Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 206: Undersea treasure chest


The sky is blue, the white clouds are long, and groups of seagulls are flying away and flying away freely, screaming "ya ya ya!"

"This fishing boat is not bad, um..." Li Shu, standing on the deck, closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes and smiled: "The current speed is 22 knots, right?"

"Awesome." Cao Cao combed his hair, and his pink short sleeves rustled under the sea breeze. He gave Li Shu a thumbs up and smiled: "It's only a few words to accurately feel the speed of the fishing boat. Old fishermen who often go to sea can do it.

It is indeed 22 knots now, but this is not the fastest speed of this boat. This specially modified fishing boat can reach the fastest speed of 35 knots. ".

"This..." Li Shu's pupils shrank. The speed of most fishing boats will not exceed 15 knots, and many will not even exceed 12 knots. However, this modified fishing boat, which can reach the fastest speed of 35 knots, is undoubtedly fast. Too much too much.

Since taking chalcedony spiritual water regularly, Li Shu's brain speed has also become faster. He looked at the aggressive bodyguards in the cabin, many of whom were sorting their weapons.

"Huh! Our trip won't be in any danger, right?" Li Shu said slowly.

"Just in case." Cao Cao grinned and said, "The modified fishing boat has greatly accelerated its speed. Even if pirates appear, it will be difficult to catch up with us. The waters around here are not peaceful."

Li Shu nodded.

“Although the closest distance between the sunken location and the East Malaysian coastline is 86 nautical miles, our departure from Scarborough Port is not the shortest distance. The total distance is about 106 nautical miles, and it takes about 5 hours to sail at a speed of 22 knots.

It is now 9 a.m. and we will arrive at the target sea area at about 2 p.m. "Cao Cao said with a smile. He looked at the junction of Tianshui in the distance and rubbed his sour eyes: "Ah, it was too late last night for fishing. I will go back to catch up on my sleep. Brother Li Shu, if you are sleepy, You can also go catch up on some sleep. ".

"Well, Brother Cao, you go first." Li Shu said.

They were traveling on a medium-sized fishing boat with enough rooms on three floors for people to rest.

Hua Hua Hua~ The fishing boats cut through the waves and moved forward at high speed. The surrounding scenery was a bit monotonous and boring. Occasionally, a fishing boat could be seen in the distance, but it also drifted away due to different routes.

After a simple meal at noon, everyone continued to go back to their rooms to rest, and soon it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

Dong dong dong~

Boss Jing's leather shoes stepped on the wooden stairs. After going upstairs, he turned right and came to the door of Li Shu's house. "Boss, we have reached the target sea area."


"There's nothing wrong with the diving suit." Li Shu opened the door and walked to the deck with Boss Jing one after another.

"I have tested it and there is a high probability that it will be fine." Jing Lao Dalian said and followed Li Shu outside.

When he came to the deck, Boss Jing took the deep-sea diving suit handed to him by Su Zhizhe and put it on, then put on the oxygen tank, and buzz~ Li Shu's consciousness directly controlled Boss Jing without Su Zhizhe and others noticing.

Li Shu controlled Boss Jing to jump directly into the sea water, and he dived quickly. The cold sea water could not penetrate the deep-sea diving suit. Boss Jing kept encountering sea fish one after another, and then left them behind.

Dong dong dong~

100 meters, 200 meters... 400 meters... 600 meters.

"It's so dark here. Fortunately, Boss Jing's body can barely do night vision." Li Shu controlled Boss Jing to walk in a trench. On both sides were rock walls more than 100 meters high. It was dark, depressing, and occasionally A sea fish swam by.

Not far away was a huge sunken ship more than a hundred meters long. What made Boss Jing's pupils shrink was that it turned out to be a sunken ship made of stone.

"Hiss~ A sunken ship made of stone? No wonder it was a pirate's treasure. The pirates hid the treasure in the stone ship and then pushed the stone ship into the sea.

No, the place where the pirates first pushed the stone ship into the sea was not here. It should be on a certain seaside. It may be that hundreds of years of changes in the sea and some ocean currents pushed the sunken ship here. "Li Shu thought to himself, and then strode to the stone ship. Touching the hard and cold stone ship wall with his palms, he seemed to have seen the scene when a group of pirates built this ship a long time ago.

"Everything has changed and people have changed." Li Shu controlled Boss Jing to enter the cabin to check. The entire stone treasure ship has two floors, but whether it is the entrance from the outside to the first floor or the entrance from the first floor to the second floor, it can only Accommodates a person crawling by.

The cabin was dark. After searching the first floor, Li Shu controlled Boss Jing to carefully get into the second floor of the stone ship. As expected, he saw more than 50 treasure boxes in the hall.

"Hiss~ It's a stone box again. This stone box looks heavier than the stone box I encountered before." Li Shu controlled Boss Jing to walk over and hug a huge stone box about 1 meter long, and suddenly exerted force.

Boom boom boom~

The heavy stone box was picked up instantly, and the veins on Boss Jing's arms were scurrying like little snakes.

"Bang~" The stone box was put down heavily after half a meter off the ground. Li Shu sighed in his heart: "Every stone box here seems to weigh more than 500 kilograms, and it seems impossible to open it. I'm afraid divers can't open this kind of thing." Very headache."

"But the entrance is only more than 1 meter long, so it would be extremely difficult to put these boxes in. I wonder what kind of treasures are inside. Is it really gold and silver jewelry?" Li Shu controlled Boss Jing and began to try every means to pry them. Stone chest.

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(End of chapter)