Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 40: Buy pearl door curtains


The small living room became quiet, Li Shu leaned on the back of the sofa and drank tea leisurely, while the half-bald Zhao Bin and several pearl appraisal experts were carefully appraising pearls one by one.

There are a total of 55 pearls in the small box. It would probably take Zhao Bin and others more than half an hour to identify these pearls alone. This speed is already considered fast.

"Chi Liu~" Li Shu drank tea leisurely and waited quietly. He thought in his heart: "After selling the pearls, go buy a cat. Cats and dogs are born good friends. With a dog, without a cat, It will look monotonous.”


The half-bald Zhao Bin and others finally appraised 55 pearls. He smiled and said: "All the pearls are top-quality pearls, and the diameters are between 19mm and 20mm. How about a unified price?"

"Okay." Li Shu nodded lightly.

"Haha, Mr. Li is so refreshing," the half-bald Zhao Bin laughed, and then changed the topic: "The pearls last time were the same as this one, they were 19mm. The pearls last time were 450,000 ringgit each. Then this time..."

"This time it can no longer cost 450,000 ringgit." Li Shulian said: "Mr. Zhao should also understand that my pearls naturally have a very charming soft light, and the quality is far better than ordinary pearls, so the price Should I mention it again?”

"Uh?" The half-bald Zhao Bin was slightly startled, but he turned around to discuss with several pearl appraisal experts and said directly and neatly:

"Add another RM100,000 to that one, which equals RM550,000 each. There are 55 in total, and the total price is RM30.25 million!"

This made Li Shu stunned. He didn't expect Zhao Bin to be so generous. He could keenly feel that the half-bald Zhao Bin seemed to want to please him, but he didn't need to be so cheerful to please him, right

"Zhao Bin has other purposes?" Li Shu thought in his mind, and then shook the messy thoughts out of his head: "Don't think about it. The higher the price, the better. The higher the price, the more beneficial it is to me."

"Okay, then it's 550,000 ringgit each." After Li Shu agreed, he said: "I also brought some more high-quality pearls this time. I don't know if Mr. Zhao can eat them."


The second box was taken out and opened, and 15 larger, top-quality pearls were instantly exposed in front of Zhao Bin. The latter looked at Li Shu in shock, as if he had gotten to know Li Shu again: "Every time I think of Mr. Li being so powerful, diameter Can you get so many 20mm pearls?”

"Luck, luck, Mr. Zhao, let's make a price."

The half-bald Zhao Bin carefully verified the authenticity with several appraisers. He didn't dare to be careless at all. After all, this kind of top-quality pearl was too expensive. If there was a fake one mixed in, and they didn't detect it, , I’m afraid I won’t be able to eat it and have to walk around.

"There's nothing wrong with it, they're all genuine." The half-bald Zhao Bin met the eyes of several appraisers, and the appraisers nodded slightly.

"As for the price... How about 1 million each? Please understand, Mr. Li, that our company must always make some profits." Zhao Bin said with hope in his eyes. He was really afraid that Li Shu would not agree.

"Okay, just one million." Li Shu nodded heavily.

Signing the contract is relatively simple. The total sum of all the pearls is RM45.25 million.

"Swish, swish, swish~" After signing with a swipe of his pen, Li Shu said, "Mr. Zhao, where is your toilet? I was drinking tea when you were appraising the pearls just now, and I drank a little too much tea."

"The toilet is right where you go straight out and turn right. I'll ask my subordinate to take you there." Zhao Bin called a tall and thin young man and asked him to take Li Shu to the toilet.

"Huh~" The living room became quiet, Zhao Bin sat on the sofa, his eyes stayed on the beautiful pearls in the box, and murmured: "Meeting Li Shu is an opportunity, maybe I should start my own business, Mengzhu Group? This is a company run by Li Shu, right?"

Zhao Bin waited and waited, but Li Shu never came back, so he stood up and walked out, muttering: "It's impossible to go to the toilet, did you fall in it?"

Zhao Bin found the toilet all the way, but he didn't see Li Shu or the tall and thin employee. He walked out of the toilet and muttered: "Where are the people?"


He looked around and found a tall, thin employee standing outside the craft room 50 meters away to the west, seemingly helpless. He walked over and asked, "What's going on?"

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Li just accidentally discovered some pearl crafts in this room. He is still admiring them. I..." the tall and thin employee said aggrievedly, for fear of being punished.

"Go and do your work." Zhao Bin scolded with a serious face. When he saw his subordinates leaving, Lian walked into the pearl crafts room with a gentle smile on his face.

The room with an area of about 50 square meters is surrounded by a wooden frame about 1.5 meters high. The door curtains made of pearls are hung on the wooden frames. Looking around, there are pearl curtains. My eyes are dizzy.

Seeing Li Shu standing in front of the innermost pearl curtain, Zhao Bin walked over and said with a smile: "Mr. Li has good eyesight. There are more than 200 pearl curtains in this small warehouse, but the one in front of you is made of the best material." One piece, 1.8 meters high and 75 centimeters wide.

A total of 12,000 high-quality pearls were used to string this pearl door curtain. Each pearl is about 10mm in diameter. If Mr. Li wants it, I can give you a preferential price! "

"How much?" Li Shu said directly. Pearls with a diameter of 10mm were strung together with threads, and then juxtaposed to form a door curtain. They were warm and full. When gently moved, the pearls collided with each other, making a sweet sound. crisp sound.

This pearl door curtain has great visual impact, even better than the pearl door curtain Li Shu saw in the lounge when he first came to Tianzhu Nake Group.

“If someone else buys it, it’s impossible to take it away without 1.5 million ringgit. However, Mr. Li is also a big customer of our group. I can make the decision and lower the price to 1.2 million ringgit.” Zhao Bin said with a smile.

"Then I want this door curtain." Li Shu said directly. A door curtain made of 12,000 pearls can be purchased for only RM1.2 million. On average, one pearl only costs RM100.

For no other reason, it is because the diameter of these pearls is too small, only 10mm. Although the quality is excellent, it cannot be considered the best, and it will still be classified as "ordinary".

"A pearl with a diameter of 20mm costs 1 million ringgit; a pearl with a diameter of 10mm costs 100 ringgit." Li Shu thought to himself: "This huge price gap is really crazy. In fact, a 10mm pearl also costs 100 ringgit." It’s quite beautiful, white and round, and although it’s a little different in diameter, it’s very advantageous in terms of price.”

The 1.2 million used to buy the pearl curtains was directly deducted from the payment that had not yet been made to Li Shu, and Zhao Bin directly sent a ship to deliver the pearl curtains to Neverland. The service was quite considerate.

"Mr. Li, walk slowly."

"Mr. Zhao, go back and do your work. There is no need to send it off."

Another 44.05 million ringgit was received in Li Shu's account. He was in an extremely beautiful mood. He got into a taxi and said directly: "Master, go to the largest pet hospital in Tanguan City."

(End of chapter)