Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 195: Chinese white dolphins and treasure hunting


Li Shu did not expect to see the "Chinese White Dolphin" at a depth of 120 meters. After he swam over, the four dolphins did not resist. Instead, they swam over and touched it gently with their bodies.

"I'm really lucky to meet four white dolphins here." Li Shu thought to himself. He climbed onto a big dolphin, which took him to swim for a short distance, then turned over and threw him off.

Watching Li Shu playing with the dolphins, Boss Jing followed closely.

Among the four dolphins, there are two large and two small. They seem to be a family of four. The large dolphin is about 2.2 meters long and weighs nearly 500 kilograms. The small dolphin is only more than 1 meter long.

Because of their blood vessels, their white bodies are slightly pink, and they look like four pink dolphins.


A large dolphin with a sharp beak hit Li Shu's belly with its round head while playing, almost causing him to vomit blood.


Li Shu quickly surfaced, breathing heavily.

"Boss, are you okay?" Boss Jing popped up on the right side of Li Shu and asked with concern.

"It's okay." Li Shu's arms quickly paddled: "There are many half-bottles of water on the Internet spreading rumors that the big heads of dolphins are soft. They should really be allowed to feel the friendly impact of dolphins. If I hadn't been quite strong, I'm afraid I wouldn't have done that just now." Just break my ribs.".

Boss Jing chuckled: "I remember that the big head of a beluga is soft, while the big head of a dolphin is hard. Because there are many similarities, many people regard beluga as a dolphin."

"Hey~ do you know Moby Dick?".

"Hey~ Sometimes when I have nothing to do, I search for some information on the Internet to study."

"This is a good habit, keep it up." The plum tree floated up and down in the sea water: "But the beluga's mouth is short, similar to a monkey's mouth; the dolphin's mouth is pointed, similar to a bird's mouth, and it is still very easy to identify. ".


The sea water surged, "Yo yo~" Two large dolphins more than two meters long jumped out of the sea. The crystal sea water splashed everywhere under the moonlight, and then boom~ entered the water perfectly like divers.

The two baby dolphins also jumped out of the sea like their parents, but one used too little force before coming out of the water, and used too much force when it just came out of the water. In the end, it seemed to be floating in the water and flew more than ten meters away in the sea.

The dolphin used itself to float on the sea surface, which instantly made Boss Jing, a serious man, amused.

"Hahaha, that little dolphin is so stupid and cute." Boss Jing's body was also floating in the sea. As soon as he finished speaking, a series of exclamations suddenly came from behind him from the wind:

"Look! It's a dolphin!".

“There seem to be two people in the sea! The dolphins seem to want to eat them!”.

"No, it seems like there are two dead people, and the dolphins are saving them!".

“%&¥&%… … “.

The noisy sound was mixed with the sound of the wind. When Li Shu turned around, he found that the luxury cruise ship was hundreds of meters behind him. With his super eyesight, he could even see clearly the chive leaves stuck to the front teeth of a fat man in a suit and leather tie. .


The dolphins kept jumping out of the sea, then into the water; jumping back in again, and back and forth, having a great time.

"It's so unlucky that I, a young man, dare to say that I am a dead person." Li Shu became more and more speechless when he heard that many people on the ship said that he and Boss Jing were dead people.

The two of them stayed on the surface for less than a minute in total, and then dived again. Four dolphins followed them. They saw that the sea had calmed down, but people were still gathering in Class A of the luxury yacht. The men and women who arrived late Screaming pity.


"Yo yo~" The dolphin that just pushed against the plum tree rubbed against the plum tree pitifully, as if she knew she shouldn't push against the plum tree.

"Meeting each other in the vast sea is destined." Li Shu touched the hard head of the dolphin, and then took out a ball of chalcedony spiritual water the size of an apple from the white jade ring.

"I got too much chalcedony spiritual water today. My head has started to hurt. It seems that I can't get any more chalcedony spiritual water today." Li Shu thought in his heart and divided the ball of chalcedony spiritual water into four parts. Pushed to the mouths of four dolphins.

The faintly fragrant chalcedony water exuded a fatal allure to the dolphins. The two little dolphins swallowed the chalcedony water near their mouths, and their tail fins swayed smartly, just like two happy puppies.

Although the two big dolphins were also full of longing, they glanced at each other and slowly backed away, pushing the two small dolphins closer to the last two balls of chalcedony spiritual water.


A 20-centimeter-long sea fish wanted to catch chestnuts from the fire. It swam towards two balls of chalcedony spiritual water with crazy eyes. Unfortunately, it was swallowed whole by a large dolphin before it even got close, and it became the dolphin's dinner. .

"Forget it, let's give another part to the two little dolphins." Li Shu softened the remaining two balls of chalcedony water together again, and then divided them into four equal parts. This time, all four dolphins ate the one in front of him. One serving.

[After eating the chalcedony spiritual water, the skin of the little dolphin became obviously more shiny, and the eyes of the big dolphin also became much more spiritual.]Boss Jing gestured in sign language.

[Okay, we're going on a treasure hunt, you go have fun. ] Regardless of whether the dolphins could not understand sign language, Li Shu finished the sign language directly, and then went to explore the seabed with Boss Jing.

According to the established plan, Li Shu and Jing Lao will start from the periphery of the submarine basin and search in circles in a clockwise direction.

Due to Li Shu's strength, when a white light appears in his eyes, he can carefully distinguish every inch of seabed sediment within 100 meters. Beyond this distance, he cannot see so carefully and can easily miss a sunken ship covered in sediment.

So Li Shu decided that every time he searched around the basin, he would retract 100 meters toward the center of the basin, and then search again clockwise, and then retract 100 meters toward the center of the basin, and so on, until he reached the center of the basin. , which means that every inch of sediment in the basin has been searched.

[The basin is a circle with a diameter of approximately 10 kilometers. Each time you indent 100 meters toward the center of the basin, you can search the entire basin in about 50 clockwise circles. The outermost circle has a circumference of 31,400 meters and the innermost circle is 628 meters. Add the two numbers and divide by two, then multiply by 50. The total distance is about 800 kilometers. If you search for 5 hours a day at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, you can search the entire basin in almost 4 days.

As long as the sunken ship is indeed in this basin, it will take 4 days to find him with a high probability! This method works, let’s go!]

[666!]Boss Jing made a 666 gesture directly to Li Shu.

The two began to swim around the basin in circles, and the surrounding area became quiet. Apart from shrimps and crabs, there were indeed very few other creatures in the basin. However, after a few hours, Li Shu discovered other marine creatures - a bunch of sea urchin!

"Treasure hunting is like fishing. You must not return empty-handed. If you can't find the sunken ship today, take these sea urchins back and make sea urchin fried rice." Li Shu waved to Boss Jing to write down the location of the sea urchins, and then continued to explore the seabed.

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(End of chapter)