Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 4: A playful smile


The warm feeling was very comfortable. Li Shu knew that this was the effect of the chalcedony water. He sat on the floor and carefully experienced the changes caused by the chalcedony water, as if time was slowing down.

After an unknown amount of time, the warm feeling in his body subsided, and Li Shulian slowly opened his eyes: "Huh~ The feeling just now was so comfortable, just like soaking in a hot spring, eh? Why is my skin so greasy? Is it to cleanse the essence and cut the marrow?"

A layer of greasy dirt on the back of his right hand was destroyed, and an unpleasant smell instantly emitted. Li Shu resisted the urge to vomit and rushed into the bathroom.


The water flowed through his body. Li Shu scrubbed his body five or six times in a row until his body was all red. He put on clean clothes and stood in front of the floor-length mirror, looking left and right: "Hey, I feel relaxed." He has grown a lot, and his strength seems to have become much stronger.

Some acne marks and two or three red spots on my face have also disappeared. It's amazing. "

After he went downstairs and walked out of the villa, he saw a large pale white stone 30 meters to the right of the door, weighing about 300 kilograms. He walked over and bent down to hug the stone. With a loud shout, the big stone was really lifted by him. Pick up.


"Xiaoshu, you are so strong!" Uncle Hai passed by pushing a cart of sugar cane in a small cart. When he saw this scene, his pupils shrank and his eyes almost popped out.


The thrush also flew over happily and circled around the plum tree, extremely happy.


Li Shu slowly put down the stone, patted the dust on his palms and said with a smile, "Uncle Hai, have you finished cutting the sugar cane? Let me help you."

"Ah, no, no, no, I can just chop it slowly by myself."

"It's okay, I'm free now anyway."

"Haha, then come with me."

Uncle Hai pushed a cart of sugar cane to the small dock. The sugar cane was placed on a wooden frame half a meter above the ground. The wooden frame was then covered with a plastic sheet so that it would not get wet or rot even if it rained.

"The sugar cane will be transported away by ship tomorrow morning." Uncle Hai smiled. He and Li Shu returned to the sugar cane field, looking at the rows of thick black sugar cane growing straight, and instructing Li Shu to use a sugar cane knife to dry it.

"This is a new type of sugar cane knife. It uses two small blades on the back that are like small wings to scrape sugar cane leaves. Use the sharp blade to cut the sugar cane. Note that it is best to cut the sugar cane diagonally, which saves the most effort, because the fiber of sugar cane is It’s long vertically, so it would be very laborious to cut it horizontally.”

"There is also wisdom in the little sugar cane knife." Li Shu nodded, then swung the knife and started to chop. He found that after taking the chalcedony spiritual water, his strength, speed, and endurance increased a lot. Uncle Hai praised Li Shu Cut well, cut fast.

Dream Island is oval in shape, with a long axis of about 500 meters and a short axis of 300 meters. It covers an area of about 177 acres, or about 118,000 square meters.

Uncle Hai planted five acres of sugar cane, five acres of strawberries, and some mango trees on the island to supplement his living expenses.

Gradually, red fire clouds cover the western sky, colorful, and beautiful light falls on the sugar cane, the faces of plum trees and Uncle Hai, and the feathers of the blackbird, as if everything is covered with a layer of mysterious gauze. .

Li Shu stood upright and clicked photos with his mobile phone. The beautiful "sunset island pictures" were frozen on his mobile phone.

"Uncle Hai, please take a photo for me. Choose the beautiful sunset as the background."

"Okay." Uncle Hai took off his gloves with a smile. He saw that Li Shu had already stood up. The moment he pressed the shutter, the thrush suddenly entered the frame and landed directly on the top of Li Shu.


"Go, go, you stupid bird knows how to join in the fun, but don't treat my hair as your nest. Come down quickly." Li Shu grabbed the thrush from the top of his head and put it on his shoulder. He took the phone and looked at it. He found that the thrush The bird was frozen by the shutter when it was about 20 centimeters above the head of the plum tree.

"Fire clouds, blackbirds, the sea, islands... Tsk tsk, this artistic conception is so beautiful, it feels a bit like the falling clouds and the solitary owl flying together." Li Shu was very satisfied and directly posted the picture on WeChat Moments with the text "Lugging clouds" Fly with the thrush!"

Soon, a group of his college classmates liked and left comments, but by this time Li Shu had already put away his mobile phone and continued cutting sugar cane.

Time passed, and three days passed quickly.

During these three days, apart from helping Uncle Hai harvest the sugar cane and strawberries, Li Shu spent the rest of his time taking care of the crabs that were kept on the first floor of the villa.

Since taking out the chalcedony spiritual water from the ring would cause deep fatigue to his spirit, he could not take out too much chalcedony spiritual water every day, which undoubtedly limited the speed at which he could raise crabs.

However, three days later, the 50 crabs have grown to 7 to 9 pounds. Although there are no super large bread crabs of 12 pounds this time, the weight of 7 to 9 pounds is not small.

This morning, the villa was on the first floor.

"Hey, little guy, even if you have pliers, I'm not afraid of you... Damn it, big brother, don't pinch me, don't pinch me... Humph, aren't you tied up by me? I'll flick your skull!" Li Shu squatted on the crab Crabs were tied next to the tank, and the water inside had been drained. The big crabs, with their skin flashing a cold and hard color like armor, were running like heavy tanks, waving their sharp pliers and wanting to pinch the plum tree. .

However, after taking the chalcedony spiritual water, Li Shu's reflexes also greatly increased. His left hand reached out like lightning and instantly grabbed a big crab, and his right hand used a special white crab-tying band to untie it.

Crab tying requires a lot of skill, and you must not loosen the tying, otherwise the crab may break away halfway, and if someone suddenly pulls it with a pair of pliers, your fingers may be pinched off.

It cannot be tied tightly, otherwise the crab will be directly strangled to death. The dead crab will soon become rancid and smelly, and will become worthless by then.

"It's done. All 50 crabs have been tied up. The next step is to sell them." Li Shu moved nine large white foam boxes from the small warehouse next to him, put an ice bag in each box, and then put the tied crabs into Put the big crab in and close the lid.

"You can't tell what's in the box from the outside. It's perfect." Li Shu was very satisfied.

Nine foam boxes were transported to the pier through the ferry boat of the swarthy man "Lisha". The cold chain truck hired through the online platform last night was already waiting at the pier. Bang~ put the nine foam boxes on the cold chain truck and locked the door.

Li Shu turned back to Li Sha's ferry boat on the pier and handed Li Sha a 100 ringgit note.

"Brother Li Shu, what are you doing? You're just remembering my brother, why do I need so much money?"

"Take it, take it quickly. You take the boat, the labor, and the fuel. If you don't accept it, then I won't dare to use your boat in the future." Li Shu threw the money away in order to avoid any trouble. On his boat, he quickly ran to the cold chain transport vehicle not far away and left quickly.

"Hey, Brother Li Shu is so good at doing things." Li Sha even picked up the 100 ringgit that fell on the boat and was almost blown into the sea by the wind. Mua~ kissed the character's head directly on it.

His monthly income is only 1,000~1,500 ringgit, so 100 ringgit is already a lot.

the other side.

Li Shu sat in the passenger seat of the fresh food transport truck and came to the "Saba Seafood Restaurant" again. As the fresh food truck stopped, Li Shulian jumped out of the passenger seat. Today, Li Saba changed into a pink short-sleeved shirt. He still had that iconic smiling expression on his face.

"Welcome, brother Li Shu, did you still catch the crabs this time?" Li Shaba shook Li Shu's hand with his big hand, and his eyes glanced at Li Shu and the cold food cart, with a trace of amusement in his eyes.

Li Shu frowned and sighed in his heart: "Li Shaba is already suspicious of the origin of the big crabs I sold. It seems that I can't sell them to him again in the future. I originally planned to sell him three boxes of crabs this time, but now... Just sell one box and forget it.”

"Yes, this is also my luck. I found a crab nest."


The door behind the cold food truck was opened. Li Shu picked a box of 5 crabs based on his impression and sold them to Li Shaba. The price negotiation process was much simpler. The crabs this time were much smaller than last time, so the average price was 2,900. If you sell one for MYR, 5 of them are MYR 14,500!

"Thanks!" Li Shu put the counted banknotes into his wallet, then carefully stuffed the wallet into his backpack, said hello and walked out of the seafood shop.

"Brother Li Shu, no matter how good you are, you still have to think of me. I will definitely satisfy you with my offer."

"It's easy to talk about." Li Shu said casually, walked out of the seafood shop and jumped into the passenger seat of the cold food truck. The dull driver he hired followed his instructions and started driving.

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(End of chapter)