Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 26: Catch fish


"Your grandpa should be going to Nanwa. Take the north road, that way is closer." Grandma explained.

"Okay." Li Shu pushed the "big iron donkey" out of the utility room. The tires were full of air. He patted the light dust on the car seat, pushed it out the door and rode away.


The wind whistled in Li Shu's ears, and the cold wind blew directly in the hot weather. He only felt that his whole body was extremely cool. Occasionally, when he met a villager he knew, he would call him uncle or aunt, and then leave in a hurry.

Villagers who are greeted by Li Shu often say "Hmm" or "Ah", and then follow Li Shu with puzzled eyes. Only when people around him remind him, "This is the grandson of the Dachui family" do they suddenly realize - it turns out. The grandson of the Dachui family has grown so big!

With the willows and cicadas chirping, Li Shu rode his bicycle to Nanwa. He saw an old man wearing a straw hat bending down to pick wheat from a hundred meters away.

The characteristic of the Erba Dabang bicycle is that it has no brakes or supports, so Li Shu has to use the soles of his shoes to "rubb" the rapidly rotating front wheel in advance, rub rub rub~ the dirt on the tires is flying, and the soles of Li Shu's shoes are all Being rubbed hot.

"It's really a waste of shoes." He parked the bicycle at the edge of the field, used a wooden stick as thick as his arm as a support to prop up the bicycle, and Li Shu ran towards the depths of the field.

"Grandpa, go home for dinner!"

Grandpa was a little hard of hearing. He didn't hear the sound until Li Shu was almost there. He turned around and said with surprise on his face: "Little tree!? When did you come back?"

"I came back a while ago, let's go home, Grandpa, it's too hot in the stubble field." Li Shu said.

There are still wheat stubble about 20 centimeters high on the ground, which is buzzing. From time to time, a large green grasshopper flies by, its wings vibrate the air, and bursts of noise are heard.

"When I left home, I just felt that it was a pity to throw all this wheat in the ground. When I was a child, I could only eat flour during the holidays..." Grandpa was a little sad.

When the two came to the end of the field, Li Shu found that there were four or five wheat sheaves in the carriage of the dog riding the rabbit. There were sharp awns on the golden ears of wheat. Li Shu's heart twitched when he saw it.

"Grandpa, let me ride the dog and the rabbit."

"Okay, then I'll ride the big donkey."

Li Shu and his grandfather rode back. The dust rolled over by the wheels rose and rolled like clouds. The hot sunshine along the way almost made people faint.

Li Shu, the eldest grandson, is grandma's treasure, so the lunch is very rich. Grandma not only stewed chicken, but also went to the store on the street to buy grilled fish, grilled shrimp, beef, ham, etc.

"The chicken stewed by grandma is so delicious. When I was in school, I dreamed of eating the chicken stewed by grandma at night. The taste is really amazing." Li Shu praised it.

Grandma was so happy that she almost smiled out of her eyes. She kept picking up chicken legs for Li Shu and said, "If it's delicious, eat more. There's still more in the pot."

The meal was extremely satisfying. After clearing the table, the three of them chatted. The main reason was that grandma and grandma were curious about Li Shu's life. Li Shu patiently told them, and of course, he reported good news but not bad news.

"Hey~" Grandpa sat on the chair and sighed: "It's time for you to get a girlfriend. Look at the grandson of the "Three Hats" in front of you. He must be a classmate of yours in elementary school. Now his children are running all over the floor. .”

Li Shu looked embarrassed for a moment, and kept saying, "Girlfriend, there will be one, sooner or later there will be one."

Grandpa and grandma went to the east room to take a nap, while Li Shu climbed into the bed in the west room, played with his mobile phone for a while and then fell asleep.

He woke up at 1:30 in the afternoon. After scrolling on his phone for a while, he felt bored and walked to the yard. He went to the vegetable patch to pick a green cucumber with yellow flowers on its head and white thorns all over its body to taste.


The tender cucumber is very moist, and when you take a bite and chew it, a refreshing fragrance spreads instantly.

"The afternoon sun is really hot, and these silly chickens are also screaming so annoyingly, hiss~ Even the leaves of the trees are roasted and wilted." Li Shu walked out of the door while gnawing cucumbers and came to Enjoy the shade under the peach tree on the right.

The peach branches more than 3 meters high are lush with leaves, and many fist-sized peaches are slightly red, looking very attractive.

The air on the road seemed to be distorted by the sun, and the whole village seemed to be taking a nap, with a peaceful atmosphere wafting around.


From the west of the village, a young man carrying a red bucket walked over, striding forward with a happy smile on his face, and jumping up and down from time to time.

"Er Gou! What are you doing!!"

Li Shu's sudden shout startled the young man. The latter looked at Li Shu and said, "What the hell, Ashu!? When did you come back? Let's go fishing together! There is a section on the west side of the river where the water is almost gone." Done."

"Wait for me for a while, I'll go too." Li Shu jumped into the house and soon came out carrying a red bucket.

"Er Gou" is the grandson of "Three Hats" whom grandpa calls "Three Hats". He is also Li Shu's elementary school classmate. He just stopped studying after elementary school and began to contract farmland with his father "Big Gou". Now their family has bought Large harvesters, rotary cultivators, seeders, etc.

The two came all the way to the river and found that the river had stopped flowing. In front of them was a large mud pit 10 meters long and 5 meters wide. From time to time, a finger-long fish emerged from the water to breathe fresh air.

"What a great place!" Li Shu's eyes widened and he began to take off his shoes and put on the high-top rain boots he had brought.

"Haha, of course, I've been staring at this place for a week. Before the news gets out, let's fish it out quickly!" Ergou laughed loudly, also changed his shoes and started to enter the water.

The bottom of the river is full of black mud, and it reaches your knees as soon as you step down.

"Holy shit, it's a big fish!" Li Shu didn't expect to catch something as soon as he entered the water. My palms that reached into the muddy water directly touched the body of a fish, and then I quickly closed my hands and pinched it.

"Hey, I'm afraid it weighs a pound. This size is definitely a big fish in this river!" Ergou was on the other side of the puddle and couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the plum tree.

"Luck, let's compete to see who touches more."

"Okay, let's compare."

Immediately afterwards, the fish almost burst into the pond. Small crucian carp weighing one or two, two or two, slippery black loach, and small carp weighing three or three were picked up and thrown into the bucket one by one.

But soon a group of young people ranging from teenagers to thirty years old came running, carrying buckets of various sizes, shouting and making noisy noises. Someone must have seen Li Shu and the two fishing, and went home to call People have gone.

"Ashu, when did you come back?"

"Oh, you touched a lot!"

"Let's drink together tonight!"

Many young people knew Li Shu and came up to greet him one after another. Li Shu felt that he had made a mistake. He should have bought a pack of cigarettes and brought them with him so that everyone could relax.

The afternoon sun was no longer so bright. People who woke up from their nap heard people fishing by the river, and they all went to watch the fun, causing more and more people to gather by the river.

After Li Shu touched a bucket of fish, he stopped touching it. He greeted everyone and carried the bucket back to grandma's house. He handed the fish to grandma who woke up to handle it. He washed his hands and feet, put on his shoes and came to the river again. .

Huh~ The rivers on the front, back, left and right were already crowded with people, and the fish in the previous small pit had been touched. At this time, three diesel engines obtained by someone unknown were connected to the pipes and began to pump out the fish in a larger pit on the right. water.

Da da da~

Bursts of black smoke jumped out from the chimney of the diesel engine, spread out, and slowly became thinner.

Amidst the roar of the machine, Li Shu realized that all the fish in the larger puddle on the right should also be caught.

(End of chapter)