Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 20: Play games with college classmates


He did it as he thought. Taking advantage of the period before dinner, Li Shu ran back to the villa and dug out a roll of red rope from the utility room. This rope was not a hemp rope, but rather similar to the rope used by balloon vendors on the street to tie balloons. .

After finding the rope, he carried an openable ladder and carefully returned to the woods to start operating.

The rope is cut into sections, each section is about 15 meters long. One end of the rope is tied to a thick tree trunk about one meter above the ground, and the other end is tied to the middle of the durian by "circling" a branch.

In this way, when the durian is ripe, its stem will fall off the tree, but the rope tied to it will hang it on the tree. When harvesting durian, you only need to untie the other end of the rope tied to the thick trunk. , slowly let go, and the durian at the other end will naturally fall down little by little.

Most of the durian plantations in Malaysia use this method of tying ropes in advance to harvest. In short videos, a person often throws durians on a tree, and a person standing on the ground holds a felt cloth and picks them up. Yes, that’s almost all the durian picking methods in Thailand.

The two picking methods don’t like each other.

Dama: "You idiot, you picked the durians before they were ripe and you can go ahead and eat the shit."

Kingdom of Thailand: "Why are you so pretentious? Some of them are good to eat, but it doesn't matter if they are cooked or not. They will be cooked if you let them sit for a while."

It took a whole morning to tie each durian to a rope. Although it was quite labor-intensive, there was an obvious benefit - there was no need to worry about the durian falling and getting hit on the head.

"Let's go and eat." Li Shu took the golden retriever dog to eat.

For a whole day, Li Shu studied the "human-shaped jade sculpture" dug out of the sea. He read a lot of information but could not find any information.

In the basement of the villa.

Pa da~

Li Shu shined a flashlight on the "human-shaped jade sculpture". The light shone into the jade sculpture's body and was reflected back, emitting an alluring green light.

"Hiss~ The permeability is very good. There is no cotton at all. This jade looks like glass." Li Shu frowned and looked at the human-shaped jade sculpture in front of him in a daze.

The thrush that was squatting on his shoulder to study the jade carvings with him has already fallen asleep. The little guy is very impatient and likes to sleep when nothing happens.

"Ah woo~" Li Shu rubbed his sore eyes, stood up and walked out: "We can talk about the ball calculation later when we have time. I always feel that this jade carving is a bit weird, but now my eyes are dry and astringent, it seems Seawater got into my eyes during my last dive and they became inflamed.”

After dinner, Li Shu turned on only one of the round chandeliers in the living room on the second floor so that the light would not be dazzling. After drinking another glass of chalcedony water, he lay on the sofa and fell asleep slowly.

He felt as if the human-shaped jade sculpture was sucking away his energy. He was exhausted and his eyes were dry, so he planned to rest for a while.

"Tweet~" In the quiet living room, the blackbird flew from the bookshelf to the back of the sofa, then jumped on the coffee table to drink some water, and then jumped on the belly of the plum tree.

The golden retriever lying next to the coffee table raised his head and gave the thrush a warning look, telling him to be quiet.

The thrush stared back at the golden retriever, but since it was so small, its momentum was a bit weak after all. After staring at each other for three seconds, the thrush jumped directly onto the back of the sofa and lay down to sleep.


In an instant, the living room became quiet, and only the sound of Li Shu's breathing gradually sounded.

… …

Li Shu was woken up by the ringtone of his cell phone. The ringtone, which had been turned up louder, was like a reminder. He sat up from the sofa in a daze.


"Haozi, why do you have time to call me? How was your graduation trip?" Li Shu stood up and stretched his body slightly. After a good sleep, Li Shu felt refreshed, his eyes were no longer dry, and his head was Not drowsy either.

"Hao Zi" Xu Hao, "Lao Wei" Qian Hai, "Lao Keng" Fan Biao, "A Wen" Xie Wenbo, "A Shu" Li Shu, the five of them are students of the same grade and department. They often played together in college. The relationship with others is much better.

"Hey~ I got on the bus to sleep, got off the bus to pee, and went to take pictures. The tour guide also insisted on us buying things. It was so noisy and there was nothing but chicken feathers everywhere~" Xu Hao, who had earrings on his ears, sighed.

He changed the topic and said: "I have returned to Yanjing. I have made an appointment with Lao Wei, Lao Keng, Awen and the others. It's just you. Come, let's play games together."


Li Shu smiled and walked to the bedroom. The laptop was in the bedroom. A dog and a bird followed him into the bedroom.

"What do you want to play?"

The five people were all in the same WeChat group. After they all agreed to voice chat, the five people started chatting. It was clear that they had just left school not long ago, but Li Shu felt that many things were different compared to when he was at school.

"Play Red Alert, battle mode." Xu Haolian said, wearing earrings. This guy is a Red Alert fan.

"Second." Fan Biao said with a bumpy face.

"I agree," said Qian Haida, who was slightly shy.

"I'm very good at playing red police. Don't hit me all the time. I can't guard you." said the thin Xie Wenbo. Among the five people, he was the only one who chose to go to graduate school.

After unanimous approval, Xu Hao sent the installation package to the network disk, and those who had not installed it started to install it.

"Red Alert 2" is a real-time strategy game. Each player starts with only one base vehicle + 6 soldiers + 4 tanks. By building "power plant", "barracks", "mining field" and "munitions factory" , "Radar", "Air Defense Cannon", "Shipyard" and other development bases, and then produce various soldiers, various tanks, various warships to fight in the game.

Li Shu and others are using the version developed in 2000. Although 17 years have passed, many people still play this game.


The game enters.

While Li Shulian was slowly developing the base, he chatted with Xu Hao and others, mainly about the current situation.

The background of the map is the snow-capped mountains, the cold wind is blowing, and the weather is freezing. One by one, the soldiers began to build fortifications under the command of Li Shu.


Soon Li Shu's spy came out of the barracks, and a cunning smile appeared on his lips: "Financial resources seriously restrict the development speed of the base, but as long as the spy enters the other party's mining field, he can steal the other party's money, emmm … Just steal Haozi’s, who told this kid not to have a dog!?”

Li Shu controlled the shrunken spy towards Xu Hao's base, walked through the vast snow-capped mountains, bypassed lakes, and walked along paths. On the way, he also saw cows grazing in the wild and escaped the pursuit of wild monkeys. Come to Xu Hao's base and start a cat in the woods outside.

"You only have one chance, don't lose it." Li Shu smiled in his heart.

Xu Hao was directing the helicopter carrying engineers to occupy the oil field. The sound of the propellers was buzzing and buzzing. Suddenly, he glanced around and broke into a cold sweat. He shouted loudly: "Which guy dares to send a spy to me!?"

Xu Hao hurriedly directed a few soldiers to kill the spies, da da da~ ah~ along with a scream, Fan Biao's rough voice sounded in the group: "I'm going, my spy was killed. It was so close to stealing the money.”

"Haha~" Xie Wenbo and Qian Hai laughed loudly while watching the excitement.

"Stop being ridiculous, you want to steal my money? There is no way!" Xu Hao was so proud that he even controlled the helicopter to land near the oil field, let the engineers get out of the helicopter, and then an engineer occupied an oil field.


Xu Hao cut the screen back to his base and shouted instantly: "Damn it, why is there a second spy? It's over, it's over, it's been stolen~"

"Haha, Haozi, you have a lot of money, 60,000 yuan. I worked hard for a long time in mining and only got a little over 30,000 yuan." Li Shu's laughter was filled with the joy of taking advantage.

"Ashu, I'm going to hit you now!" Xu Hao said harshly when he saw that Li Shu's defense was not strong.

Then Xu Hao came to fight Li Shu; Xie Wenbo, and Fan Biao took the opportunity to fight Xu Hao, but their troops met halfway, and they fought first, hurting both sides, and finally Qian Hai stole their base.

… …

The game lasted for more than three hours, and the war was raging. Li Shu was beaten many times, leaving only the main base and a few tanks with residual health, and then developed again.

In the end, Fan Biao won, and the boy danced with excitement. After all, he might not win even once after playing dozens of games.

"Okay, okay, it's already one o'clock in the morning, let's play again when we have time."

"I'm so sleepy, bye~"

"Bye, bye~"

Everyone was offline. Li Shu got up and wanted to take a shower and go to sleep. Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and he looked at the caller ID - Su Zhizhe!

Li Shu's pupils shrank and he connected: "Hello, Boss Su?"

"Brother Li Shu, your money has been transferred. After deducting the handling fee, the remaining amount is 38.25 million ringgit. The real-time exchange rate is 1.472, and the final credit is 56.304 million yuan." Su Zhizhe said with a smile.

(End of chapter)