Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 262: Beach loungers for a relaxing life


A 20-pound super-large "Dream Lobster", even if the hard-as-steel shell is removed, there is still a lot of meat, which is enough for everyone to eat.

The noon sun shines on the floor through the glass, squatting on the orange cat next to the dining table, and lying on the big yellow dog on the floor.

"Hiccup." Wang Tianyuan, who had a black mole in the corner of his left eye, burped. He patted his belly and looked at the big orange cat: "This lobster meat is really delicious. If the top-quality Australian dragon I have ever eaten is On a scale of 70 points, this dreamy lobster is a 100 points!

Eh... Ashu, why do I feel like your cat is always glaring at me sideways? Look, look, it's squinting at me again! Just now I thought it was my imagination, but now it seems that it is really staring at me. ".

Wang Tianyuan changed the subject and said in a surprised tone, then looked at the plum tree in shock, and then at the fat orange cat squatting on the ground.

"Ahem, this cat usually looks at people like this." Li Shu lied without blinking. As soon as his heart moved, he knew why the big orange cat hated Wang Tianyuan. Before Wang Tianyuan became myopic, he recognized the big orange cat as a dog. This It's the little kitten who holds a grudge.

Li Shu felt that the big orange cat had restrained himself enough if he didn't rush up and scratch Wang Tianyuan.

"Don't worry about the orange cat. By the way, you just mentioned the issue of selling dream lobsters. In fact, there is a batch of dream lobsters in Neverland. Most of them are caught from other sea areas and raised in the Neverland fishery. I can provide them. I’ll give you a portion of the lobster and see how the market responds.” Li Shu changed the subject.

"Really?" Wang Tianyuan's face was filled with surprise for a moment. He actually didn't think much of Dream Lobster before, because there were too many varieties of lobsters, such as Aolong, Bolong, Splendid Lobster, etc. The taste was relatively the same, but now it appears It will be very difficult for a new species of giant lobster to enter the market.

But after tasting the taste of "Dream Lobster", his mind completely changed. He did not expect that the taste of Dream Lobster could be so outstanding and taste far better than other lobsters - this is undoubtedly a huge advantage.

"As for the price..." Wang Tianyuan probed.

"I will give you 200 lobsters first to test the market response. Just compare the price with Australian lobsters first. If we want to cooperate for a long time in the future, we will discuss the specific price at that time." Li Shu said with a smile: "In addition to large lobsters, our fishery also produces Big yellow croaker is out! Although it is a farmed fish, it is not fed with feed and is completely free-range. The fish swims in a large amount and the meat is also very delicious. ".

"Uh, big yellow croaker, let's work together with yellow croaker and giant lobster first. We can talk about big yellow croaker later." Wang Tianyuan showed little interest in big yellow croaker.

When it came to farmed large yellow croaker, he immediately lost interest. Nowadays, there are many large yellow croakers farmed, and many large yellow croaker owners said that the meat quality of the large yellow croaker in their own fisheries is delicious and no worse than wild ones. However, in fact, the meat quality is much worse. A grade.

There was still a lot of lobster meat left. Li Shu took more than a pound of delicious large lobster meat, sprinkled it with a little seasoning, and then put most of it into the dog's plate, and a small part into the cat's plate. Big yellow dog, big orange The cat happily ate the delicious lobster meat with a happy face.

Wang Tianyuan stood nearby and marveled: "Ashu, I feel that the cats and dogs you raise are happier than most people. I am afraid that many people will not be able to eat this delicious lobster meat in their lifetime."

Li Shu smiled and said nothing.

Wang Tianyuan was not in a hurry to leave, so Li Shu asked Boss Jing to hold up a huge blue parasol on the beach, put two deck chairs in the shadows on both sides of the parasol, and placed a small wooden table in the middle of the deck chairs. Serve with some fruit.

Li Shu and Wang Tianyuan swam a few laps in the cool sea, admiring the beautiful coral scenery and gorgeous tropical fish on the seabed. Then they lay on the lounge chairs and chatted, admiring the blue sky and white clouds, and eating fruits.

"Ashu, I didn't expect that the bottom of Neverland is so beautiful. Those various corals are so beautiful." Wang Tianyuan, who was bare-chested and wearing shorts, was lying on the recliner on the right side, leaning up and picking up a piece of fruit from the fruit plate. Eating strawberries.

Li Shu was lying on the recliner on the left side with his hands on his pillow. From his sight, he could see the white clouds in the distant sky, the blue sky, the occasional flock of seagulls flying by, and the edges of the parasols fluttering in the sea breeze. Shake gently.

"The seabed in the south is the most beautiful, but the seabed in the north is much worse. It took me a lot of effort to maintain these corals, haha." Li Shu said with a smile.

It was already mid-to-late December 2017. It was already the late autumn season in Li Shu’s hometown, when the north wind was blowing, fallen leaves were falling, and everything was desolate, but in Neverland, it was still a hot weather with bright sunshine.

The two of them lay on the beach chairs and fell asleep, with the sea breeze blowing softly and coolly. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, a blackbird flew over and landed on the wooden table between the two deck chairs, jumping smartly: "Chirp, chirp~".

The thrush looked at the plum tree on the left, then at Wang Tianyuan on the right, and finally flew away with a big red strawberry in its mouth.

At about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the big yellow dog ran over with its tongue sticking out, circled the parasol twice, sniffed here and there, and then licked the plum tree's left calf twice, tilting its head and looking at the sleeping plum tree. , looked at it for several seconds before quickly leaving, leaving only a string of dog paw prints on the beach.

There is a quiet and peaceful atmosphere in the air, the slight breathing sounds of Li Shu and Wang Tianyuan are mixed with the sound of the rushing sea water.

"Huh?" Li Shu suddenly woke up on the recliner. He took a deep breath and sat up and looked at his watch. He found that it was already 2:42 pm. He moved his eyes to the right and found that Wang Tianyuan was still sleeping on the beach chair, lying sideways.

Li Shu went to the Baicao Garden and brought a flower-skinned watermelon. He cut the watermelon open on the small wooden table. The red flesh was covered with a layer of fine sand, and the watermelon seeds were like black gems.

Li Shu asked Wang Tianyuan to get up and eat watermelon. After the latter woke up, he took two deep breaths, rubbed his cheeks and said, "I slept really well this time. To tell you the truth, Ashu, I haven't slept so soundly in a long time." , I am so busy during the day and have insomnia at night, it is simply too painful.

When I came to your Neverland, my heart seemed to relax in an instant, and my irritable mood disappeared a lot... Hey, this watermelon is good, it's even covered in sand. ".

"Haha." Li Shu picked up a piece of watermelon and ate it. It tasted very good: "Then my Neverland may be a spiritual healing sanctuary like a paradise, suitable for a simple, relaxed, and comfortable slow-paced life."

Wang Tianyuan nodded his head and picked up the delicious watermelon to eat. His eyes suddenly brightened: "This watermelon is so delicious. I found that the fruits in your Neverland are so delicious. I even want to live here."

"Haha, you are welcome to come and play often when you have time in the future. It is already evening. Let's leave after dinner. I plan to stew a large yellow croaker at night. It should taste good." Li Shu said with a smile.

"That's good." Wang Tianyuan said happily instantly, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

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(End of chapter)