Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 41: The first appearance of the orange cat


The sun was setting, the sky was full of sunset, the window behind the taxi was open, and the soft breeze blew in from the window, gently caressing Li Shu's face.

Sitting in the taxi and looking down the street, I saw that every grilled seafood restaurant was already packed with guests and bustling with people.

Danguan City is not big, with a total population of only 300,000. The taxi soon arrived at a pet hospital.

After paying and getting out of the car, looking at the sign with red letters on a white background, Li Shu thought: "Nuan Nuan Pet Hospital?"

Walking up the steps and pushing the door open to enter the store, Li Shu discovered that on the left was the pet area, which was well planned and included cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, and giant long insects.

On the right side is the hospital part separated by simple partitions, with beds and medical staff in white coats.

It looked very formal, but Li Shu knew that there was a lot of showmanship involved.

"Ni Hao! How can I help you?" the Chinese boss came over with a box of fried noodles. The aroma of fried noodles wafted into the air, and some cats and dogs who were originally curled up in the cage raised their ears and looked. Some of the fried noodles in the hands of the young boss were still sobbing slightly and swallowing.

"I want a cat. Do you have any cats available for adoption in your store?" Li Shu asked directly.

The shop owner was about 30 years old. His ears were surprisingly big and his earlobes were slightly red. It looked like they had been twisted.

"Except for a very small number of cats fostered here by customers, all other cats can be adopted." The shop owner even put down the box of fried noodles, wiped his mouth with his palm and said, "Please follow me."


Li Shu followed the big-eared boss to the pet area. When the little animals saw Li Shu, a stranger, many of them started to stir slightly. Some cats even hissed to warn Li Shu not to come near.

Although the boss's pronunciation was not standard, he was very eloquent and knew every cat very well. At the end of the speech, his mouth was dry and he said: "Xiansen, which one do you like? It's very cheap to adopt cats here. They are all 10 ringgit each.”

"You... are there any orange cats here?" Li Shu still wants an orange cat. Their family had an orange cat when they were young. It was fat and big. It was really a beautiful memory of Li Shu's childhood.

It's a pity that the cat left one day and never came back. It may have died somewhere in the corner.

"Orange cat?" The big-eared boss was stunned. He looked up and down the plum tree carefully. After a moment of silence, he said, "There is an orange cat in our store. It turned out to be a second-generation stray cat who always steals grilled fish. He ate fish from the store and was later caught and brought here. The cat had a bad temper, was wild and untamable, and had some heart problems."

"Take me to have a look." Li Shu still admired the shop owner's honesty.

"Okay, please follow me." The store owner walked deeper into the pet area, and Li Shu followed suit. It turned out that there was an old locked wooden door 1.5 meters high at the end. Click~ After the store owner opened the wooden door, Li Shu Follow him through.

This is a small room of about 10 square meters. On the tattered wooden table in front of the north wall is a dusty cat cage. An orange cat is curled up in the cat cage, with a slanting 7-inch mark on its right abdomen. The wound, which was about an inch long, had turned into a scar. It seemed to be an old wound, but the hair around the wound had not grown back yet.

The rays of the setting sun shine in from the small window on the west and shine on the cage. The orange cat seems to be covered with a misty veil.

"The wound on this cat's body is..." Li Shu frowned.

The big-eared boss felt an inexplicable aura lock on him, and his pressure increased instantly. He even waved his hands and said: "The wounds on its body were not caused by me. Don't get me wrong. Didn't I tell you before that it stole fish?" Eat fish from the store.

This wound was inflicted by the owner of the grilled fish shop. This cat is very thieving. It seems to want to choose which grilled fish is more delicious, so it will take two bites of the grilled fish every day. After a month of persistence, people think that the grilled fish is more delicious. The fish in the store were gnawed by rats, and the store closed down immediately... "


At this time.

The orange cat who was locked in the cage suddenly stood up and stretched, and glanced at the shop owner and Li Shu with a pair of cat eyes, like a proud queen looking at the humble pariah.

The orange cat walked to the water bowl and licked the water as if there was no one around. After drinking the water, he returned to the corner and continued to sleep.

"I feel like this cat's eyes are unfriendly." Li Shu pinched his chin and said.

"Sir, you've seen it, right? This cat doesn't take people seriously at all. The reason why I locked it here is because if it is locked outside, it will scare other cats, and other cats will be scared." Very afraid of it." The shop owner explained.

Li Shu nodded slightly. He was quite satisfied with the appearance of this cat. It was very handsome and slightly plump. It should feel good when petted.

It’s just the cat’s personality…

"Please wait a moment, I'll be back as soon as I can." Li Shu apologized, got out of the room and left.

"Uh... what the hell?" The owner of the Big Ear Store was a little confused. He didn't know what Li Shu was going to do.

Fortunately, Li Shu came back in just two minutes, but he still had an unopened bottle of mineral water in his hand, with only half a bottle of water in it.

The mineral water bottle was not capped. Li Shu entered the hut with the mineral water bottle. A very light aroma wafted out from the chalcedony water in the bottle and filled the room.

"Meow~" The big orange cat, which originally ignored Li Shu and Li Shu, rushed to the cage in excitement, staring at the water bottle in Li Shu's hand with a pair of beautiful big eyes.

"Eh? Is this orange cat reacting!?" The big-eared boss looked at the orange cat curiously. Since the aroma of the chalcedony water was very weak, he couldn't smell it.

"What kind of water is this? The orange cat seems to be staring at the water in your bottle."

"It's just ordinary water." Li Shu smiled and raised his neck to take a sip of water. Then he walked to the cage, shook the bottle and said, "This is the mineral water I just bought. Orange cat, do you want to drink it?" ? Let me touch it and I’ll give it to you to drink.”

Li Shu stretched his left hand toward the orange cat little by little. He paid attention to the orange cat's reaction. If the guy wanted to scratch him violently, he would immediately withdraw his hand.

The big orange cat looked at Li Shu's hand that was gradually approaching his back, and frowned for a moment. The sharp nails on his two furry front paws were exposed due to the force, but looking at the fragrant mineral water bottle, It still didn't explode.

Just by smelling the aroma, the orange cat felt that every cell in his body was cheering. Now he had one thought in his mind - he must drink the fragrant water, and he would pay any price.

"Well, he's very good, and his hair is very soft, hahaha." Li Shu laughed loudly, turned back to the big-eared boss and said, "I want this orange cat!"

(End of chapter)