Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 196: 196 Found the Jinkansi-Wreck of the Brave


After searching for 5 hours on the seabed, Li Shu and Boss Jing still couldn't find the sunken ship.

Hua Hua Hua ~

The sea water hits the shore of Neverland, and white waves roll up. The figures of Li Shu and Jingbo appear on the shore.

"Although it is unsightly to carry these sea urchins in pants, I have fulfilled my promise - if I can't find the sunken ship today, I will bring the sea urchins back." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Boss... you used my pants." Boss Jing said pitifully as he only had his underwear.

"Ahem~ It can be installed with just one pair of pants. If you need two pairs of pants, you will also use my pants." In the long night, the two of them brought back more than 50 sea urchins, and Li Shu took 30 of them. They were only raised in the sea area at the southeast corner of the island, and the remaining 20 were put in the kitchen of the villa in the north.

"Phew~ It's almost 3 o'clock in the morning. I'm sleepy and tired now. It's really difficult to find treasures in the pitch-black sea, which is more than 120 meters deep." Li Shuca wiped his wrist on his watch worth RM6 million. After washing, I put on my pajamas and plopped down on the bed.

"Including the sea journey back and forth, I swam quickly in the sea for 6 to 7 hours. Now my thighs and arms are very sore. Sure enough, every penny I earn is earned with blood and sweat. Sleep and sleep." Li Shu quickly fell asleep.

the next morning.

Li Shu was awakened by the song of the thrush, chirp chirp chirp ~ chirp chirp chirp ~ chirp chirp chirp chirp ~ the thrush was jumping on the bed and singing. The big yellow dogs on the ground covered their ears with their paws.

"Go to the woods and have your breakfast." Li Shu climbed up and opened the window. With the cool breeze in the morning, the blackbird spread its wings happily and flew to the northwest woods - the early bugs were eaten by the birds, and the small bugs were eaten by the birds. Hey guys, here I come!

After breakfast, Li Shu went back to his bedroom and lay down. Although most of his sore muscles had recovered after one night, he was still a little sore.

For lunch, Uncle Hai made sea urchin fried rice, braised a sea bass, pan-fried about twenty needlefish, and stir-fried several vegetarian dishes with potatoes, beans, and cucumbers.

The sea urchin fried rice is very good, not only has the fragrance of sea urchin, but also the aroma of rice. Li Shu, Jing Laoda, Li Sha and others who ate it praised it full of praise.

After lunch, Li Shu went back to his room and lay down. The white squirrel lay on his chest, its big fluffy tail tickling his cheeks and neck.


"Eat the chestnuts quickly, stop barking." Li Shu stuffed a plump chestnut to the white squirrel, and the latter picked it up and gnawed it, leaving bits of chestnut peel crumbs falling on the quilt.


Suddenly the bedroom door was opened a crack, and a little girl wearing rabbit slippers poked her head in: "Brother, I brought you some fruit, I'm coming in."

"Come in, what's the matter?" Li Shu supported his upper body with both hands and leaned against the bed.


A fruit plate containing grapes, apricots, melons, durian meat, sugarcane segments, apples, bananas, mangoes, strawberries, etc. was placed by the little girl on the bedside. She took off her shoes and climbed into bed: "Brother, are you sick? Are you sick?" Why are you always lying on the bed? And last night, I waited for you until 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. In the end, I was really sleepy, so I went to sleep. ".

"I'm just tired." Li Shu defended with a smile. In fact, after sleeping for another morning, he was completely rested, but his laziness had struck - lying down was really addictive, and he woke up. Just scroll through my phone. When I get tired of scrolling, I lie down and continue to sleep. The cold air blown by the air conditioner resists the heat outside the window, and the whistling cicadas can turn into a lullaby.

Steal half a day's leisure in the floating life.

"Then you can go to sleep. I won't disturb you anymore." The little girl took a big red strawberry from the fruit plate and ate it. Then she climbed out of bed and walked out without hesitation, looking back three times at a time.

"Here are 5 ringgit notes, here you go." Li Shu felt that he should be sensible. His sister was so eager to give him fruits. If he deliberately pretended to be stupid and refused to give the money, his sister would be angry.

"Hehe, brother, you always tease me. If you have money, don't take it out early." The little girl returned happily in an instant. After getting the banknotes, she ran away quickly. She probably wanted to hide the money in her golden piggy bank. .

It was quiet again in the bedroom. Li Shu shook his head slightly, lay down again and covered himself with the quilt and said with a smile: "My sister is young now. If she grows up a few years, I'm afraid she won't be so precious about the five ringgits."

Closing his eyes, Li Shu fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, a gorgeous sunset appeared on the horizon, and the red fire clouds were particularly charming.

"Huh~ It's almost 4 o'clock. Get up and move around. Then take some chalcedony liquid to feed the dragonfish, large yellow croaker, white butterfly clams, etc. in the sea. After dinner, continue to look for sunken ships in the sea." Li Shu Roll over and get out of bed.

… …

After finishing dinner and taking a short rest, Li Shu and Boss Jing entered the sea together and swam towards the northeastern waters. After swimming to the top of the submarine basin, they dived at high speed.

Dong dong dong~

The deeper you dive, the dimmer and dimmer the light becomes, the greater the pressure, and the louder the sound of the sea water in your ears. Wow~ Li Shu, Boss Jing came to the last place where he stopped last night. The sand on the bottom of the sea was dark brown, cold, and dull.


Just when Li Shu and Boss Jing were about to continue circling along the established route, the four Chinese white dolphins that appeared last night swam toward them again.

"Yo yo~" The two little dolphins are like human children. They are very lively and naughty. From time to time, they push their round foreheads against the plum tree.

[They are so active.]Boss Jing gestured in sign language.

[This is indeed the case, but they seem to live in this basin. I thought they would swim away today. ] Li Shu then took out a large ball of chalcedony spiritual water and fed it to the four dolphins. After absorbing the chalcedony spiritual water, the spirituality in the eyes of the four dolphins became more intense.

"Yo yo~" A big dolphin shouted lowly, and then swam south. After swimming a few meters, it stopped to look at the plum tree, and then swam a few meters more before looking back.

[He seems to be taking us somewhere, follow him and have a look. ] Li Shulian gestured in sign language, and then quickly followed, followed closely by Boss Jing, and the remaining three dolphins also followed closely.

The desolation of the seabed seems to have never changed for millions of years, and there is not even any trace of human activity here.

After swimming for 5 kilometers in a row, Li Shu's pupils shrank instantly, and he saw a sunken ship buried deeply in the sand.

The sunken ship seemed to have been completely covered in mud, with only a large hole about one and a half meters in diameter at the top, which seemed to be caused by the broken planks of the deck.

"You can't find anything even after wearing iron shoes, it takes no effort to get here!" Li Shu thought excitedly in his heart. He carefully approached the huge sunken ship and wiped the mud and sand on the side of the ship, revealing a string of Portuguese characters.

This is indeed the wreck of the Kinkans-Brave.

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(End of chapter)