squirrel get in and out?" What about the cabin? And it feels a little too basic."

"Haha, we can make some small wooden blocks 5 cm long and wide, and fix these small wooden blocks on the sides of the three wooden legs, which are equivalent to small wooden stairs. The little squirrels can freely enter and exit the "Squirrel House" by stepping on the wooden stairs. ".

Then you can put two flower pots on the ground, plant vines in the flower pots, and let the vines climb around the small wooden stairs, squirrel huts, etc. You can also install some small wind chimes or small lanterns, etc. "Li Shu smiled and said, "You can try whatever you have in mind, just like handcrafting. ".

"Yeah." The little girl's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and she agreed again and again.

It sounds a bit complicated to say, but it is super simple to make. Li Shu and Jing Boss worked together and it was done in just twenty minutes.

For the two potted plants, morning glories with purple flowers and small tomatoes with climbing vines were chosen.

Under the cultivation of chalcedony spiritual water, the beautiful morning glory climbed up the 1.5-meter-long wooden stick, circled the "squirrel hut" several times, and then climbed down along the legs of another 1.5-meter-long wooden stick. .

The same is true for the small tomato vines. The bright red tomatoes the size of thumbs are intertwined with the trumpet-like purple morning glories, dotting the entire "squirrel cabin". Even the little girl was stunned: "It's so beautiful! Little squirrel, Do you like it?".


The little squirrel happily climbed into the hut, then poked its head out again, jumping in and out, obviously liking its new home very much.

Li Shu, Boss Jing and others watched all this happily, and then saw the little squirrel picking a small tomato, holding it and gnawing it. It was very delicious.

Li Shu: “… “.

Boss Jing: “… “.

Little girl: "Little one, that's for decoration, not for you to eat."

Li Shu came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Forget it, it can eat if it wants to."

Buzz buzz~


Li Shu's cell phone buzzed. He took it out and saw that it was the black-faced senior brother Liu Yuan.

"Hello? Junior brother! Hahaha, the yellow beard shrimps are selling very well in my hotel! The business is really good! How about, let's make an appointment to meet at a place! Let's discuss future cooperation! Hahaha! "You can hear Liu Yuan's excitement from his voice.

"How many yellow-bearded shrimps can you want?" Li Shu was much calmer, but there was still a flash of joy in his eyes.

In recent months, he has no plans to sell large quantities of pearls, and the dragonfish has not grown up yet. Finding treasures from sunken ships would be a test of luck and unstable. He is now eager to find a relatively stable way to make money. .

Liu Yuan is a very good businessman. He even suppressed the surging emotions in his heart and said slowly: "I have an idea, that is, not only my hotel sells yellow whiskered shrimp, but other hotels in Singapore also sell your yellow whiskered shrimp. They Someone has already approached me and is very interested in this top-quality yellow-bearded shrimp."

"Oh?" Li Shu frowned slightly, "But the number of yellow bearded shrimps in my fishery is limited, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to supply."

"Oh~ Junior brother, now is a big opportunity. I have a feeling that the yellow-bearded shrimp will definitely become a breaking point! We can take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money! The market is ever-changing, and if we wait half a year or a year, maybe the yellow-bearded shrimp will Shrimps are no longer so popular, and it will be difficult to make a big fortune by then." Liu Yuan seemed to be even more excited than Li Shu: "If the quantity is not enough, just breed more, or fish to the limit."

"I'll think about it." Li Shu was also very excited. One kilogram of yellow bearded shrimp sells for 2,000 ringgit. This price is very high.

"Okay, okay, let's do it this time tomorrow. I'll call you then. Junior brother, you must think carefully. There are so many delicious foods in the world, and not every kind of delicious food is always very popular. If you miss this village, you may This store will no longer exist." Liu Yuanlian advised.

After hanging up the phone, Li Shu was stunned for a moment. When he saw the little girl and Boss Jing looking at him, he smiled and said, "It's better to put the seagull's nest in the tree first."

"Yeah." The little girl nodded.

Boss Jing also expressed his approval and began to move the wooden birdhouse.

Li Sha was cutting the grass with a lawn mower. Uncle Hai was also called over. Together, they installed a bird's nest in the northwest woods. There were gorgeous fire clouds on the horizon, and the red light spread on the woods, as if they were covered with a layer of fire. Beautiful Xiayi.

Dong Dong Dong~

The long iron nails pierced through the wooden boards of the bird's nest and penetrated firmly into the tree trunk, fixing the bird's nest to the tree. The seagulls who came back earlier squatted on the tree and looked curiously at Li Shu and others, occasionally tilting. He looked at the wooden bird's nest with his head full of confusion.

"Install pinhole cameras in three bird nests and see if we can capture anything interesting at night." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Okay, Brother Li Shu, the last pinhole camera has been installed." Li Sha stepped on the tall ladder and turned around and said with a smile.

"These cabins are really beautiful." Uncle Hai stood a little further away, looking up at the cabins scattered among the trees, with a happy smile on his face: "In the past, seagulls got sick and died every year due to rain, but this year maybe there won't be any. Such a tragedy could happen.".

It's getting late.

After dinner, the little girl quickly ran to the monitoring room in the corner of the second floor. Soon the voice of surprise resounded throughout the villa: "Brother, brother, the seagull has gone into the wooden bird's nest!"

Woof~ The big yellow dog was leading the way, and Li Shu quickly came to the monitoring room. On a computer, there was the silly big face of a seagull. It seemed to be curious about what the pinhole camera was.

"This seagull doesn't look very smart," the little girl said with a smile.

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(End of chapter)