Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 166: 166 Uninvited Guest (2)


The big orange cat sniffed its little nose. The cocoa powder was indeed fragrant. No, it wasn't here to smell the cocoa powder.

"Meow meow meow~" [Come with me quickly! There are bad people!]

The big orange cat bit Jingbo's trouser leg and pulled it back with all his strength. Because of the force, all four jio's toes spread out.

"Big orange cat, what do you want to do?" Boss Jing frowned, an idea flashed in his head, and he murmured: "Do you want to take me... somewhere?"

"Meow meow~" The big orange cat let go of Boss Jing's trouser legs, nodded the cat's head in a humane manner, and then continued to pull on Boss Jing's trouser legs.

… …

at this time.

Four gangsters, led by the strong man "Panas", have entered the south villa.

"Fu... &%#%&... "[It took me a long time to find a window that could be opened. Our speed was too slow.]A cold light burst out from Panas's eyes, and he drew out a dagger vigilantly.

“¥%#&#%¥… … “[Yes, yes, boss, where should we go next?]A younger brother asked.</p><p>Panas pondered for two seconds, then pointed to the left. In an instant, four people came to a room door carefully in a battle formation.</p><p>In the middle of the night, four fierce gangsters armed with knives broke into the villa, and the air seemed to freeze for a moment.</p><p>A gangster took out a piece of wire and was about to carefully insert the wire into the keyhole when suddenly, the door opened with a click.</p><p>Yan Zhang and the four gangsters came face to face.</p><p>Both sides were stunned, and for a moment you could hear pins dropping on the ground.</p><p>"Who are you!" Yan Zhang's voice immediately rose to the highest pitch, and a loud shout spread far away in the silent night. Uncle Hai and Li Sha, who lived on the second floor, were alarmed.</p><p>“&%&!!”.</p><p>“&¥%#!!!”.</p><p>The scalps of Pannas and others were numbed by the huge harsh sound. They panicked and stabbed with their knives. The sharp dagger flashed a cold light under the moonlight.</p><p>"Fuck you!" Yan Zhang's tendons were obviously not in vain. When the four gangsters were frightened, he stepped forward and kicked one of the gangsters in the stomach with a powerful kick.</p><p>Brush~</p><p>The gangster flew away like a cannonball and fell hard to the ground. His mouth was so sweet that he didn't even stand up for a moment.</p><p>Panas, the leader, was instantly blinded. He brandished a dagger and attacked directly at a tricky angle. Yan Zhang dodged several attacks in a row, but he was finally slashed.</p><p>Stab~</p><p>The clothes on his right forearm were scratched, the skin and flesh were cut open, and little drops of blood fell on the ground.</p><p>"Ni Wan Lao~" Panas suddenly spoke in Chinese, but just when he was about to bully Yan Zhang and deal with it, something suddenly changed.</p><p>Wow~</p><p>A large window on the first floor of the villa was smashed. Amidst the crashing sound of glass falling to the ground, a black shadow like a cheetah rushed in directly.</p><p>The tingling sensation on his skin warned Panas that the person coming was definitely a powerful enemy, but before he could react, the black shadow had already rushed in front of a younger brother and slapped him on the right shoulder lightly. Up, click, click, click, there was a heartbreaking sound of bone cracking, and the boy couldn't lift his arm in an instant.</p><p>"Ah!!!" The sudden huge pain made the little brother almost faint, and a miserable scream sounded out.</p><p>Amid his screams, Boss Jing walked around in front of the four people like lightning and gave each of them a slap in the face.</p><p>Then the miserable screams changed from one to four.</p><p>"ah!".</p><p>“Ouch!“.</p><p>"oh!!".</p><p>“Uh-oh!!”.</p><p>Amidst the screams of the four people, Uncle Hai and Li Sha, who were wearing coats, also hurried downstairs.</p><p>Pa da~</p><p>The huge crystal chandelier on the first floor was turned on, and the bright light illuminated the entire hall. The darkness was dispelled, and the tragic scene was exposed to everyone.</p><p>All four gangsters fell to the ground and were wailing. The huge pain made them burst into tears. One of them even had incontinence of urine due to pain, and a pool of liquid appeared on the floor behind his buttocks.</p><p>"This, this, this... what's going on?" Uncle Hai was surprised.</p><p>"Yan Zhang, are you okay?" Li Shalian went to check Yan Zhang's injury.</p><p>"I'm fine, I was just bitten by a knife." Yan Zhang said calmly: "I just heard something moving outside. Unexpectedly, I saw four of them as soon as I opened the door. They broke into the Neverland Villa with knives in the middle of the night. I’m afraid they are here to seek wealth and death.”.</p><p>"Woof woof~".</p><p>"What happened?" Li Shu and the big yellow dog in pajamas appeared at the door and walked in quickly.</p><p>The south villa and the north villa were more than 100 meters apart, so it was normal for Dahuang not to hear the movements of the four gangsters.</p><p>Jinglao Dalian reported what he knew to Li Shu, who immediately pondered slightly.</p><p>"Woof woof woof~".</p><p>Suddenly, Dahuang barked outside, then jumped out of the villa and chased towards the west.</p><p>"Da Huang may have discovered something, follow him quickly!" Li Shu said, chasing after him with Boss Jing.</p><p>The two people and the dog quickly chased them to the southwest coast, where a small wooden boat stuck in the sand came into view.</p><p>"How can such a small boat cross the ocean? There should be a big ship to meet it." A white light appeared in Li Shu's eyes. He scanned the surrounding sea and instantly saw a fishing boat escaping at full speed to the west.</p><p>"Boss Jing, due west, I saw a fishing boat leaving quickly." Li Shu said.</p><p>"Yes, boss." Boss Jing immediately understood. He took off his shoes, socks and shirt, plunged directly into the sea, and then quickly chased towards the west. His speed was much faster than the speed of the fishing boat, so the distance was quickly covered. Get closer.</p><p>"Fortunately, Boss Jing was not asked to go to the sea to look for sunken ships today. If Boss Jing was not here, it would be impossible for me to catch up with the fishing boat that was trying to escape just by relying on my own swimming ability." Li Shu thought silently in his heart.</p><p>At this time, the fishing boat was in chaos.</p><p>"Captain Hamosu! The radar detected a 1.5-meter-long fish approaching quickly."</p><p>"You still need to understand the necessary common sense. Don't worry about the fish in the sea. I hope you can escape from here successfully this time."</p><p>soon.</p><p>Boss Jing floated directly to the surface, then quickly jumped onto Class A of the fishing boat and punched a sailor who was attacking him. After a sound of bone cracking, the latter fell directly to the ground.</p><p>"Ge... Who are you?" The captain was a little frightened. His eyes looking at Boss Jing were full of fear. He had never seen such a fierce master before.</p><p>Bang bang bang~</p><p>Boss Jing knocked down several sailors like a ghost, then walked to the captain and shouted: "Send the fishing boat back!"</p><p>"Okay, okay." The captain didn't dare to resist, and Lian Qiaogui circled the fishing boat in a circle like a cat, and then drove towards Neverland.</p><p>Wow~</p><p>The fishing boat anchored more than a hundred meters away from the shore, and then everyone went ashore in small boats.</p><p>Please vote for recommendations.</p><p>(End of chapter)</p>