Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 202: News about mosquito traps and island treasure ships


Boss Jing bought a total of 20 mosquito traps. Each mosquito trap looks like a racket and is 50 centimeters in diameter.

"Hang it up and try it." Li Shu said with a smile.

The 50 mosquito traps can be equipped with batteries or use solar energy. The newly purchased mosquito trap batteries still have 30% electricity. Take out one and hang it on the cucumber rack, and press a red button on the frame.


An electric arc flashed on the tennis racket-shaped mosquito trap. Li Shu was slightly surprised when he saw it: "Oh~ it looks pretty good. Take a breath~ I smell the aroma coming out of the small holes of the mosquito trap. Eh. , there are mosquitoes coming! ".

Li Shu, Boss Jing, the little girl and the big orange cat all looked at the mosquito trap hanging on the cucumber stand, especially the big orange cat, whose eyes widened in shock - are humans so powerful? Everything can be developed.

A black mosquito with a fat belly originally wanted to fly in a straight line, but after smelling the aroma emanating from the small holes of the mosquito trap, it drew an arc in the air and flew straight to the mosquito trap.

Buzz buzz~

The black mosquito hovers in the air 5 centimeters away from the mosquito trap.

Looking at the fluttering black mosquito, Li Shu, Boss Jing, and the little girl all fell silent for a moment, especially the little girl whose palms were sweating. She lowered her voice and said in a sweet voice: "Brother, it stinks." Mosquitoes will pounce on them, right?".

"It should be possible." Li Shu said this and felt a little unsure. The vegetables in the Baicao Garden grew up sucking chalcedony spiritual water, and the juice also contains the ingredients of chalcedony spiritual water, and the mosquitoes Sucks the juices from these plants and becomes smarter.


After hesitating for a few seconds, the black mosquito seemed to finally pounce on him without resisting the tempting aroma emanating from the mosquito trap.


The moment the mosquito came into contact with the mosquito trap with eager eyes, a blue arc shot out directly from the grid of the mosquito trap. The arc hit the mosquito. Li Shu could clearly see that the mosquito was electrocuted in an instant, just like Destroyed military aircraft generally fall to the ground.


The big orange cat ran into the cucumber patch and found the mosquitoes that had fallen on the soil. He looked at the dead mosquitoes and then looked up at the hanging mosquito traps. Instantly, he felt a hair in his heart.

"Meow~" [If I touch it, will it electrocute me too? very scary.]

"Big cat, don't go into the mud. Look, your claws are covered with mud." The little girl ran over and picked up the big orange cat. When the big orange cat was picked up, her eyes were still staring at the mosquito trap. Machine - Human beings are terrible.

"Not bad, not bad, the effect is very good." Li Shu said with a smile, "The next step is to install the remaining mosquito traps. How long can these mosquito traps maintain the fragrance?"

"Well, the boss of the mosquito trap said it's half a month, and then it needs to be "refreshed."" Boss Jing said as he opened the mosquito trap boxes one by one.

"Half a month? That should be enough." Li Shu took the mosquito trap and began to hang it on the bean rack: "But there seems to be a kind of mosquito cake. A large number of dead mosquitoes are sandwiched in the cake, and sprinkled with cumin. , chili powder is Roujiamo, you can try giving it to the big orange cat first. ".

The big orange cat's eyes widened and he shook his head like a rattle.

In the afternoon, Boss Jing flew a helicopter to pick up Cao Cao and the others. Yes, besides Cao Cao, there were two acquaintances - "Su Zhizhe" with green hair and "Qian Rongjie" with white left eyebrow.

Li Shu and Qian Rongjie also knew each other. Qian Rongjie was responsible for building the Baicao Garden. During the week or so during the construction of the Baicao Garden, Qian Rongjie went to Neverland every day.

"Li Shu, we meet again." Qian Rongjie was introverted and nodded with a smile.

"Huh? Do you know each other?" Cao Cao was surprised.

"Yes, my Baicao Garden was built by Qian Rongjie's team." Li Shu smiled and said, "Let's go to the villa to talk."

"It turns out we all know each other, so we can save the introduction." Su Zhizhe said with a smile. As he followed Li Shu to the villa in the north, he looked around and saw the fragrance of flowers: "Brother Li Shu will enjoy it. This place is really like a paradise." , I feel that when I come here, my body and mind are relaxed. ".

"Haha, you are welcome to come often in the future.".

Everyone came to the reception room on the first floor of the north villa. After sitting down on the sofa, Boss Jing brought a rich fruit plate and then left.


After the door was closed, there were only four people left in the living room: Li Shu, Su Zhizhe, Qian Rongjie and Cao Cao. Cao Cao was too big, so he sat alone on one side of the sofa.

"There is a confidentiality agreement here. If you sign it, we will tell Brother Li Shu the specific location of the sunken ship. No matter whether you participate in the salvage mission or not, you cannot leak the location of the sunken ship. Otherwise, there will be a huge compensation. ." Su Zhizhe took out a document and looked at Li Shu seriously.

The document was bilingual in Chinese and English. Li Shu, who was not a master of English, easily understood the English version. He signed the contract after there was no problem.

"Brother Li Shu, has your English improved? Although I have learned to speak English since I was a child, it is still difficult to read such a professional English contract." Su Zhizhe said in surprise.

"I live a leisurely life on the island and just study occasionally." Li Shu said modestly: "Now can you tell me what happened to the sunken ship?"

He leaned on the back of the sofa and glanced at the faces of Cao Cao, Su Zhizhe, and Qian Rongjie one by one. Well, Cao Cao's face was really big, Su Zhizhe's green hair was eye-catching, and Qian Rongjie's left eyebrow was white. , it should be a genetic cause.

Su Zhizhe and the other three looked at each other and said, "Of course."


Qian Rongjie took out a folded map, opened it and handed it to Su Zhizhe, who pointed to a place on the map and said: "The location of the shipwreck is in the "Sulu Sea" in East Malaysia, close to the "Balanca" in the Philippines. Lawang Island ", the closest distance to the East Malaysian coastline is 86 nautical miles.".

Su Zhizhe paused slightly, and Cao Cao, who was smoking a cigar in his hand, continued: "That's a pirate treasure ship with a lot of gold and silver jewelry on it! It's a treasure house!!"

"Hiss~" Li Shu's pupils shrank and he took a deep breath.

The words "Island treasure ship" were like a thousand pounds. Li Shu's heart beat hard for a few times, but he soon calmed down and said calmly: "How difficult is it to salvage?"

Seeing that Li Shu calmed down so quickly, Su Zhizhe instantly cast a look of approval. His eyes pointed at Qian Rongjie, as if to say - I have long said that Li Shu will not be blinded by money, and it turned out not to be wrong with me. As expected.

Qian Rongjie also nodded, and then said: "It's too deep there, a full 600 meters, and the hull is damaged and cannot be pulled up as a whole, and the boxes of jewelry are too heavy... ".

Li Shu listened carefully, looked at the map carefully, and suddenly said: "The Sulu Sea is a diamond-shaped ocean. Most of it is under the control of the Philippines, and a small part is under the control of Malaysia. So now this Which country does a sunken ship belong to? ".

"Uh." Qian Rongjie was stunned.

Cao Cao snorted directly: "They say it's theirs, we say it's ours, then whoever fishes it out first belongs to whoever!!"

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(End of chapter)