Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 141: 141 plans to go to Singapore


The seagulls seemed to be quite satisfied with the wooden birdhouses. The three wooden birdhouses equipped with pinhole cameras were quickly occupied by seagulls. Especially one of the seagulls who was most satisfied with the wooden birdhouses gave him a child waiting to be fed. They all took it in their mouths.

Of course, after getting the child in, the silly seagull spread the grass in its "new home".

"The little seagulls are so cute. Their bodies are so small and tender." In the surveillance room of the villa, the little girl said as she looked at the footage from the pinhole camera.

"It hasn't grown all its hair yet. When it does, it will be even cuter after a while." Li Shu said with a smile.

After watching the seagulls busy in their nests for a while, the little girl yawned sleepily.

"Ah, brother, I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed first. See you tomorrow." The little girl stood up and said.

"See you tomorrow. Tie yourself up tonight."



The little girl left, and Li Shu was the only one left in the monitoring room. He went back to his room and brought out a thick copy of "Xu Family Recipes", then spread out a piece of white paper next to him, and while reading the recipes, he cooked some Write the key points several times and write them down.

"This thick book "Miscellaneous Notes on Xu Family Recipes" embodies the lifelong efforts of master Xu Sheng. It contains more than 2,000 kinds of porridge, soups, cold dishes, cooked dishes, staple foods, etc. In addition to 1,200 kinds from China, there are also 1,200 kinds from all over the world. There are more than 800 kinds of meals in total, which is really a treasure trove that can’t be exchanged for a lot of money!” Li Shu felt very happy.

He decisively decided to become a disciple of Mr. Xu Sheng. It was really a very wise choice! Why did Mr. Xu Sheng, who was very strict in accepting apprentices, agree to accept him as his apprentice? On the one hand, it was because he was really talented, and on the other hand, it was probably because he had the best ingredients here!

Make bricks without straw.

The allure of top-quality ingredients to chefs is really great.

"Huh~ I have roughly written down about 100 recipes. I will practice more when I have time." Li Shu looked down and saw that an A4 paper was already filled with densely written small characters, which were all points that should be paid attention to when cooking different dishes - Such as the amount of oil, salt, control of heat, cooking time, etc.

"Okay, the seagulls have also laid out their wooden nests." Li Shu looked at the computer screen. The computer screen was playing the picture of the pinhole camera. The stupid seagulls with their big faces were facing the camera. Some of them had not yet grown hair. The little seagull hides under her body, occasionally exposing its little head.

As for the male gull? The male seagull did not enter the nest of the wooden house. He chose to stand guard on the branch outside, silently guarding his wife and children. The pinhole camera happened to be able to capture a bit of the male seagull's tail feathers.

"Why do I feel like I'm like Lao Wang next door when I spy on a female seagull sleeping?" A strange feeling flashed through Li Shu's heart for a moment, crackling~ He tapped the keyboard with his fingers to export the video, and edited a few clips for better viewing. The video was posted on YouTube, on Moments, and to classmate Huang Yun.

Huang Yun had told Li Shu before that she hoped to send her more videos and pictures of islands and cute pets, etc.

"Youtube" is a foreign video website. If other people watch the videos uploaded by Li Shu, he will get a share of the advertising revenue.

"As long as this video of a bird building a nest has 100,000 views, I should be able to get a floating income of 400 to 800 US dollars by then. It's better than nothing." Li Shu thought to himself, he got up and left the surveillance room, walked through the corridor and entered himself bedroom.

In fact, a few days later, the "Bird Building a Nest Video" received a total of more than 200,000 views, Li Shu also received more than 1,200 US dollars in advertising revenue, and the number of fans increased to 50,000. Of course, this is a story later.


The squirrel's new house is placed in the corner of the plum tree's bedroom. The "squirrel cabin" looks quite beautiful amid the purple morning glories and red tomatoes.

The footsteps of the plum tree alerted the little squirrel. It was sleeping in the "squirrel cabin" lying on the ground. It raised its eyes to look at the plum tree, and then continued to sleep.

Buzz buzz~

As soon as Li Shu sat on the bed, Huang Yun sent him a message.

Huang Yun: [So cute, what kind of pigeon is this? He looks quite silly and cute.]

His face was instantly filled with black lines, and he typed: [This is a seagull...]

Huang Yun:[…]

After chatting with Huang Yun for a while, Li Shu turned off the lights and went to bed after saying good night to each other. The moonlight shone into the room through the window and fell on Li Shu's face.

Rustling, rustling~

The cicadas stopped chirping during the day, but other small insects such as crickets began to sing their hearts out, as if they were having a concert.

"Yellow-bearded shrimp, should we cultivate large numbers of yellow-bearded shrimp?" Lying on his side, Li Shu looked at the bright moonlight outside the window and fell into deep thought for a while.

a long time.

"Let's go to the sea tomorrow to see the number of yellow-bearded shrimps, and then go to Singapore to have a look, and then make a decision." Li Shu lay down and yawned and fell asleep slowly.

The moon's shadow slants to the west.

When Li Shu woke up, it was already 5 o'clock in the morning. A kite rolled over and got up directly. After washing, he went to the beach and dived into the sea. A large grouper weighing about 10 kilograms almost hit Li Shu's face. With a slide shovel, it was very smooth on Li Shu. He swam behind the tree, then looked back and glared at him, as if blaming him for suddenly jumping into the sea.

"This stinky fish, that is, I have something to do now, otherwise I will catch you and make you a braised fish." Li Shu secretly muttered in his heart, then quickly dived down and fed him with a large ball of chalcedony spiritual water. The dragon fish then swam to the west of Neverland.

"Yellow bearded shrimps gather in large numbers on the seabed in the west. This is their territory. Hiss~ Are there already so many of them? It seems that the dragonfish can't eat them." Li Shu swims at a depth of 2 meters from the seabed. Then, I saw hundreds of yellow-bearded shrimps gathering in small mud pits on the seabed, fighting for mayflies, broken algae, etc.

The beards of the yellow-bearded shrimp that grabbed the food were trembling and they were full of pride; while the yellow-bearded shrimp that didn't grab the food were dejected and unhappy.

"Interesting, the reproductive capacity of yellow-bearded shrimps is much faster than the speed of being eaten, so the number of yellow-bearded shrimps is increasing rapidly, so we can consider selling some." Li Shu floated ashore, took a bath and changed clothes. I called senior brother Liu Yuan.

"What, you want to come to Singapore? No problem, I will definitely do the reception work. Then I will find some beautiful long-legged girls and go out to sea on a yacht together!" Liu Yuan said with a smile on his mobile phone.

"Playing is secondary. I mainly want to determine the market situation of yellow-bearded shrimp." Li Shu said calmly.

It took 2 days to prepare the visa and other matters. That night, Li Shu worked hard for several days and finally mastered the top-level braised pork.

"It's delicious, fat but not greasy." The little girl sat happily at the dining table eating braised pork, looking at Li Shu with eyes filled with admiration.

“Definitely delicious.”.

"Xiao Shu's cooking skills are improving really fast. We will have a good meal in the future."

Li Shu told everyone that he was going to Singapore. The little girl even pouted: "I want to go too, but you don't want to take me."

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(End of chapter)