Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 163: New Employee Yan Zhang


Regarding the conflict between her husband and her eldest brother, Li Sha's wife was also very helpless. As she got dressed and got out of bed, she said: "My eldest brother was young and not sensible before. Besides, you beat me after drinking before." , then my eldest brother can give you a good look? My eldest brother is very hard-working. If there is any good job, please think of him, okay."

Listening to his wife's pleading tone, Li Sha curled his lips slightly: "Okay, okay, I'll think about it."

After leaving home, Li Sha walked along the stone road in the village. The small square donated by Li Shu had been built, but it looked a bit rustic. The ground was bumpy. You need to always pay attention to your steps, otherwise it is easy to trip.

Arriving at the door of Yan Zhang's house, Li Sha just wanted to knock on the door, but unexpectedly the door opened with a creak.

Yan Zhang was wearing thick straw sandals made of palm leaves and black shorts. His bare upper body revealed eight strong abdominal muscles, and he felt a strong aura coming towards him.

He holds a sharp harpoon and appears to be heading out.

"Yan Zhang, are you going out to spear fish again? It's such a hot day. Come on, I have something to do with you." Li Sha took Yan Zhang's sleeves back to the courtyard and entered the adobe house made of dried seaweed mixed with mud.

Yan Zhang's family is really a bare house. There is a broken wooden cabinet in the living room with an old TV set on it. Next to the cabinet are several pairs of shoes. Most of the shoes are straw sandals. The only two pairs of cloth shoes either have holes or are too worn. Smaller.

"Brother Li Sha, what do you want from me?" Yan Zhang poured a bowl of boiled water for Li Sha and said in a hoarse voice with a slightly harsh voice.

"It's like this. There are more things that need to be done in Neverland, and we need to find another worker, so I recommended you to the boss." Li Sha said after careful consideration: "With my super high status with the boss, I As soon as he made the recommendation, the boss immediately agreed and said directly: I believe in you Li Sha! Then the person you recommended must be good, let him come to work today!"

"Really?" Yan Zhang was moved for a moment. Now the whole Sapi Island knows that there is a super big boss in Neverland. If he can be hired by the big boss to work in Neverland, he will become famous in an instant. Li Sha is a living person. For example, every time he comes back he is so arrogant.

However, Yan Zhang also knew Li Sha slightly. Although he was kind to his brothers, he also had a tendency to brag, and he was worried that Li Sha was exaggerating.

"You still don't believe what I say!?" Li Sha's eyes widened for a moment, and he added: "There is a one-month probationary period. The monthly salary during the probationary period is 1,700 ringgits, and 2,000 ringgits after becoming a full-time employee. This is what I managed to get for you." .

"Hiss~" Yan Zhang's pupils shrank and he took a deep breath: "This... so many?"

Because the factory didn't want him and he didn't have his own boat, he could only occasionally join other people's boats and help with fishing to get some wages. On average, he could earn between RM200 and RM400 a month. After all, he didn't have work every day.

Of course, because rice and noodles are cheap and fish is speared from the sea, grilled or boiled and eaten, he eats relatively well and has a low cost of living, and can even save some money.

However, being able to earn 2,000 ringgit a month is something Yan Zhang has never expected. He knows that many people earn more, but he always feels that he is not from the same world as those people.

"With such a high salary, does the work require any skills? I... I have no skills, only a handful of strength." Yan Zhang said sadly.

"What skills are needed? Don't you know me yet? What skills do I have? I'm still doing well. As for the work content, it's just miscellaneous."

"Miscellaneous matters?" Yan Zhang continued to listen. He felt that this might be an opportunity for him to change his destiny. He still wanted to work in Neverland very much.

After all, Neverland has been "deified" by nearby islanders, representing a kind of visible happy life, which is much more attractive to them than Singapore.

"Well... I just do whatever the boss asks me to do, such as sailing ships to transport goods, cleaning fallen leaves, picking fruits to feed fish, sawing trees, moving and wiping, installing some simple things on the island, etc." Li Sha scratched her head as usual, and her fashionable hair style that had been waxed was instantly destroyed and turned into a chicken coop.

"Don't worry, the boss knows our ins and outs better than we do ourselves. He won't let us do complicated work. For example, there is a vegetable garden on the island. What kind of temperature control system, humidity and other messy things are there, like that? If it's broken, the boss will never ask us to repair it. He knows that we can't repair it either."

Li Sha knew that Yan Zhang had low self-esteem, so he explained patiently, "Hey, there are many benefits to working on the island. For example, we live in a luxurious sea-view villa! It's the kind where big stars and rich people live on TV. house!

And there are a lot of delicious fruits on the island. You can eat a lot of them every day!

The most amazing thing is that the boss seems to be a master chef. His cooking skills are really great. The taste of the dishes... hiss, it is really amazing! ".

"Um... The boss is cooking for us?" Yan Zhang felt a little confused. Aren't those big bosses all too arrogant and arrogant? It's usually the cook who cooks for the boss.

Well, he had seen Li Shu when he was building Baicao Garden, but even though the boss seemed more approachable, he wouldn't cook for his employees himself, would he

"Oh~ Our boss has a very good temper. I can't explain it to you. You will know when you follow me to Neverland. There is no need to pack anything. My uncle still has some supplies, including work clothes and sandals. As well as toiletries, etc., let’s go, let’s go, don’t keep the boss waiting.”.

Li Shu pulled Yan Zhang out. The latter's head was dizzy, but he was vaguely looking forward to it.

Board the boat at the Sapi Island Pier, then ride the wind and waves to Neverland, and soon dock at the Neverland Pier.

"It's so beautiful." Looking at the lush Neverland, the neat paths around the island, the beach with the sand castle, the helicopter not far away, the fruitful peach trees, apricot trees, coconut trees, and the villas in the distance, Yan Zhang admired in his heart.

"Let's go." Li Sha smiled.

The two of them had just landed from the pier when suddenly, a flash of yellow rushed over.

“Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo was

Looking at the big yellow dog rushing over, Li Shalian protected Yan Zhang and said: "Dahuang, he is not a bad person."

"Ugh... Huh?" The big yellow dog tilted its head and looked at Li Sha, and then at Yan Zhang behind him. After all, he walked to the side, but it did not leave completely, but followed Li Sha 3 meters away. , Yan Zhang and the two seemed to want to see if they were good people.

"Haha, welcome Yan Zhang!" Li Shu, who was making cocoa powder from cocoa beans, came out and welcomed Yan Zhang. He could see that the latter was more reserved and even asked Uncle Hai to take him to the room assigned to him. look.

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(End of chapter)