Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 18: Broken porcelain under the sea


"We are almost 8 meters deep now, and the scenery is not bad." Li Shu paddled the water with his flippers and walked through the seabed. This was really a magnificent underwater world. He really wanted to take a camera to take a picture of it.

Hua Hua Hua ~

Several translucent finger-long fish swam out from the corals chasing each other. They paused for a moment when they saw Li Shu. Then, driven by curiosity, they swam towards him and touched his mask with their mouths. Then quickly back away.

"Go, go, let's play." Li Shu waved his hand to drive them away, then paddled the water with his huge flippers and headed east in a circle.

"To the east of Neverland is China's South China Sea. The water here is deeper, but I can only swim in the shallow layer."

"Huh? Why are there no coral bushes in the east?" Li Shu was suddenly shocked to see that there were only bare rocks on the seabed, no corals, no aquatic plants, and even small fishes were rare.

"Wow~" Li Shu floated to the surface of the sea, used a breathing tube to breathe, and then began to swim in circles around Neverland.

Fantasy Island is actually a hill standing in the sea. The seawater around the hill is about 70 meters deep. The water depth plus the 20 meters above the island means that the entire hill is about 100 meters high.

This height is placed on land, which is the height of a 30-story building.

The hills extend into the sea water on all sides. The coral that Li Shu just saw actually grows on the hillside. The farther away from the island, the deeper the sea water becomes. Until it is far away from the foot of the mountain, the sea water depth will reach about 70 meters.

After swimming around the island and returning to the coral group located in the southeast of the island, Li Shu's heart was already half cold.

"The circumference of Neverland is about 1,500 meters, but only the southeastern part has coral. This coral area is an area roughly 50 meters long and 20 meters wide.

Except here, the rest of the place is almost the same as the Dead Zone. There is not even seagrass. It is really miserable. "The plum tree floated on the sea surface and looked up at the blue sky. The thick white clouds seemed to be above his head. The cool breeze was blowing and it was very comfortable.

"Okay, if there is an opportunity in the future, we should build up the area around Neverland and try to restore the coral clusters." Li Shu thought to himself: "By the way, when I was diving just now, I didn't feel any pressure from holding my breath.

I remember that when I was in college, I could hold my breath for a maximum of 88 seconds. Let me test how long I can hold my breath in sea water now. "

After Li Shu landed, he took off his flippers and ran quickly back to the villa to get his mobile phone. The mobile phone was sealed in a transparent plastic bag, and the mouth of the bag was tightly wrapped with tape.

"This way you don't have to worry about your phone getting wet." Li Shu didn't wear fins. He returned directly to the waist-deep shallow water area. He counted three seconds silently in his mind, then sunk his face into the seawater and began to hold his breath. At the same time, the stopwatch on his phone began to beat rapidly. .

1 second~5 seconds~10 seconds~30 seconds~60 seconds~88 seconds~

88 seconds, this was Li Shu's own record that he had fought hard to achieve, but it seems that because of his regular consumption of chalcedony spiritual water, his body has improved and the time he can hold his breath has been extended.

90 seconds~2 minutes~3 minutes~5 minutes~

Li Shu felt slightly uncomfortable, but he could hold on.

5 minutes and 5 seconds~5 minutes and 10 seconds~5 minutes and 15 seconds~

When the stopwatch number on the phone jumped to 5 minutes and 15 seconds, Li Shu raised his head directly from the water, took off his mask and took a deep breath.

"Huh~huh~ 5 minutes and 15 seconds, Niubi 666. My previous record was 88 seconds. This holding time is not short for ordinary people. I didn't expect that I could hold my breath for 5 minutes and 15 seconds when I tested again! "Li Shu pushed back her wet hair.

Go ashore and put the phone next to the golden retriever's butt, then put on flippers and said: "Golden retriever~ I'll go diving for a few more laps, and you can take a good look at my phone on the shore."

"Woof~" the golden retriever barked softly, seeming to agree. After it saw Li Shu diving into the sea, it picked up the mobile phone in its mouth and ran happily to the northeast villa, like a gust of wind, it was extremely excited.

Li Shu swam south along the coral area, because he saw a sea crab waving its large pincers and running away quickly. It seemed to know that Li Shu wanted to eat it.

"It turns out there is really a big crab in the sea water. We must chase it to the death. If we catch it, we will steam it." Li Shu suddenly increased his speed. He stretched out his hand to fish it out and brushed it. The crab that was about to run to the right seemed to be pre-judged. Against Li Shu's prediction, he turned and ran to the left.

The crab was frightened half to death, and its speed began to increase dramatically.

"Hey little crab, you can't run away." A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Li Shu's mouth.

One crab and one crab, one escaping and the other chasing, soon arrived at a depth of 30 meters. The light here has become much dimmer and the water pressure has increased a lot.

"No, let's go back." Li Shu decided to give up and decided not to continue chasing. Otherwise, it would be funny if the remaining breath-holding time was not enough to support his return to the sea.

But just as he turned around to swim back, the corner of his eye suddenly glanced into the sea mud three meters away to the right. A white light flashed past. He swam over by mistake, pulled open the sea mud and found that it was a piece of diameter Round porcelain tiles about 5 cm.

"Porcelain!?" Li Shu's heart was shocked for a moment. He opened his eyes and carefully observed the area, and found that there were many broken porcelain pieces covered with shallow sea mud. There was only a rough outline of these pieces. If they were farther away, , it’s really hard to identify.

"Hoo~" Li Shu quickly surfaced with the porcelain pieces, took a big breath on the surface of the sea, and then dived back to the bottom of the sea. He started to pull the porcelain pieces with both hands. Some of these porcelain pieces were large or small, and some of them had nice patterns.

"It's not all broken porcelain, is it? Is there any complete one? A plate or a bowl will do." Li Shu felt the joy of treasure hunting in his heart, and he was full of energy.

After searching for more than an hour and searching hundreds of square meters around, I finally found a bowl, but it was broken into two halves, which was a pity.

Just now, Li Shu went back and got a shovel. He was digging into a hole where broken porcelain was constantly appearing: "There are a lot of broken porcelain in this hole. It has been dug two meters deep. There are still some. Is there anything in it?" What treasures will there be?”


The plum tree, which was digging carefully, suddenly heard a slight noise. He threw down the shovel and started digging the sand with his hands. Soon, a sapphire vase about 40 centimeters high was dug out.

The vase is extremely beautiful, but it is a pity that the bottom of the vase has fallen off.

"The bottom of the vase was not damaged by my shovel. It was broken before." Li Shu dug up the mud again, dug out the "bottom" of the vase, and carefully wiped off the dirt. Click~ The bottom of the vase and the body of the vase They fit together perfectly.

"Is this vase still valuable?" Plum Tree floated to the surface to take a breath, then dived back into the sea to continue digging. After digging for another half an hour, the number of porcelain pieces gradually decreased. When Plum Tree was about to give up, exhausted, suddenly A touch of sapphire appeared in the soil.

"Huh? Is there jade underneath?" Li Shu's eyes lit up.

(End of chapter)