Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 230: Rejected Cao Cao


Cao Cao was also very surprised to meet Li Shu in the mall. He looked at Li Shu with a helpless face and said: "I heard that Vecna was in the mall, so I came to find her. She is the fourth one I want to marry. Wife."

Cao Cao is an aborigine, and the law allows him to marry four wives.

This floor of the mall is a children's play area, with many facilities such as slides and trampolines. You can see human cubs running around everywhere, and of course you can hear the happy laughter of children.

"Ahem." Li Shu's pupils shrank, his eyes glanced between Cao Cao and Vecna in shock, and he said in disbelief: "You... you, it turns out... ".

"What the heck, I didn't agree to him." Vecna stamped her foot angrily, glared at Li Shu and Cao Cao, then turned away and walked away. At the same time, a voice came from far away: "Your sister is here She’s playing in position 8 on the trampoline, just go and find her there.”.

Li Shu looked around and soon saw No. 8 in the trampoline area on the right. His sister Li Yao was jumping on the trampoline with several little girls of about the same age, smiling and looking extremely excited.

Jing Laoer was nearby to protect the little girl, and Li Shu nodded in relief.

"Brother, brother, come here and play on the trampoline?" The little girl had sharp eyes and shouted when she saw the plum tree.

"You go ahead and play!! Haha." Li Shu responded loudly with a smile.

Vecna left, Cao Cao's face was full of disappointment, and he said goodbye directly in a low mood. Seeing Cao Cao's back gradually disappearing among the people in the shopping mall, Li Shu frowned slightly: "Cao Cao won't blame me, right? Vecna said she is dating me, will Cao Cao believe it? ".

Tonight, Li Shu, the little girl, and Jing Lao Er, Jing Lao San live in Danguan City. Li Shu directly opened a presidential suite in the best five-star hotel "Celtic Hotel", and the little girl , Jing Lao Er and Jing Lao San share a room, which is great.

"The decoration of the presidential suite is just good." The little girl patted the wall covered with high-end ceramic tiles and said with a sweet voice.

"Okay, get some rest early. We'll go back to Neverland tomorrow morning." Li Shu touched the little girl's head and turned to leave.

The presidential suite comes with a small gym. Li Shu is running on a treadmill with a milky white shell. He can just watch the beauties in bikinis coming and going in the leisure area in front of the hotel through the window.

The leisure area is built in the small square in front of the hotel. Three rows of tropical trees are slowly swaying in the night breeze. The designed lounge chairs are quite beautiful under the bunches of orange lights. There are men and women sitting there. There, we ate late-night snacks while the night breeze blew, chatted and played, and the relaxed and leisurely atmosphere spread.

"Their life looks so easy." Li Shu ran 10 kilometers on the treadmill and said as he wiped the sweat from his neck after coming down.

Early the next morning, Li Shu, the little girl, Jing Lao Er and Jing Lao San took a helicopter back to Neverland, and the big yellow dog came to greet them happily as usual.

"Woof woof woof ~ humming chirping~" The big yellow dog was very excited, and a thick big tail shook wildly. Occasionally, the tail would hit the grass blades on the stone roadside, and the grass blades would fly away.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak~" The white squirrel also jumped over and scurried up to the right shoulder of the plum tree. It hugged its big fluffy tail and complained pitifully to the thrush flying over.


Li Shu saw the white squirrel's tearful appearance and then saw it hugging its big fluffy tail, and instantly understood what had happened.


The thrush originally wanted to fly to the plum tree's shoulder, but when he saw the white squirrel jump on the plum tree's shoulder first, he turned in the air and landed on the trunk of a cocoa tree. He trimmed his hair to cover it up. of guilty conscience.

"Thrush, don't think about secretly pecking the hair on the squirrel's tail. Although the hair on its tail does look soft and beautiful, it's other people's hair. It won't look good if you pluck it bald." Li Shu said helplessly. He walked under the cocoa tree, raised his head and touched the thrush's little head with his fingertips.

The blackbird always wants to pluck other people's hair to embroider its nest. Even the plum tree was plucked by the hair on its legs. Although it didn't pull it off, the pain was still fresh in the plum tree's memory.

Of course, Thrush's favorite thing is the hairs on the white squirrel's big tail, but it has never picked up even one of them, because the little squirrel protects its big tail very well, and Thrush will run away as soon as it gets close to it.

After breakfast, Li Shu called Jing Lao, Jing Lao and Jing Lao San into the Herb Garden, picked a small green cucumber with yellow flowers on its head and ate it. Li Shu glanced at his three generals: "Later, Let's plant two more crops of wheat, and then grind the harvested wheat into flour.

Jing Lao is responsible for drawing shallow trenches at appropriate distances on the ground; Jing Lao is responsible for sowing wheat seeds and burying soil; I am responsible for watering; Jing Lao San is responsible for harvesting. Finally, the others finish their part and go together. Help Jinglaosan harvest. ".

"Okay, boss." Boss Jing and the other three agreed.

The four people are like hard-working bees or assembly line workers. The 10 plots of land from 26 to 35 grow wheat at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wheat matures, is harvested, and then the wheat roots are pulled out and planted again.

After the second harvest of wheat was finished, Li Shu sat down on the wheat, and the golden wheat rustled as he sat on it.

"Huh~ Artificially growing wheat is about the same as artificially growing rice. It's really tiring." Li Shu wiped his sweat and watched Boss Jing and the other two pulling out wheat roots.

"It feels like growing wheat is like playing a farm game. Well, it's a farm game where you have money to buy fertilizer... But reality is not a game after all, because in reality, every strand of wheat has to be bent down to cut by yourself. It's so tiring. ."


The wheat was threshed and packed into bags. He held a large handful of yellow-brown wheat grains in his palm and watched the wheat grains clattering back into the bag through the gaps between his fingers. Li Shu finally felt the joy of harvest in his heart.

"Sister! What do you want to eat tonight?" Li Shu turned around and shouted. Just now, my sister also worked hard to help beat the wheat and put in a lot of hard work.

"Hmm... let's eat the meat buns." The little girl was chewing a piece of watermelon. The light red watermelon juice stained her delicate cheeks. She said with an expectant voice: "Yes, I want to eat big meat." The bag is super fragrant! ".

"Well, it seems that I haven't eaten meat buns for several months." Li Shu said, turning back to Jinglaodao: "Fly a helicopter to Danguan City to sell meat, and buy some fennel on the way."

Li Shu knew that the little girl loved to eat fennel buns.

"Okay, boss." Jinglao Dalian agreed. After washing his hands, he walked towards the helicopter. Soon the helicopter's propeller began to rotate and then flew to Danguan City.

The helicopter jumped over the sea and flew over the pier. Several young people near the pier followed the helicopter overhead until they lost sight of it.

"Brother, it should be the helicopter that came out of Neverland." A young man said to the leading young man.

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(End of chapter)