Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 27: Big purchase


The atmosphere by the river became lively. Li Shu saw the crowd gathering more and more, and shouted directly: "Gangzi, ask a few people to come with me, and I will buy beer for everyone."

"Here comes Brother Shu." Gangzi is a young man with a crew cut in jeans. When he was a child, he often went to elementary school with Li Shu and others: "Lao Sha, Bingzi, and Daya are walking around. Go to the canteen with Brother Shu. Brother Shu wants to go to school." Buy us something delicious."

Hearing Li Shu's name, a group of young people who were watching the excitement by the river immediately ran to the canteen, beaming with joy.

Inside the canteen.

The charming female boss smiled and said, "Uncle Xiaoshu? What do you want?"

The female boss had a very good figure, and the seven or eight young men following Li Shu all secretly glanced at her figure.

"Niece, do you have any cold beer? Come on, move them all away. Do you have any Chinese cigarettes? 10 first!" Li Shu, a wealthy man, waved directly.

The Chinese cigarettes at the canteen cost about a few hundred yuan a piece, and 10 cigarettes only cost a few thousand yuan, which is a drizzle.

"Damn it! You're so proud!" Gangzi's pupils shrank and he shouted.

"Brother Shu is awesome!"

"Brother Shu is so heroic!" The young people who were a few years younger than Li Shu looked at Li Shu with admiration.

"Well, there are still 6 and a half pieces of Chinese in total, some are hard and some are soft." The female boss kept checking the goods, and she suddenly regretted that she had bought too little.

"Then take all the Chinese cigarettes, the beer, and other mineral water, melon seeds, ham sausages, and snacks..." Li Shulian waved his hand and said, and instantly his image changed in the minds of all the friends. Become great.

Soon, like ants moving, a large amount of goods were moved to the river, free beer, drinks, and food were distributed, and the crowd exploded again.

"Ashu, you are rich!"

"This ice-cold beer tastes great. You should drink this beer in the summer! Ashu, the water in the pit will be drained soon. Do you want to go into the river!?"

"I won't go. I just caught a lot of fish in the small pit next to it." Li Shu walked to the river while eating an ice cream, and found that food, cigarettes, and beer had begun to be distributed, and many people People came up to say hello one after another, and from time to time there were groups of children running around, very excited.

"Gangzi, organize people to collect all the garbage."

"Okay, Brother Shu."

Li Shu almost bought out the canteen, but in the end he only spent more than 20,000 yuan, which was a drizzle. After all, he still had 1 million in his card, and it was a rare time to come back.

Each of the nearly 500 people at the scene was given some food, especially some children. Today's grand occasion was deeply imprinted in their minds. Even decades later, they still remember the scene that happened today. .

"Ouch! Charge!"

"Catch fish!"

"Big fish, big fish!"

When the water in the second 30-meter-long pit was almost exhausted, dozens of people began to rush into the river to catch fish. The scene became intense in an instant. Whoosh whoosh! One by one, wild carp jumped hard. When they moved, the mud splashed, and many fish fishermen had mud spots on their heads and bodies.

"Bah, bah, bah~ don't let the big fish get away!"

"Whoever catches it belongs to whoever catches it!"

"Grab the fish!"

From time to time, people fell into the muddy water. Li Shu and others stood on the shore laughing and giving random instructions: "Gangzi, there is a big fish behind your right thigh. It is spitting bubbles. Come on, come on, come on! It's about to run away!"

"Hey, this one is big, I'm afraid it weighs three kilograms... Damn it, it ran away, you bastards, don't steal my fish!"

Ergou was extremely excited, like a general taking the enemy's head among thousands of troops. He rushed left and right in the mud pond, almost catching a fish every time he made a move.

But Ergou's good days soon came to an end. When he came ashore, he was caught by his wife. He was like a clay figure. His wife pinched his ears with her right hand and shouted angrily: "Work!" Sometimes my arms or legs hurt, but it doesn’t hurt anymore when I’m catching fish!? Come home with me, I can’t finish catching so many fish, what’s the use?”

Ergou, who was covered in mud and dirt, looked dejected, but in the end he had no choice but to follow his wife home.

"Hahaha." Li Shu couldn't help laughing as he watched Ergou helplessly leave.

As time passed, the sun gradually became less blazing, the evening breeze blew, the sunset began to sink into the west, and the crowds originally gathered by the river began to disperse.

Stab, stab~

A piece of 7-8 cm long crucian carp. The internal organs and gills of the carp are removed. Then they are wrapped in flour and fried in an oil pan. After the carp is out of the pan, sprinkle with chili powder, cumin powder, and salt. A strong fragrance wafted out in an instant.

When the moon rises above the willow trees, Li Shu, grandpa and grandma sit around the dining table and start eating.


"Yeah!" After taking a bite of the fried fish, Li Shu's eyes suddenly brightened up: "It's crispy, the meat is delicious, and it tastes great!"

"The wild fish is indeed more delicious than the farmed fish." Grandpa also said with a smile: "After your grandma and I took a nap, we suddenly found that you were no longer around. We don't know where you went. , I didn’t expect you to catch fish, and I caught a lot of fish this time, enough for us to eat several meals.”

The meal was extremely satisfying. While they were eating, voices could be heard on the street. After they moved the small bench out, they found that a dozen old ladies had gathered in the small open space on the right side of the gate. and middle-aged women, and only two or three men.

The grandparents moved the benches and sat among the crowd, and naturally cut into the topic and chatted with everyone. The big lotus leaf fans fanned away all the mosquitoes that wanted to eat.

Li Shu sat on the right side of the crowd, listening in the soft night breeze to everyone talking about household issues, such as - whose couple had a quarrel, whose boy was caught stealing money, whose daughter was pregnant, and Have egg prices increased recently, and will pork prices continue to drop

Li Shu felt very quiet in his heart, and everyone's chatter seemed to have become a background sound. He looked up at the sky, and the stars hung in the sky like shining gems, twinkling and blinking.

"It feels like I'm back when I was a kid, as if time has slowed down." Li Shu stood up and walked slowly to the peach tree not far away, picked a peach back, used a knife to remove the peel, and then ate it with big mouthfuls: " Sweet and sour, so delicious~”

At 10 o'clock at night, everyone gradually dispersed. Li Shu, grandma, and grandpa returned home and quickly went to bed.

Early the next morning.

The morning sun shone gently on his face through the window, and a group of sparrows were chirping outside the window, making the sound a little noisy.

"Ah wow." Li Shu got up from the bed and walked to the toilet: "There was no thrush chirping in the morning, and suddenly I found that I was still very uncomfortable."

Li Shu stayed at home for four days in a row. In addition to catching fish and chasing rabbits, he seemed to be back to his childhood for a while, but the happy time passed quickly. After lunch that day, he returned to Lingxian County.

(End of chapter)