Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 326: 326 Extreme day and extreme night


Back in his bedroom, Li Shu dimmed the lights, leaned on the bedside and started scrolling through Moments on his phone.

Snow is flying outside the window, quiet and white.

inside the house.

The big yellow dog sleeps with his back on the bed. There is floor heating in the house so it doesn't get cold. The big orange cat, white squirrel and blackbird are nestled on the bedside. The big orange cat purrs one after another, and there seems to be a sense of tranquility floating in the air. .

"Post the photos you took today on your WeChat Moments!" Li Shu said with a smile, 9 photos forming a nine-square grid, and then captioned: [First day in Greenland!]

Li Shu then looked through his friends' Moments. When he liked and commented on other people's Moments, other people were also liking and commenting on him.

Xu Hao, Fan Biao, Ye Wenbo, Vecna, Yan Zhang, Li Sha, Yu Bingbing, Wang Tianyuan, Cao Cao and others were all commenting, and Li Shu replied to them.

Buzz buzz~

The phone suddenly vibrated. It turned out that Huang Yun had sent him a video invitation.

"Ashu, how is Greenland? I searched for information there. It is said that there is an aurora. I really want to see it." Huang Yun wore a light green skirt and was sitting cross-legged on the bed. While eating an apple, there is a laptop on the computer table at the end of the bed, with advertisements for variety shows playing on it.

"There should be an aurora, but we haven't seen it yet. It's just snowing heavily outside, and it's super beautiful." Li Shu posted a video of a big yellow dog rolling in the snow, and a big orange cat making cat face marks in the snow. For Huang Yun, this is what he just recorded.

"Wow, it's such a heavy snow, huh? What is the big orange cat doing with its face stuck in the snow?" Huang Yun's bed has a curtain, which is a small enclosed space.

"It's funny, she seems to want to print her face on the snow." Li Shu pointed the camera at the sleeping big orange cat next to him. The big orange cat, the white squirrel, and the blackbird were sleeping together. Sleeping with necks crossed, it looks very warm and harmonious.

"Haha, I feel like the three of them slept so soundly. I want to record the screen!" Huang Yun said and started recording the screen. "I read on the Internet that Greenland is super cold. The temperature in winter can reach more than minus 50 degrees, right? real?".

Knowing that Li Shu had gone to Greenland, Huang Yun searched for a lot of information about Greenland. She had never known that there was a place like Greenland in the world before.

"Well, Greenland is very big, with more than 2 million square kilometers and thousands of kilometers from north to south." Li Shu said with a smile: "The middle of the island and the north are covered with permafrost, and even glaciers that have not melted for thousands of years. Those places are still Of course it’s very cold in the polar night area.”

"The capital we are in now is in the southwest corner, which is not in the Arctic Circle. In the summer, the ice and snow will melt and flowers and plants will grow. The temperature here is not that cold.

Besides, we are all wearing cotton-padded clothes and there is floor heating indoors, so it won’t be cold. By the way, there is a big event tomorrow - the dog sled race. I will send you the game footage when the time comes. ".

"Okay, okay." Huang Yun was very happy, and she suddenly asked: "What is the polar night? Some say that Greenland has polar day, and some say it has polar night. I am confused."

Li Shu laughed suddenly: "The extreme night means that it is always dark, and the night may last for several months. The extreme day means that it is always day, and the day may last for several months, without night.

The earth can be seen as a round ball. The sun is much larger than the earth, and the light it shines on the earth can be seen as parallel light.

The middle line of the earth is the equator, but one of the reasons why we have four seasons changes throughout the year is that the sun's rays do not always shine directly on the equator, but sway within a range north and south of the equator.

This range is between the "Tropic of Cancer" and the "Tropic of Cancer". The so-called "Tropic of Cancer" is the northernmost place where solar energy is directly irradiated. The Tropic of Cancer passes through the five provinces of China, including Guangdong, Guangxi, and Baodao.

The day when the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer is the "summer solstice" of China's 24 solar terms. On that day, standing near the Tropic of Cancer, the sun is directly above the head at noon, and the shadow falls on a small group below the body! ".

"Hey~ It looks so interesting. The summer solstice is directly hitting the Tropic of Cancer?" Huang Yun asked.

"It's basically correct. Well, this is the geography knowledge I learned in junior high school. It's a bit fuzzy now. You can search it. If I say something wrong, just pretend that I didn't say it." Li Shu said with a smile.

Huang Yun: “… “.

"If you said something wrong, just pretend you didn't say it? Haha, why did you leave yourself a way out?" Huang Yun laughed so hard that her branches trembled and her shoulders shrugged. She suddenly felt that Li Shu was a little cute.

"I'm afraid of being slapped in the face." Li Shu said with a smile: "Continuing with the topic just now, because the sun's rays move from the equator to the Tropic of Cancer, the light it emits also moves northward.

The moving distance is not short!

Because the equator is south of Singapore, the direct sunlight moves north from the south of Singapore, passing through Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, and then reaches China. After hitting the Tropic of Cancer, the direct sunlight moves south again, all the way to the Tropic of Cancer. The weather in China From summer to winter. ".

Huang Yun nodded excitedly: "Direct sunlight travels from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Cancer, and China goes from cold winter to spring, and then to midsummer; direct sunlight slowly returns from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Cancer, and then China goes from summer to autumn, and then to midsummer. Cold winter; the cycle starts over again in the second year, and the four seasons cycle again throughout the year! Hey! The four seasons are coming out!

We are all on the same earth. Unexpectedly, just the difference in the location of direct sunlight can seriously affect temperature changes, and even cause extreme climates such as midsummer and cold winter. ".

"That's right." Li Shu said with a smile: "It's easy to understand that direct sunlight moves. When direct sunlight moves from the equator to the Tropic of Cancer, the polar day phenomenon begins at the North Pole, and the polar night phenomenon begins at the South Pole.

The closer the direct sunlight is to the Tropic of Cancer, the greater the range of polar day in the Arctic and the greater the range of polar night in Antarctica.

Of course, when direct sunlight reaches the Tropic of Cancer, moves south to the equator, and then crosses the equator and moves south again, polar night begins in the North Pole and polar day begins in the Antarctic.

This is what I understand. There shouldn't be any mistakes. If there are mistakes, it will be treated as if I didn't say these words. ".

"Hahaha, okay, I seem to understand." Huang Yun nodded, "So when the North Pole falls into a state of polar night, the Antarctic is in a state of polar day, and vice versa. Then isn't most of Greenland now in a state of polar night?

It's winter in China now, so the sun's rays must have escaped and hit the Tropic of Capricorn, otherwise China wouldn't be so cold, right? ".

"Yes." Li Shu said with a smile: "You are ready to teach!".

"Hehe, I have been very smart since I was a child.".

"Ahem, boasting is okay." Li Shu said with a smile: "Actually, I have been thinking about whether to take a plane to fly north and enter the polar night zone of Greenland."

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(End of chapter)