Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 165: Uninvited Guest (1)


The little girl was only familiar with surnames such as "Zhao Qian Sun Li". This was the first time she heard of someone with the surname "Yan", so there was a lot of confusion in her little mind.

Li Shu realized that this was a good opportunity to teach the little girl how to read. He poured a little water from the tea cup on the table, then dipped his fingers in the water to prepare to write. Suddenly he was confused and realized that he did not know Yan Zhang. Which "yan" is the surname

"Um, is your last name "Yan" from Yan Hui, "Yan" from language, or "Yan" from rock?"

"Ahem, it's "Yan" from Lord Yama." Yan Zhanglian said.

"Pfft~" Li Sha was instantly amused. Uncle Hai touched his arm, and Li Sha stopped smiling instantly.

"You're laughing your ass off, hahaha." Li Shu didn't want to laugh at first, but when Li Sha smiled, he instantly made him laugh too. Influenced by him, Yan Zhang, Uncle Hai, and Boss Jing all started laughing.

Smiling is indeed contagious.

The little girl pouted and looked at Li Shu, then at Li Sha, Boss Jing, and Yan Zhang, her little brows instantly furrowed, and she secretly muttered in her heart: "What are they laughing at? Why can't I understand... Could it be that, if a person grows up? Will you become stupid when you grow up?".

Swish, brush, brush~

Li Shu dipped his fingers in tea and wrote "Yan", "Yan" and "Yan" on the table.

"These three characters are all pronounced yan, and they are also surnames. Your eldest brother Yan Zhang's surname is the first character." Li Shu found a little joy in being a teacher, teaching the little girl, and he felt a sense of pride in his heart for no reason. .

"Hey~ It seems so difficult to write. I don't want to learn." The little girl turned her head away.

Li Shu: “… “.

"If you learn these three words, I will give you 5 ringgit!" Li Shu had to resort to his ultimate move.

"Okay, I learned it!" The little girl glanced at the three words on the dinner table, then stared directly into Li Shu's eyes, stretched out her white and tender hands: "Give me money!".

Li Shu: “… “.

"Little girl, do you think your brother is a fool? Can you remember it at just one glance?"

"Hmph~ If you don't believe me, then I'm going to slap you in the face." The little girl dipped her fingers in the water on the table and started writing. She didn't care when Li Shu erased the three words she had written.

Swish, brush, brush~

Under the watchful eyes of Li Shu, Boss Jing, Li Sha and others, the little girl actually wrote three words "yan". Everyone was amazed. Li Shu was very happy and directly took out his pocket to give the money. The little girl got 5 Ringgit notes, overjoyed.

"Haha, I really look like your big brother. I will definitely be a top student in the future." Li Shu touched his sister's little head.

The little girl pouted slightly, dissatisfied with Li Shu's disguised praise of himself, but she didn't say anything.

After eating, everyone quickly dispersed.


Gradually it got deeper.

Yan Zhang's room.

Listening to the sound of the sea breeze blowing outside the window, Yan Zhang tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. In the dark room, he looked at the bright moon in the sky through the window and murmured to himself: "This is really like a dream. Last night I was still in my old shabby house, confused and unable to find my target. Unexpectedly, I would stay in a luxurious villa tonight.

Phew~ Yan Zhang, you must work hard! This opportunity is really rare and rare. ".

Lying on the soft big bed, Yan Zhang couldn't sleep until about 1 o'clock in the morning. He felt thirsty and turned over.

"Go and drink some water. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight." Yan Zhang stood up and picked up a glass of boiled water on the table and drank it. His thirst was instantly relieved.

"Huh? Is there a conversation outside?" Yan Zhang was suddenly startled, and was shocked: "The voice doesn't sound like Li Sha or Uncle Hai, who could it be?"

Yan Zhanglian walked to the door, holding the door handle in his hand, and was about to open it to check.

… …

Go back 20 minutes.

In the west of Neverland, the night is deep, the clouds slowly cover the moon, the light between the sky and the earth is getting darker and darker, the sound of the sea water seems to be gradually getting louder, and the atmosphere between the heaven and the earth seems to be gradually becoming weird.


A huge ghost-like iron-clad fishing boat appeared, swoosh, swoosh~ When it was still a few hundred meters away from the coast of Neverland, a three-meter-long boat was suddenly put down. Four burly men held short oars and rowed quickly. The water moved, and the boat rushed towards Neverland like an arrow from a string.


The small wooden boat rushed directly to the coast, splashing a burst of sand.

"%#@&@#%~"[Nura, you stinky piece of shit, what are you hiding from? As soon as you hid, the sand flew into my mouth.]

An Indian man named "Panas" was obviously the leader of these four people. He shouted angrily, and the thin man named "Nula" laughed and said: "@%#%@... "[Panas , don’t be angry, I really didn’t mean it.]

The remaining two men also persuaded him.

"+%#%+... "[The employer this time is very mysterious, but he is willing to spend 1 million ringgit to hire us to kidnap the sister of the island owner. That identity must not be simple, and the owner of the island is a young man from China. Rich, his identity is relatively sensitive. We must not offend him when we take action later. Just knock him out and tie him up.

Well, it's best not to hurt anyone. After we control everyone later, we will first loot some belongings and then take away the little girl.]Panas gave his final explanation in English. He exuded a strong aura and looked extremely untouchable.

“#&#… … “[Yes, yes, we understand.]The other three sturdy men agreed.</p><p>A group of four people quickly rushed towards the east of Neverland. Their speed was extremely fast, and the wind they brought was whining.</p><p>soon.</p><p>The four men arrived outside the southern villa. This villa was the closest to them, so they came here first.</p><p>"&%#%&... "[Boss, it seems that a cat ran towards the north villa just now. It slithered away for a while, and the fat cat ran very fast~] A subordinate whispered.</p><p>“⊙▽⊙!&%#%&… … “[What’s so important about a cat? Does it still call people? Don't be stupid, still look for opportunities to see how to enter the villa. ] Pannas glared at his subordinates, and then slowly looked for loopholes in the villa.</p><p>the other side.</p><p>The big orange cat pursed its ears and ran quickly, its body almost turning into an orange afterimage: "Meow, meow, meow~" [Go and call someone, bad guys are coming, the cat is scared to death~]</p><p>It turned out that the big orange cat was just watching the ants looking for food as usual, and then suddenly discovered the four Panas. In an instant, the cat was almost frightened out of his soul.</p><p>Swish, brush, brush~</p><p>The big orange cat rushed into the north villa through the window. The cat's paws quickly trampled across the floor and rushed straight to the kitchen on the first floor. It was dark, but Boss Jing was still stirring the mixture of cocoa powder and butter in the pot.</p><p>Making chocolate with cocoa powder is more time-consuming than making cake with flour. In order to make delicious chocolate as soon as possible, at Li Shu's request, Boss Jing did not go to the sea to search for sunken ships today, but stepped up to make chocolate syrup.</p><p>"Eh? Big orange cat, why are you here? Do you smell the aroma of cocoa powder?" Boss Jing looked at the big orange cat that broke in and was slightly startled.</p><p>Please vote for recommendations.</p><p>(End of chapter)</p>