Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 187: Junior brother Zhao Aimin


It was getting late outside the window, and the irritable sound of cicadas gradually stopped. In the wooden building kitchen, the big orange cat smelled the aroma of braised pork and ran over, calling softly: "Meow~ meow~" [Meat! I want to eat meat!]

"Ah~ What a fat orange cat." Zhao Shanshan was watching Li Shu cooking with her arms folded, but when she saw the big orange cat, she squatted down and picked it up.

Old man Zhao Jing, Zhao Hong, his cousin Zhao Huan, Boss Jing, the little girl and others were all waiting. When Zhao Hong turned around and saw his elder sister picking up the big orange cat, he was instantly surprised: "This big orange cat is too big." You won't let me touch you, but you let me hug you! As expected, your charm is so great that even a cat can't stop it."

"Get out of here." Zhao Shanshan raised her feet wearing platform sandals and was about to kick him.

The big orange cat was not honest in Zhao Shanshan's arms. It squeezed here and there, nuzzled there, and then tried hard to stretch its head to smell Zhao Shanshan's snow-white neck.

"Meow~" [It smells so good~ Is it marinated?]

A layman is watching the excitement, while an expert is watching the door. Others just think that the braised pork is fragrant, but Mr. Zhao Jing, who is in his 70s, has been stunned. His lips trembled slightly: "Cut into pieces, blanch, stir-fry... all the processes are like flowing water." , especially the frying time and the final juice collection, are just right. Even I can't do this. It's amazing! It's really amazing!!"

After hearing what Mr. Zhao Jing said, Zhao Shanshan, Zhao Hong, and Zhao Huan were shocked. They did not expect that Mr. Zhao Jing would have such a high opinion of Li Shu.

"Brother is very good at cooking!" the little girl said in a sweet voice, her chin slightly raised, her little face full of pride.

"Woo~" The big yellow dog, which had recovered from its injury after being stung by a bee, nodded slightly.

After Zhao Huan was shocked, a trace of disbelief appeared again, and he thought to himself: "You're lying. How could he have such high cooking skills at such a young age? My father, a great chef, has never received such high praise from his uncle." .

Mr. Zhao Jing and Zhao Huan's grandfather are brothers, and Mr. Zhao Jing is Zhao Huan's "eldest uncle".

Buzz buzz~

Zhao Huan's cell phone suddenly rang, and when he saw it, he found that it was his father "Zhao Aimin" calling.

"Hey, isn't dad busy with hotel business in the city? It's dinner time now. How can he, a chef, have time to call me?" Zhao Huanlian exited the restaurant and came to the corner, then answered his dad's call Telephone.

"Hello, Dad?".

"Xiao Huan, are you at your uncle's place? Is there a young man visiting your uncle's place?" Zhao Huan's father "Zhao Aimin" said anxiously on the phone.

"Uh, right." Zhao Huan was confused, how did his father know that young man.

"Okay, I'm already driving on the road. I'll be there soon. Let's talk when we get there."


Seeing that the phone was hung up, Zhao Huan felt that something was wrong. He returned to the kitchen door and told "Uncle" Zhao Jing the news that his father was coming.

"This kid came at the right time, didn't he come because of the smell?" Mr. Zhao Jing laughed instantly. He is Zhao Aimin's uncle, and he grew up watching Zhao Aimin's naked buttocks.

Swish, brush, brush~

Soon the braised pork, which was shiny and fragrant, came out of the pot and was put on a plate. For a while, the whole restaurant was filled with the enticing aroma of braised pork.

"Wow! It smells so good, my brother is great!".

“Gudong~ It’s more fragrant than grandpa’s braised pork!”.

"Brother Li Shu hides everything deeply."

Listening to everyone's compliments, Li Shu smiled in a neither humble nor condescending way, and then said: "It's mainly because I ate the food cooked by the old man. I felt very sorry, so I also made a dish for everyone to try."

"Hahaha, good, good, good." Mr. Zhao Jing was very happy and waved his hand: "Don't be idle, everyone cooks a dish! Hurry up and do it!"

"Okay, Grandpa."

"Yes, sir.".

Soon, Zhao Hong made a dish of Mapo Tofu.

Zhao Huan patted a cucumber.

Zhao Shanshan pouted, and under the awe-inspiring look in Mr. Zhao Jing's eyes, she stamped her feet and twisted her waist to boil a pot of boiled water. Mr. Zhao Jing looked helpless.

His granddaughter doesn't know how to cook and doesn't want to learn how to cook. He has no idea. Well... his granddaughter is very good at eating vegetables.

Mr. Zhao Jing cooked a few more vegetarian dishes himself. When a large table full of dishes was placed on the table, a bald middle-aged man opened the door and walked in - it was Zhao Huan's father "Zhao Aimin".

"Uncle, I'm here to see you." Zhao Aimin smiled at Mr. Zhao Jing.

"Haha, you guys, did you turn upside down when you smelled something delicious?" Mr. Zhao Jing laughed.

Zhao Aimin chuckled. He looked around. When he saw Li Shu, he felt as if he was struck by lightning. Li Shu's appearance coincided with the photo he had just seen. Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Zhao Aimin walked directly to Li Shu and bowed. :

"Hello, senior brother! I am "Zhao Aimin", the registered disciple of the master. Welcome to Chengshi!"

The voice of the bald Zhao Aimin was very loud, and everyone was stunned instantly, especially Zhao Huan. His eyes were as wide as a bull's eye, and his mouth was open enough to fit an egg in. In his eyes, the omnipotent old man Dad, you actually called that young man senior brother!

Is the world crazy

Zhao Huan felt that his head was buzzing, and his dissatisfaction with Li Shu disappeared in an instant, and he even felt a little ashamed in his heart.

"Don't be like this, get up quickly." Li Shulian helped Zhao Aimin, who was bowing deeply.

"You are Master Xu Sheng's direct disciple. I am a registered disciple, so I should call you Senior Brother." Zhao Aimin explained: "Senior Brother Liu Yuan, who was far away in Singapore, sent me a message saying that Senior Brother you are coming to Chengshi. You also sent me your photo, but it’s really hard to find you in the huge crowd...

But who would have thought that not long ago I saw the photos in Xiao Hongfa’s circle of friends where he went to collect wild honey, and one of them captured you, senior brother.

It's really hard to find anything without trying to find it, and it takes no effort at all to get there! ".

Zhao Aimin touched his shiny forehead and lamented his good luck, sighing: "I haven't seen Master Xu Sheng for almost two years. I wonder if Master is doing well?"

"It's good. Master lived in my Neverland for a while. I could barely keep up with Master when I ran in the morning. Senior brother Liu Yuan fell to the ground tiredly and was covered in mud." Li Shu smiled.

"Haha." Zhao Aimin also laughed.

Although it was the first time for him and Zhao Aimin to meet, they became instantly friendly because of their relationship as senior brothers.

Everyone was sitting around the dining table eating. Mr. Zhao Jing looked at Li Shu with a very complicated look: "Hey, no wonder I feel that you have a talent for learning cooking, and you can also make such perfect braised pork. It turns out you are My senior brother’s apprentice.”.

Only then did Li Shu know that Zhao Jing and his master Xu Sheng were brothers, but Li Shu also suddenly realized that no wonder Mr. Zhao Jing could make so many perfect dishes.

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(End of chapter)