Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 257: 257 varieties of corn and edamame


After simply washing his face, Li Shu took the little girl and left the north villa, walking along the dry and clean stone road to Baicao Garden.

The sun was no longer so dazzling at three o'clock in the afternoon. The big yellow dog ran in front, and its shadow was stretched long.


The door of the Baicao Garden was opened, and the plum tree, the little girl and the big yellow dog entered. The fruitful garden came into view, and the fresh air made people feel comfortable.

"Hiss~ the air here is so good, it's full of life when you look around." Li Shu closed his eyes and took a deep breath of air, then exhaled the turbid air, smiled at the big yellow dog and said: "Caigou, what do you want to eat this time?" vegetable?".

The big yellow dog is a veritable "vegetable dog". Perhaps because the vegetables in the Herb Garden are cultivated with chalcedony spiritual water, the big yellow dog likes to eat the vegetables here.


After thinking about it, the big yellow dog ran directly to the cucumber patch. Green cucumber vines were climbing on the bamboo poles. The roots were thick and long. The cucumbers were hanging in the air, and some of them had small yellow flowers growing on the tops.


The big yellow dog looked longingly at a cucumber hanging in the air and signaled the plum tree to pick this one.

"Giggle, the big yellow dog is so smart. He always eats the most upright-looking cucumber." The little girl said with a smile.

"The big yellow dog is very shrewd. It doesn't like ugly cucumbers." Li Shu smiled and picked off the cucumber. The nearly 40 cm long cucumber was covered with a layer of translucent spikes. These The sharp thorns pricked my hand slightly, but they all fell off after I gently stroked them with my hands.

Take out a knife and make a small cut near the top, then gently break off a 3 cm long cucumber segment.


The 3 cm long cucumber segments were thrown to the big yellow dog. The latter reached forward with its long mouth to catch the cucumber segments and chewed the cucumber segments with a happy expression in its eyes.

Swish, swish, swish~ Sections of cucumbers were eaten by the big yellow dog. When all the cucumbers were eaten, Li Sha happened to bring the seeds of corn and soybeans.

"Brother Li Shu, I brought 20 corn seeds and 40 soybean seeds." Li Sha smiled and handed the seeds to Li Shu, along with a small triangular shovel.

"Well, you go pick a big watermelon. We will eat watermelon later and choose a riper one." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Okay, Brother Li Shu." Li Sha said with a smile. He can take December's leave tomorrow, and can rest for 6 days in a row, so he is very happy today.

Although working in Neverland is easy and has good benefits, he still has to work after all. He is more happy to take a vacation and rest, and he misses his wife at a young age.

The plum tree, the little girl, and the big yellow dog came to plot 35. There was a "small melon and durian tree" planted in plot 36 next to it. Some of the durians were already "smiling", a bit like an alien opening its mouth.

"Plant 20 corn plants and 40 beans should be enough to eat." Li Shu said while digging the soil with a small shovel. He suddenly turned around and said to Li Sha: "Li Sha, after you finish picking the watermelons, put the barbecue grill in later." Move out, let's have grilled fish tonight... Damn it, Li Sha, there's a big mosquito on your left calf!!"

Li Sha was originally looking for watermelons in the watermelon field, followed the melons, and then pulled open the watermelon leaves that were larger than the palm of his hand. Each one was as big as a pillow, and the large watermelons with colorful skin were exposed in front of him.

What he didn't know was that as soon as he entered the watermelon field, a mutated black mosquito landed silently on his left calf. The long and thin "needle" penetrated directly without fear of the thick leg hair. In Li Sha's flesh, bits of sweet blood were sucked into the stomach by mosquitoes.

Li Sha sometimes bent down and sometimes stood up in the watermelon field, walked and knocked, but it did not affect the mosquito's blood-sucking. The mosquito's abdomen became larger and redder at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Huh?" Li Sha was startled when he heard Li Shu's reminder. Then he slapped the black mosquito on his leg while yelling and scolding, and the slap brought up a few strong winds: "Damn, you still suck this stinky mosquito." My blood!? Let’s see if I don’t beat you to death!”.

Unfortunately, although the abdomen has been filled with a large amount of blood, the mosquito is still extremely sensitive. It can escape Li Sha's slap by floating around, and fly provocatively around Li Sha's head, buzzing~ The voice is full of ridicule, as if you can't hit me anymore, I'm just so strong, just a little bit~

"Damn it, you stinky mosquito is actually laughing at me!" Li Sha was furious. He clasped his hands together to swat the mosquitoes flying in the air. The snapping sound of his palms together echoed in the air. Unfortunately, the mosquitoes always moved around. After circling a few times, it rose up and flew away.

Li Sha's attempt to fight mosquitoes ended in failure, and a very itchy bump swelled up on his leg. The bump was three times the size after being bitten by an ordinary mosquito. The top was slightly red and looked extremely scary.

"Li Sha, are you okay? Let Uncle Hai apply some anti-itching water on you." Li Shu frowned. The black mosquito knew that Li Shu was fast, so he didn't come to him at all.

"Oh, it's no big deal." Li Sha picked the large watermelon with flower skin that he had chosen and ran out of the Baicao Garden quickly.

Li Shu shook his head slightly. He had no good solution to the last black mosquito in the Herb Garden. He dug a large number of shallow pits and buried corn or soybean seeds. The round, golden soybean seeds were like gold. Like beads.

Take out some chalcedony spiritual water from the white jade ring and pour a little chalcedony spiritual water into each hole. Soon the seedlings will sprout out of the ground and grow vigorously.

Leaves grow, stems bloom, pods grow, corn grows.

In just about 20 minutes, the soybeans grew to a height of 80 centimeters, and the corns also grew to a height of 2 meters. After artificial pollination, Li Shu said: "The growth rate has slowed down. Okay, I estimate that it will be ready to eat by around 8 p.m. Now, let’s get out of here and go grill fish.”.

"Yeah." Looking at the dozens of beans and corns growing, the little girl licked the corner of her mouth with eager eyes.

When the two of them and the dog left the Baicao Garden, Li Shu looked back and took another look. He felt that the last black mosquito should be quietly watching him under a certain green leaf.

"How can I catch this black mosquito? It gives me a headache. This mosquito is about to become a sperm. It's not a thief." Li Shu said with a slight frown.


Gorgeous fire clouds appeared on the horizon, and the beautiful red light reflected the sparkling waves of the roaring sea.

Zila Zila~

The large yellow croaker was scaled, gutted and deboned, then cut into thumb-long strips, grilled over a charcoal fire, sprinkled with chili powder and cumin powder, and an extremely alluring aroma lingered. A faint smog of smoke emanated.

"Meow~" [I want to eat fish.]

The big orange cat pushed the plum tree with its small paws, raising its big round head, its eyes full of desire.

"Go, go, you stupid cat, stay away, otherwise your fur may be burned later." Li Shu gently pushed it away with his feet.

"Meow!" The big orange cat pretended to bite the plum tree's foot.

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(End of chapter)