Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 16: The deal is negotiated


Danguan City Gymnasium is a landmark building located in the southeast of the city. Its facilities have reached the international advanced level. There is an endless stream of people coming here every day.

"Kacha kacha~"

Standing next to the fountain in the square in front of the gymnasium, Li Shu asked passing students to take some photos of himself. There were blooming lotus flowers and beautiful koi carp in the fountain pool behind him, which was very beautiful.

"Thank you for taking my photo."

"You are welcome."

Li Shu took out his mobile phone and looked at the time and found that it was already 9:15. Lian followed the crowd into the gymnasium.


"Hello? Brother Li, come to the tennis hall."


When Li Shu entered the tennis hall, he immediately saw Su Zhizhe, who was wearing blue short-sleeved shirts and a pink headband. His green hair was still so eye-catching.

"Come on, let's play a game!"

"no problem."

Li Shu carried his bag and went to the locker room to put away his things. Thrush squatted on his right shoulder and followed him to the tennis court.

"You have to be smarter later. The fast-moving tennis ball has huge kinetic energy and will hit your little blackbird. I'm afraid it will knock you out of your mind." Li Shu touched the blackbird's little head.

The thrush had no worms to eat that day, so the plum tree fed it a little bread crumbs and two slices of cucumber in the morning.

"Tweet~" The gray-brown blackbird puffed out its chest proudly, as if to say - it can't hit me!

"Okay, you are the best." Li Shu put the thrush behind a 20-centimeter-high baffle. Even if the ball flew towards the thrush, it would only hit the baffle and not the thrush.

He still likes this little thing. It can sing to him when he is fine. It is also a living bird-shaped alarm clock.

"Be good, I'm going to play ball." Li Shu touched the thrush's little head and turned to walk to the right.


The thrush didn't stay behind the baffle. It jumped directly on top of the baffle and squatted down to watch Li Shu and Su Zhizhe play.

"I liked playing tennis during my junior year, but I haven't played for a long time. I'm afraid my skills are no longer good." Li Shu weighed the tennis racket and made a few slap movements to get used to the feel.

"It doesn't matter, just play some hemp, just keep it in shape." Su Zhizhe seemed to like playing tennis very much, brush~ The light green tennis ball was thrown high, bang~ was hit by the racket and the air was torn apart, brush~ It jumped over the block, hit the ground, and bounced up again.


Taking advantage of the moment when the tennis ball was in the air, Li Shu swung the racket with both hands like lightning. After the ball collided with the racket, it flew towards Su Zhizhe again.

The two of them were going back and forth, and the battle became intense in an instant.

Bang bang bang~

The sounds of the ball hitting the racket, the sound of the ball hitting the ground, and the sound of the ball spinning and tearing the air all combined together to vibrate in all directions.

The thrush didn't even blink. Its round little eyes followed the movement of the light green tennis ball. It was extremely excited. It didn't know the rules of the tennis game and was just watching the fun.

The tennis court is 23.77 meters long and 8 meters wide. People have to rush left and right, jump up and down following the fast-moving ball. The amount of exercise is very large, and soon the sweat will roll down like raindrops.

The two men's physical strength was declining rapidly. Nearly an hour later, Su Zhizhe hit a powerful ball with an angle deviation.


The tennis ball that was supposed to fly towards the plum tree flew straight out of the court, and actually rushed towards the thrush squatting on the fence.

"Chirp!!!!" The little thrush's pupils shrank, and instantly the soul of the dead came out. The gray-brown feathers all over its body exploded, and it lost its footing and fell directly behind the baffle.


The tennis ball hit the baffle and bounced off. It rolled twice and stopped on the ground not far away.

"Damn it." Li Shulian ran over, picked up the frightened thrush, shook it, and said worriedly: "Are you okay? Thrush? Are you dead!?"

"Chirp, chirp~" The thrush shook his head to wake up, "Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp~" [Alive~ Still alive~]

"Hahahaha~" This unscrupulous guy Su Zhizhe walked over slowly and laughed, his stomach almost hurt from laughing: "I just saw this bird's feathers explode! I was really scared to death, hahaha~ In fact, if you don’t dodge, little thing, the tennis ball can’t hit you. The tennis ball’s impact point is still 5 centimeters away from where you are standing.”

"Tweet!" the thrush shouted angrily, and was about to peck Su Zhizhe's hair. Fortunately, Li Shu closed his palms and caught it. He blamed himself: "Okay, okay, I am also responsible. The tennis court is still too big." It’s dangerous, I shouldn’t have brought you here.”

"Okay, Mr. Su, let's talk about business."

"No problem, 60:70, you win, I'll buy you a drink." Su Zhizhe looked at Li Shu with a hint of approval. You must know that he often plays tennis, but he didn't expect that he would lose to Li Shu. Plum tree in hand.

The two went to the dressing room to change clothes and get their things, then walked west, crossing a red-carpeted road and entering a cold drink shop.

There are about a dozen light blue tables in the small store, and there are three couples drinking cold drinks. From time to time, there are sounds of fighting and whispering.

The two sat down in the back corner. In order to apologize, Su Zhizhe smiled and asked for a big strawberry for Thrush.

The big red strawberries are very attractive and exude a refreshing fragrance. The thrush happily pecks at the seeds of the strawberries and jumps from time to time.

"Mr. Su, do you like pearls very much?" Li Shu took a sip of watermelon juice, which was very refreshing.

"Oh? I don't care, but my girlfriend Yao Li likes it very much." Su Zhizhe said with a smile.

"I can help you get the best pearls with a diameter of 22mm. These kind of things are extremely rare. I don't know..." Li Shu said slowly.

Su Zhizhe is also a smart man. He reacted immediately and said with a smile: "Let's pay 15 points of handling fee first. If Brother Li Shu can find me a pearl with a diameter of 22mm, I will refund you 5 points of handling fee." ,How about it?"

"Brother Li Shu, don't think it's expensive. In fact, only a small part of these handling fees will fall into my hands. The rest will be spent on paying taxes, giving profits to others, managing all parties, and operating the company. "Su Zhizhe saw that there was no one else around, so he lowered his voice and said:

“There are only four steps for your money to enter the Chinese mainland.

One: Money leaves Malaysia.

Two: Money enters the port city.

Three: Money leaves Hong Kong City.

Four: Money enters the mainland.

The second, third and fourth steps are very simple. The port city is a free port, the financial policy is very loose, and people can come in and out very freely. As the beneficiary, mainland China is also very easy to get in. The most difficult thing is the first step - how to leave the mainland. horse. "

Li Shu nodded to express his understanding.

In most countries, it is easy for capital to come in, but difficult to get out! Often no formalities are required to enter, but want to get out? Then you have to apply, go through multiple departments for approval, limit the amount, and finally the application is not approved. After a year and a half, the money may still not have gone out.

Li Shu and Su Zhizhe signed two contracts. The first one was an entrusted investment contract with a service fee of 15%.

The second one is a contract to entrust the search for pearls. As long as a pearl with a diameter of 22mm and above is found, a commission fee of 45 million * 5% will be paid.

Thanks to "151201162141370", "Yao Yao Ling Yao Yao Ling", "I can't hide my love for Falcon Lord", "Aleg chasing Q Yue Wuhen", "Villagers grow their own vegetables for sale", "Malibami coax" "With the recommendation votes from these book friends, I wish these book friends a lot of money and all their dreams come true.

(End of chapter)