Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 246: BBQ


Vecna was not interested in "Forest Ice and Fire Man" at first, but after getting started, the more she played, the more interesting it became, and she gradually became a little obsessed.

"This game is really good. The picture quality and sound effects are very good. It also tests your intelligence when you pass the level. It's just suitable for a smarter girl like me." Vecna took a sip of the red wine in the goblet. Said with a smile.

"Ahem." Li Shu took a sip of red wine, but almost choked on Vecna's words.

"Did I say something wrong?" Vecna glanced at Li Shu with her beautiful eyes, and stretched her white and tender right hand towards Li Shu's waist. There was a hint of danger in her smiling tone: "Did I say something wrong? Hmm. ?".

"Ahem, yes, yes." Li Shulian stood up. He saw that Vecna's cheeks were flushed after drinking red wine, especially the water in her big eyes. He realized that the atmosphere was suddenly a bit charming, and Lian looked at Heavy rain outside:

"It is said that this is a heavy rain that occurs once in a thousand years in Danguan City. I am afraid that many citizens will suffer."

Vecna immediately said in a low tone: "Yes, Tanguan City or the whole of Malaysia is located in the tropics, with heavy rainfall, and several or even dozens of large and small floods occur every year. It is very difficult for ordinary people to If you save a little bit of money, you may be instantly destitute in a small flood. ".

Realizing that the topic was a bit heavy, Li Shu suddenly said: "It's indeed quite tragic. During the day today, I saw a women's high-heeled shoe floating and being washed away in the rain. The black shoe was inlaid with rhinestones. The high heels are quite beautiful, and its owner must also be a beautiful woman.

It's quite miserable to think about it. A beautiful woman, soaked all over and with one snow-white foot bare, walked across the road like a drowned rat, went up the stairs, and went home. ".

"Pfft~" The corner of Vecna's mouth suddenly raised, and she rolled her eyes at Li Shu: "If the shoes are good-looking, the owner will be good-looking, right? Then a girl with an average appearance is not worthy of wearing beautiful shoes?"

Li Shu: "Ah...".

Vecna stood up and straightened her clothes: "Okay, the forest ice and fire man has reached level 27. He has died several times in this level, and the subsequent levels are getting more and more difficult.

But - Brave Niu Niu, not afraid of difficulties! Let’s go get something to eat, and when we come back after a late night snack, we can continue playing! It's raining heavily outside, and we are playing games beautifully inside. This is so happy! ".

Vecna raised her left upper arm straight, and made a vertical movement with her forearm to show off her biceps.

Li Shu put the empty red wine glass back on the table and twitched the corner of his mouth: "What the hell is a brave cow who is not afraid of difficulties?"

"You don't know even if I tell you.".

"Then I won't ask.".

The two left the study. The white squirrel jumped on the right shoulder of the plum tree and left. After leaving the study, he turned right and walked through the 1-meter-wide corridor. After walking about 8 meters, he turned right and came directly to the second kitchen.

"Hiss~ How many kitchens do you have in your house? There seems to be a kitchen on the right side when you first enter the door. I accidentally saw it when I came here; and then counting the kitchens for cooking at noon and evening, there are three kitchens. "Li Shu said in surprise, he felt that Vecna's house was like a maze.

Vecna's house is a large flat floor of 400 square meters. Compared with the villa where Li Shu lives, the area of 400 square meters is actually average. However, the design of Vecna's house is very "refined". For example, the kitchen where they are now only has At about 5 square meters, the sparrow has all the internal organs even though it is small.

The villa where Li Shu lived definitely didn't have such a small room.

"There are four kitchens in total, one of which is used by the servants."

"Let's have a barbecue. There is a piece of mutton in the refrigerator, and there are some bottles and jars of seasonings here." Vecna opened the refrigerator and showed Li Shu a piece of mutton weighing more than two kilograms. She looked at it eagerly. Li Shu was obviously seeking Li Shu’s opinion.

"You... know how to barbecue?" Li Shu asked.

"Um... No." Vecna said honestly. She changed the topic and raised her chin proudly: "But I can eat! I can eat a lot!"

"Ahem, it's true that you can eat a lot! If I lose, I lose." Li Shu said with a smile and asked Vecna to find the "electric grill" while he put on his gloves and put on a piece of food in the refrigerator. Take out the big lump of mutton and start slicing it.

Swish, brush, brush~

The shimmering blade turned into afterimages, and pieces of mutton as thin as cicada wings were quickly cut out. Vecna felt a strange sense of beauty.

"Hiss~ Your action of cutting the mutton is so cool. Is frozen mutton so easy to cut?" Vecna's eyes were full of curiosity.

"You can try." Li Shu smiled and handed the knife to Vecna.

"Just give it a try." Vecna rolled up her sleeves and took the knife. When she cut it down, the blade only entered 2 centimeters into the meat, and then it got caught in the meat. She couldn't cut or pull it out.

Looking at Vecna, whose face turned red, Li Shulian took the knife with a smile, pressed the meat with his gloved left hand, and cut with the knife in his right hand, swishing ~ pieces of mutton were cut out again in an instant.

"I can't cut it even though I try my best, but look how easy it is for you to cut the meat." Vecna said with envy as she looked at the mutton that rolled up slightly after being cut out.

"Because I am strong, the pain of exercising every day is not in vain." Li Shu said with a smile.

Soon the mutton was cut, and a half-meter-long black electric grill was placed on the table outside. When the power was turned on, the green light came on. Put the pieces of mutton on it, and sprinkle with a little salt, cumin powder, chili powder and other seasonings. , a meaty aroma soon spread out.

"Hiss~ It smells so good. This smell is so tempting." Vecna's eyes widened and she swallowed slightly.

The thin slices of meat were quickly rolled and grilled, and the little bits of oil sizzled, making even Li Shu swallow involuntarily.


Li Shu drank beer and ate barbecue, and cheered from time to time.



"Eat a big mouthful of barbecue and drink a big mouthful of beer. Life is so happy." Vecna ate 4 to 5 slices of barbecue in one bite, and then drank beer with a happy expression on her face.

"Your barbecue skills are very good. I'm afraid you are not inferior to many barbecue masters who have been working for decades."

"In fact, many people have been grilling barbecue for decades, but if some shortcomings have never been improved, then I am afraid that the barbecue will still be an ordinary barbecue. What I bake now is an ordinary barbecue... This mutton is really good, eat it. It tastes great.".

"So that's it. What you said makes sense. I also asked the property management company to help me buy this mutton at 1,000 ringgit/kg."

"Hi~ So expensive.".

"It doesn't matter if it's more expensive, it tastes really good, doesn't it? Haha." Vecna smiled.


Li Shu's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was a video invitation from his college classmate Fan Biao. After asking for Vecna's opinion, Li Shu connected to the video invitation.

"Damn it, Ashu, I saw on the news that Danguan City is experiencing a heavy rainstorm that only happens once in a thousand years. Are you okay on the island... Hey, there seems to be a beautiful woman opposite you." Fan Biao, whose face was full of pits, shouted.

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(End of chapter)