Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 218: 12 large lobsters holding eggs


Everyone is thinking about their future. Xu Qian wants to study in Singapore, but Li Shu won't say anything.

Considering that Xu Qian had to go back to study in the evening, Li Shu video chatted with her for a while before going offline.

"It's late at night, go to bed." Li Shu stood up from behind the mahogany table in the study, left the study and went back to his room to turn off the lights and sleep.

While Li Shu was sleeping, Boss Jing had already taken a flight to Sijia Port in East Malaysia.


The whistle of the cruise ship leaving the port was very desolate, adding a unique flavor to the thick night. When taking a taxi to the pier, Boss Jing looked at the busy traffic and the bright neon scenery, and said lightly in his heart: "I hope I won't let you down." The boss’s wish is to successfully find the big lobster and take it back.”

Pay a fee to get off the bus at the pier, find a deserted beach, take off your clothes and jump into the sea. Boss Jing swims towards the open sea like a giant flexible fish.

"Look! It looks like someone jumped into the sea just now!" A girl yelled from a blind spot in the distance.

"Don't talk nonsense. You're so drunk that you can't even walk unsteadily. You're hallucinating." The girl's boyfriend helped her walk away.

"Hiccup~" The girl gave a belch that smelled of alcohol, and said naively: "Maybe I did see it wrong. Let's go back and have a few more drinks."

Boss Jing didn't know that someone had seen him. He was swimming towards the open sea at a very high speed. A school of fish met him and was quickly left behind.

"The sea water here is generally deeper, more than 100 meters in most areas, but I only need to swim at a depth of 4 meters. I can wait until I am near the shipwreck before diving. This will save more effort." The boss thought silently in his heart, paddling quickly with both hands and feet, making his speed a little faster.

Time passed, and when Boss Jing was halfway through the sea, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he saw not far to his right, a big turtle and a small turtle swimming in tandem.

"Eh, big tortoise? No, tortoise and tortoise seem to be different. Forget it, ask the boss if you have a chance in the future. The omnipotent and omniscient boss will definitely know." Boss Jing was stunned, and saw the diameter of the back shell of the big turtle. It's about 1.5 meters long. Counting the head, limbs, etc., it's more than 2 meters long. This is really a big guy.

The length of small turtles is only about one meter, which is not at the same level as large turtles.

Since the big turtle swims farther with each stroke of the water, in order to catch up with the big turtle, the little turtle has to speed up the frequency of paddling in the water - it looks like the big turtle is swimming leisurely, while the little turtle has tight claws. Teng Teng, silly and cute.

"Hiss~ This big turtle should be a great tonic. Maybe you can catch it and give it to the boss to make soup. But if such a big turtle makes soup, how big a pot will it need?" Boss Jing was confused and couldn't help but think. Have fun.

He ignored the big turtle and accelerated his swimming towards the stone shipwreck, quickly leaving the big and small turtles behind.

Dong dong dong~

The undercurrent on the seabed made a dull sound, and it was already late at night when Boss Jing came to the stone shipwreck.

"The 55 treasure chests have been completely removed, and the bombed stone shipwreck has now become a treasure place for fish to play hide and seek." Boss Jing saw groups of 5 cm long blue fish swimming freely. Wander around dilapidated shipwrecks.

"Looking for lobsters!" Boss Jing simply circled around the sunken ship, and then swam to the north. After circling around in the north, he didn't find any big lobsters. He had no choice but to look south, west, and north, but there were no lobsters at close range. Searching further to the bottom of the sea, he gradually became a little discouraged.

"It's not like the big lobsters have left, right? Don't be discouraged, do your best, and obey fate." Boss Jing was swimming on the dark bottom of the sea. In the process, he also saw an ugly electric ray more than one meter long, but there was no Ignore it.

When Boss Jing swam past a hill that was more than 200 meters high and covered a large area, his pupils shrank for a moment. On the other side of the hill on the bottom of the sea, he saw dense lobsters lying among the clumps of seaweed. At first glance, There were probably tens of thousands of them up there.

"Hiss~ Did I break into a lobster nest!? Pretend to be pretending and pack as many lobsters back as possible." Boss Jing took out an expandable fishnet bag from a small pocket on the left side of his underwear. : "Hey, some lobsters have already laid eggs? Priority will be given to the lobsters that have laid eggs!".

Boss Jing picked up a large lobster weighing one kilogram. The latter struggled violently with his claws, but to no avail. There were hundreds of dark brown lobster eggs attached to the shell of the lobster's belly.

"I can feel the strong vitality emanating from each lobster egg. The boss will definitely like these little guys after seeing it. Maybe he will be able to eat big lobsters raised in the fishery soon." Boss Jing carefully opened the big lobster The lobsters were stuffed into the net bag. He originally wanted to pack as many lobsters as possible, but considering that the crowded situation might damage the lobster eggs, he only took away 12 female lobsters with eggs.

… …

When Jing Boss returned to Neverland, it was already around 9 o'clock the next day. Li Shu, Jing Lao Er, and Jing Lao San were loading cages of yellow-bearded shrimp onto the shrimp ship.

The 100-meter-long shrimp ship will transport 60 tons of yellow-bearded shrimp, totaling 150 million ringgit, to Singapore and hand it over to Li Shu's senior brother Liu Yuan. Now yellow-bearded shrimp is indeed popular among many people in the small area of Singapore. sought after.

The scorching sun spread its scorching rays on the hundred-meter-long mottled shrimp boat. After the delivery was completed, the shrimp boat began to buzz away, and a white line was drawn in the sea water.

"Hua Hua Hua~" The sparkling sea water is rippling, white waves are washed up on the shore, and the leaves of the trees on the dream island are rustling in the wind.

"How's it going?" Li Shu, Jing Lao Er and others swam ashore from the sea and looked at Jing Lao Da Dao expectantly.

"Hehe, I live up to the boss's expectations." Boss Jing moved a large water tank from the helicopter. 12 large lobsters holding eggs were swimming in the water tank, and some were waving their pincers to fight with each other.

"Have you laid eggs? Not bad! Boss Jing, you have done a great job in completing the task I gave you." Li Shu's eyes flashed with surprise. He had not had too high hopes that Boss Jing could find the big lobster before. Big expectations.

It’s great if you can find it, but if you can’t find it, you can just go to the fish market and buy it.

"It seems that these 12 large lobsters are the seedlings of the large lobsters in the fishery. No, the meat quality of various lobsters is different. Let's culture a few first and try them out. If the meat quality is really delicious, then use them as seedlings." Li Shu directed Jing Lao Er and Jing Lao San to move the water tank containing the big lobster to the beach in the northwest corner of Neverland.

He first took out some chalcedony spiritual water and fed it to 12 large female shrimps. The female shrimps happily swallowed the chalcedony spiritual water, and their eyes were filled with spirituality for a moment. The lobster eggs in their abdomens also began to grow at an accelerated pace, and soon they became It becomes a large lobster only a few millimeters long.

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(End of chapter)