Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 185: Rhubarb was stung by a bee


Looking at the big honeycomb on the branch from a distance, the little girl looked excited: "Do you want... to get honey? I feel like we are thieves!"

Li Shu lying behind the tree, Zhao Hong: "... ".



The thrush, the white squirrel, the big orange cat and the big yellow dog were lying on the left side of the plum tree. After seeing the big orange cat twisting its buttocks and trying to move, the plum tree immediately reached out and held it down.

"Big Orange Cat, be honest. If you jump out, you will probably be surrounded by a swarm of bees, and you will be stung all over your head." Li Shu said softly, and the Big Orange Cat thought of that terrible thing. The screen immediately fell down again.

Several people and pets were looking at the big tree in the distance. The plum tree had the best eyesight and could see the clearest. As soon as Boss Jing, who was wearing protective clothing, approached the honeycomb, he was immediately attacked by bees.

Miso miso~

Several fat bees struggled to sting Jingbo with the tail stingers on their buttocks, but unfortunately the protective clothing perfectly blocked their attacks.

At first there were just a few bees, but when Boss Jing's hand touched the honeycomb, the number of bees instantly turned into dozens or hundreds. When he cut the honey with a knife, the bee swarm instantly exploded!

Buzz buzz~

Buzz buzz buzz~

The bees swarmed on the protective clothing one after another, like small pendants, tending to change the color of the white protective clothing.

Cengcengceng ~ Boss Jing didn't care about the feelings of the little bees at all, he cut large pieces of honey with a knife, feeling very happy in his heart.


Drops of yellow-brown honey fell freely to the ground, and hit the dry leaves under the tree. The ants passing by were pleasantly surprised and even happily went back to call other ants. Soon, a large number of them gathered under the tree in darkness. Ant.

"Perfect, leave the rest of the honey to the little bees, they will definitely be grateful to me, hehehe." Boss Jing looked at the big honeycomb. The current honeycomb was only half the original size, and there was a lot of yellow-brown color at the bottom. The honey chunks are exposed to the air, and the air is filled with an alluring sweet smell.

"This glass-like honey box is already half filled, get out!" Boss Jing quickly climbed down the tree, then ran north with his bulky protective suit.

Buzz buzz~

The swarm of bees was already furious, chasing Boss Jing like a cloud.

"It's done, Brother Li Shu, your bodyguard is amazing! Even more powerful than me, a mountain kid who often climbs trees. After all, I'm afraid I'm not even qualified for the task of harvesting honey from this tree." Zhao Hong praised. road.

"Haha, luck, just luck." Li Shu said modestly, "You will be able to eat honey soon... Damn it, Rhubarb, you silly dog! Come back quickly!!"

Sudden changes occur.

When Dahuang saw Boss Jing running north, he jumped out directly. Everything happened so fast that by the time Li Shu reacted, it was already too late to chase Dahuang back.

"Brother, brother, Da Huang ran out!!" The little girl jumped up and shouted anxiously.

Three minutes later, Boss Jing and Big Yellow Dog came back from the east one after another. Big Yellow Dog's nose and the upper side of his right eyelid were stung by bees.

"Wow~" Looking at the miserable big yellow dog, the little girl burst into tears instantly. Holding the big dog's head, she looked more and more sad. Two lines of tears fell down her white and tender cheeks: "Dahuang Dahuang, are you okay!? Brother, will Rhubarb die? Wow~".

The big yellow dog was in pain, especially his nose and eyelids were burning, but he still waggled his tail and rubbed his fat body against the little girl to comfort her.

"Hmph~" The big yellow dog's eyelids were swollen very high, which looked quite funny. The little girl burst into tears and laughed: "Dahuang, are you okay? Do you still feel pain?"

The little girl felt heartbroken. She never regarded the big orange cat or the big yellow dog as pets, but regarded them as her good friends.

"It can't die. The big yellow dog will recover soon." Li Shu squatted down and moved the big dog's head, carefully removed the bee's tail sting, and then took out a ball from the white jade ring while Zhao Hong was inspecting the honey. Give a walnut-sized amount of chalcedony water to Rhubarb, and then take out a little bit of chalcedony water and apply it on your nose and eyelids.

The big yellow dog is very well-behaved. Although it will feel a needle-like sting when the plum tree touches its nose, it still chooses to let the plum tree control it.

"The redness and swelling seem to have subsided partially, but it will probably take a few hours to completely heal your injury. Just feel the pain for these few hours. This can be considered a lesson to you, a stupid dog." Li Shu patted The dog head stood up.

"Hmm~" The big yellow dog's pain subsided, and he began to jump around heartlessly again, his big tail wagging crazily.

Just now I saw the big yellow dog injured, the big orange cat, the little squirrel, and the thrush all looked worried. Now they saw that the big yellow dog seemed to be fine, and they were instantly relieved.

"Brother Li Shu, this honey is first-class." Zhao Hong closed the glass box again and said with joy on his face: "This big box is already half filled. We should just find one or two more honeycombs." Walk around, keep looking.".

"Haha, fill the box early and go back early.".

Everyone got busy again. After harvesting two more honeycombs, the honey box was finally filled. After returning to the farm, Mr. Zhao Jing was also surprised.

"This, this, this... this quality, it's the best honey! Not bad, not bad. I'll make honey water for you to drink." Mr. Zhao Jing stood up and said with a smile.

"Then I'll trouble you." Li Shu followed Mr. Zhao Jing into the kitchen, preparing to steal his lesson.

"No trouble, no trouble. Honey water mainly requires honey + lemon slices + water. Take warm water, add an appropriate amount of honey, stir and melt, then add an appropriate amount of lemon slices." Mr. Zhao Jing was very happy to see Li Shu listening attentively.

He saw Zhao Hong walking past the kitchen and shouted: "Zhao Hong, what are you doing, you kid? You don't even come to listen to such a good learning opportunity."

"Hehe, it's coming." Zhao Honglian responded with a smile, and then walked into the kitchen, "Why hasn't my sister come back yet? I already want to call her."

"Let's make some after lunch. We'll have lunch soon." Mr. Zhao Jing made honey water very quickly. He quickly made several cups. He handed the honey water to several people and said, "This thing relies heavily on "quantity." Control, adding too much or too little honey, too much or too little lemon slices will seriously affect the taste. ".

Li Shu took the honey water and took a sip. It was sweet at first and then sour. It tasted delicious.

"It tastes good!" The little girl held the cup in both hands and drank, her eyes shining.

At noon, the old man cooked saliva chicken, dengying beef, soaked chicken feet and several vegetarian dishes. Everyone ate to their heart's content and were full again.

After clearing the table, Li Shu and others went back to the guest room prepared for them to rest, while Zhao Hong went back to his room and took out his cell phone to call his sister.


"Hey, Xiaohong, why are you calling me?" came a lazy female voice with a hint of softness.

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(End of chapter)